Memory Lane
A/n Hello everyone I'm slowly coming back still recovering and all that jazz anyways I got inspired by my favorite movie and the photos I see in tumblr so the pictures aren't mine I give credit to their creators anyways hope you enjoy
Info: Marco takes star to his great-grandmas house and listen to all the stories she had and how it was back in the day, as the stories come to an end star is intrigued to go back and experience it just like his great-grandmother did..will things go wrong like always or will it be okay? (Feels in this..)
Word count: 2459
Song: Never forget you..
Marco pov
I decided to visit my great-grandmother Lucile Martinez, she's the only one living out of the greats, I'm so surprised she lived this long knowing her kids are older as well and have kids and grandkids of their own "So, is she wise like old people are?" I chuckled a bit as I held the small basket of fresh bread
"Um, depends what you ask her, tell you right now, her memory is kinda weary" star nods and we arrive at the nursing home "Hello you two, are you here to see Lucy?" I nodded and the nurse pointed down the hall and saw the door with her name in it "Who's there? Mark is that you?"
I smiled and entered "No, one of your great grandsons Marco Diaz, Amanda's grandson?" She looked at me and pills my face and looks at me "You look so much like Antonio..Oh how I miss him, I assume your not alone?"
I look behind and see Star a little uneasy and I held out my hand and she took slowly "This is my best friend, Star" "Hello, nice to meet you" Lucille looked at her and thought she saw a ghost, she pointed at a drawer and star went and opened it and pulled a photo album and we sat beside her "You dear, remind me of myself when I was around your age"
I was little confused until she opened a page in the album and see her with My great grandfather Antonio "Wow, you look so pretty, you had blonde hair?" I took a look at the photo a nd star, the resemblance was on point minus the hearts on her cheeks
"I did, that's why I say Marco took after Antonio..he was so caring and smart and his chocolate brown eyes I used to melt like a skillet" she held on the photo and I looked at her "Well, tell us how you guys met?" She smiles and looks at us "You wanna hear me talk about my love?"
"Yeah! I would love to hear it" star looked so excited and I sigh a bit "Star, I don't think she'll be able to talk for long" "Nonsense Marco, just give my cup of water and my pills for my blood pressure" I got up and brought her meds and water and we settled in and watched her think where it all happened..
*Flash back ( Star as Lucy and Marco as Antonio) just picture it
Lucy pov
'I was walking towards the most popular place in town for teens, just turned 15 and looking for some fun, the songs making you want to do a little dance, I would always meet up with my girls Jess, Lila, and Lisa, I was the only the one in the group that wouldn't do anything reckless well until I met him..'
"Oh I see, Lucy is in love with a bad boy.." the girls giggle and pushed them trying to shush then until he walked over "Sup, ladies seems your alone over here..say why don't we get out of this joint and get to somewhere better?"
His gaze never left my hazel eyes and his eyes were like candy "Where to?" One of the girls asked I just ignored them as they left with his friends "Fellas talk my car, but don't get to jacked you morons" he said and I was blushing and couldn't process words "You look gorgeous darling"
I smirked as he took a seat across from me "You don't look bad yourself" he was just so different from other guys I've seen or talked to, we spent all day in the joint that he walked me home in the cold dark night..he made me laugh and smile at what he said, it was sweet to my soul
"This is my place..Thanks Antonio" he wrapped his arm around my slender waist and I felt my face heat up "Just call me Toni doll" I smiled as he laid the best kiss I could ever get from a man, after that night we did everything together, going out on small dates, doing activities such as going to parties and things that I usually didn't do, but for him I did..
When we starts out senior year, we had a downfall and it broke me well both of us..I had to move away and I wasn't going to see him again but he was already 18 and living on his own and I was turning 18 the month I was leaving.. ("So what did you do?"-S) We got married in secret and I ran away not bothering to finish school..
it was the rush of my life, when he slid that ring on i was complete ("Even if you guys were young?"-M) it didn't matter because we fell in love, and when you know you found the one it's like a fresh of breath of air, of course I was scared what my parents would think but I was already out of the state before the news got to them..
"Toni, do you think we did the right thing?" "Of course doll, we can be together forever and nothing could come and break it for us" he kissed me with so much love that it was addicting "Forever?" "Always.." thag word always rang in my mind as the years took a toll on us..having out kids and watching them grow as they had kids of their own and so on..'
Marco pov
I saw the tears fall from her cheek and Star hugged her and they giggle a bit "In sorry your husband is gone lucy" she shakes her head "He's never gone, he's in my heart forever no matter what darling..I still have the first gift he gave me, marco in that closest there is a box please bring it here"
I nodded and pulled down a very old looking box, labeled with 'My Things' on it "Here you go" she smiles and pulls out a headband that are black devil headband and stars eyes widen "that's why I told you you two remind me of us, it's the strangest thing..
I wore this until I was 36 years old and put them away to give to my child to come but I ended up having boys and a girl later on but she wasn't into it I want to give this to you honey" I watched as she handed it to star
"Oh Lucy, but I don't want to take this..your husband gave this to you" she rolls her eyes "I have many others in a rainbow of colors but im pretty sure you dont" star giggles and takes it and hold her shoulder
"Thanks" "No problem..I've been smelling bread, did you bring some?" I laughed a bit and brought her a couple "Oh it smells delicious" we sat there talking some more until it night and we had to go "Well we gotta go, see you soon" "Yes of course please do" we nod and head home as we did star out the black devil horns on and was giggling
"She seems so cool..Marco we should totally go back in time and see how it was wouldn't that he cool?!" "I don't know star..they wore different clothes and had weird sayings or phrases that we don't understand, can't you tell the way she talked?" " would be cool and you can actually be a bad boy.."
I groan knowing that I always wanted to be one "Please..Marco" I rolled my eyes "Fine..quick and we come right back" she squeal and opened up a portal and as we stepped out, everything seemed weird that our clothes changed as well..
I was in a white tee and jeans with black converse and my hair slicked back as I looked at star, she was in a high waisted skirt that was just at the knees and her too was real with her jelly fish in it and her hair in a high pony with her red horns
"Whoa, look at us? Don't we look 'Swinging?" I shake my head "Star don't talk, let's just see what's up in this time" as we walked people were looking at us, was it because of our clothes? "Wow, so much colors especially yellow!" I nodded and a couple of guys were looking at star the way I didn't like
"Hey dollface why don't you leave me your digits?" Star was confused and stepped back "Um what?" I came between the guys and her "Oh look a hero, she's a beauty ain't she let us through pip squeak your a little young for her" I glared at him and pushed his chest
"Don't talk about her like that! She's a person not an object..move along she's taken!" I pulled star under my arm and we moved away and I sigh in relief as I looked down at star she was red "Oh I'm sorry star!" I said and she smiles and wrapped her arms around my waist "Thanks.."
I nodded and held in as we see the joint that Lucy was talking about we see her with her friends we enter and sit a couple seats away, Star watches and I tell her not to stare and we order milkshakes..after a couple minutes Antonio came in with his crew looking around until he saw Lucy,
I must admit it was cheesy but it was cute "Aw she's so adorable and she really looks like me..Marco what's her last name before she changed it?" "I believe it was Otis..not sure" after a while Lucy walked by to the juke box and star scared her while she looked at her "Hey there!"
She backs away a bit "Um, hello there" star stands and fixed herself "I'm Star-la I just moved here..with my handsome fella Mar-cus" nice save star "Well nice meeting you two, let me get back to that hunk over there..and I love your headband it suits you..bye" she waves and walks back to Toni and star has hearts in her eyes
"To think she was only 15 at this time and we're 14" I nod but then I realized she said I was a handsome fella "Wait..did you just imply I was handsome?" She blushed "Marco get with the character your supposed to play" we argued a bit until I felt a tap on my shoulder
"" it was guy from before "I'm not done giving you a piece of my mind" he pulled my shirt and lifted me off the ground which made star pull her wand but the guy was punched by Toni "Follow us now!" We nodded and I pulled star and we hid beside the building and we relaxed
"Thanks" I say and he looks at me odd "What's wrong?" He looks at me "You look a lot like me..right darling?" Lucy looked at me and nods and looks at star as well "Kind to think of it she looks like me" we looked at each hoping nothing happens "Yeah..where are you two from?" "Florida!" Star yells and I shake my head
"Aren't you two young to be together and travelling?" I was about to speak but star stopped "We might but we found love in a hopeless place, wouldn't you do the same for the person you love?" I blushed a bit as she wrapped herself around me
"That's true..I guess of you meet the right one then it's possible.." star nods as she cuddled in my chest "Toni..isn't that an adorable head hand?" He looked at Star's head band and he nods "I'll but you one darling" "Oh no, you don't have to sweetie" "nonsense, anything to keep my girl happy, am I right..uh"
"Marcus..and yeah" after awhile we started to head our different ways "Well thanks for hanging out with us" they nod "Anytime Honey..good luck out there it's pretty rough" Lucy said and we nodded "Alright" she hugs me and star and Toni pats my's bitter sweet because in a couple years from now he'll be home before I turn 4
"Take care Hijo, Buena suerte out there" I felt my eyes water and I hugged him which made him bump but he held back "I will..hey before you leave can you remember when you have a great grandkid to remind him that you'll love him" he nods and looks at me "Alright..take care now"
they waved and walked away and I felt stars hand on my shoulder "You miss him huh?" I nodded and showed her the necklace he gave me when I was..I never took it off "Everyday, let's go home" star nods and we get to our time and we're in our normal clothes as we walked inside mom was looking at us and I Lucy on the couch and as I entered I saw Toni..
he was alive and looked well I thought I was seeing a ghost but as I walked up to him he smiles at me "A friend told me..when I have a great grandkid to tell them that I love them..I love you Marco" I wrapped my arms around him and cried a bit and he held tight "I missed you.."
"where did I go?" What the heck happened as I look I see star smiling "Never mind.." "Grandpa Toni would you want some coffee?" He nods and left with the rest I walked towards star "What did you do?" "I might've done something to stop his death..your welcome" I hugged star
"I'm so happy I could kiss you!" We both blush and look at each other "I mean..uh" star smirked and pulled my face and kissed me and I kissed back after that she held on me "I love you Marco" "I love you too Star"
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