Live With Ash
A/n I wanted to continue it so don't judge me and also tell me what you think afterwards, like I love your comments and I do read them I just tend to forget to text back, it's a habit ╮(╯▽╰)╭ what can I say? Anyways let's get back to the show. Also long part..
Song: svtfoe theme remix
Word count: 2015
'Hello everyone and welcome to my show, as all of you know I got to interview the Cast of Star Vs the forces of Evil, I had a chance to talk with them and to go back stage to their premiere, the cast is really fun to be around no wonder everyone loves these lovable characters in the show'
'Joining me tonight is Adam, Eden, Grey and Abby..the four I interviewed a week ago, come on in guys'
"Wow, so much screaming and yelling?"-Adam
"Shut up Adam, your used to it"-Abby
"Guys we're on live TV so chill"-grey
' it's great seeing all of you again, how's the new season coming along?'
"It's going smoothly, we're taking our time and getting everything to go right, so no mistakes and stuff"-Adam
"Yeah, like Adam says we're trying to keep the mood how it was when we finished last season, right now the characters are very confused and stuff so that's how our mindset should be, especially my character who's in tears in his arms, right Grey?"-Eden
"Yeah, it's kinda hard right now with the first few episodes but it'll get better we can't really say much about it sorry to the fans"-Grey
'So, besides recording the New episodes what have you guys been up to, I'll start with Abby'
"Well, what we normally do, go out have fun chill and relax do things with our families, working on new things so that's exciting..I've been training with my personal trainer I workout along with Eden, remember that?"-Abby
"Was it..oh yeah I remember, Abby was so pumped one morning for shooting and I just got done and she asked if I wanted to work out and I said sure, well when got there her trainer scared the absolute turd out of me, he said what?"-Eden
"It keeps the blood pumping"-Abby
"Yeah and I'm like it scared me so bad I almost cried but overall working out is awesome"-Eden
'I have a instagram photo where you and Abby are posed at the gym, look at that'
"We have to keep the figure, and I actually have those abs, if I was in a T-shirt I would've showed you, Eden can probably"-Abby
"What? No I'm not gonna show everyone Abby, but yeah it's there..along with other cast the one that plays my mom, she's an awesome woman"-Eden
'Anything new coming up for anyone?'
"We have a panel to attend, anyone interested it's in January on the 10th in comic con in Florida, which is cool for us we get to travel to meet fans and I'm honored to take photos and videos with them, I think it was Eden who told me that it brings a smile to her face when she sees younger fans look up to her, we're excited to see we give joy to these fans that like the show"-Adam
"I wanna add, we get free stuff everytime we go places, especially these two right here, Adam and Eden always comes on set with free stuff from the outside, like food or drinks or even when we get to Florida I'm pretty sure these two are gonna get a lot of gifts from the fans"-Abby
"That's not always true, in the show where Jackie has her seashell necklace, I met a fan from our last panel we went to and a girl came up to me and showed me the necklace that looks exactly like it. She made it herself and she wears it every time she sees me at comic con, I have a picture of us on my instagram"-Grey
'Wow, it's so beautiful how old is she?'
"She's 15 it's crazy and then she showed me pictures of Eden's characters wand and the journal that girl is super talented, she made a bracelet I wish I had it" -grey
"I've seen so many people cosplay is us that it's ridiculous, especially our gender swap ones, I've seen Adams's character as a girl and turns out he can actually be a cute girl"-Eden
"Yeah, seeing red hoodies everywhere and hearing quotes from the show too, these fans are so dedicated to it that it surprises us sometimes, I remember I walked into a candy shop with..Michael we finished shooting storm the castle and decided to go get candy when we got there fans were taking pictures of us and Michael made me laugh, he disappeared from me and scared the fans and asked if they wanted pictures, they did and we took some, the fans were actually preparing to meet us the next day which was amazing"-Adam
'Okay, we are gonna play I've done it, so I will read questions and you have to raise your hand if you did it, if not don't raise your hand, it's simple'
'I have crossed the road without looking'
"I'll be honest, I almost got hit by a car, I was Adam near the set and we had to practice that skateboard scene, I went to far and I heard a horn and I jumped when I reached the other side"
"Oh yeah, that was a crazy day"
'I sing in the car when no one is around'
All their hands went up
'I have broken a bone in my body
Adam and grey raided their hands the other two didn't
"I never really do dangerous things, surprising since my character is the queen of recklessness.."-Eden
"I haven't either, I almost broke my arm when I was jumping on the trampoline at my house, I sprained it does that count?"-Abby
'I don't think so, Adam what have you broken, and same question for you Grey'
"I broke my foot, I dropped something really heavy when I was a kid, I broke three toes and only had two that were moving, it hurt so bad I was stuck on my porch watching my family have fun running and playing, it was torture" -Adam
"I broke my arm, I used to roller skate when I was kid, and I tried to do a trick and I landed bad and landed on my arm and it was just pain, I cried for hours when my parents rushed me to the hospital, I hated that day I don't have any feeling in my pinky or thumb"-Grey
'That's pretty crazy, I have sent a text saying I love you to a close friend or partner'
They looked at each other and didn't know if they wanted to raise their hands
'Guys, really?'
"I have, to my ex a while ago"-Abby
"Um, I sent it to my mom and a special someone I guess-Adam
"To my friends back home and to my boyfriend "-Grey
"Family I guess, and a couple people"-Eden
'I guess we'll end this game, next one is a classic, heads up if anyone knows'
"Oh my god I love that game! I am the champion in this game ask Eden and Abby"-Adam
"Oh yeah, he never loses so good luck ash with this one, are we going to be in partners?"-Abby
'Yes, Abby with Adam and Grey with Eden, I will keep the time and whoever has the most points wins'
They nod and we get ready, we will start with Abby and Adam first
'So there's no confusion team one will go first, and when time is up, the next team goes, so Adam and Abby you ready?'
They nod and I start the time
' 60 seconds on the clock and start'
"It's something you use in the shower"
"Shower cap?"
"Yes. Next one..Um you like this, it's sweet and sour and you can chew it"
"Sour patch kids?"
"Yeah, now you do this when your working out or when you wake up"
"Yes, you can use this when it's yucky out"
"Yes, we do this everyday, Um we do this for a living we like to.."
"Act? Acting?!"
"Sweet! Okay few more seconds Um you build this when the weather is cold and it's soft or hard?"
"Um is a snowman!"
"How much was that?"-Abby
'6 wow you mess around do you Adam?'
"Nope I don't, I'm telling you I love this game, try beating us girls"-Adam
"Well we can try, I'm horrible at this"-Grey
"It's okay cause it's not a competition, your insane Adam.."
'Your time starts now
"You only do this when the pond is frozen solid"
"Ice skate"
"Yep, when your running what are those things called when you jump over them?"
"Jump over what? A fence?"
"No, what track people jump over"
"Yes, you do this when you hear a catchy song"
"Yeah, oh easy Adam likes doing thos"
"Paint balling"
"Little kids love doing this in the rain"
"Jumping in puddles"
"Okay, you do this when you your tired"
"Sleep, no yawn?"
"Yes, but times up..high five girl"
'You two got 6 also, so it's a tie, but that's alright, Adam you look a little upset'
"How is it a tie when we went faster then them? It makes no sense, did you count right with mines?"-Adam
"Dude it's just a game, it's fine okay at least we had fun"-Abby
"True, sorry I get really into it, anything else we doing now?"-Adam
'Yeah questions from the fans in the audience, we have Laci ft California, what's your question?'
'Hello, my question is for Adam, when your character Marco grew that second head did it feel weird to have it?'
"Oh yeah, definitely weird I had to keep my neck tilted to keep the fake head from not falling, but it was pretty cool how they worked with me and the process"
'Next one is Caleb from New York, what's your question?'
'My question is for Eden and Abby, in the show where Janna and Star were at the graveyard, what did they feel trying to bring a ghost out?'
"Good question, that scene was actually built inside the set but we took parts from an actual cemetery, it was pretty cool for Janna and for me, it's an experience"-Abby
"Yeah, my character and Janna are two crazy girls, you don't know what to expect from them, and having them get a ghost from the dead is just awesome to them, to me it's a little creepy especially having these two scaring you in a actually graveyard"-Eden
'Last question..Evan from Florida'
'This is for Grey, are you a good skater like your character Jackie or you've done it your whole life?'
"I'm a pretty good skater, but I hurt myself sometimes, on set I practice to nail it, I think both of us are pretty good at skating so no issues"-Grey
'That's all the time we have, thanks for coming today guys it makes me super happy your here, we had so much fun'
"Yeah no problem"-Adam
"Aw I'm happy that we made you smile"-Grey
"There's food right?"-Abby
"Anytime..and really Abby?"-Eden
'Yes, well later guys if you want to see more behind the scenes with the cast just tweet at them or me for info on it, as always bye!'
A/n okay so let me know if you want a back stage kinda thing with them, I actually like making these and if you want to be surprise fan to meet them let e know, only picking 5 of them so message me or comment and I'll see what I can always later
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