It's a special Day!
Hello my beautiful readers!
I just wanted to take the time and Say Happy Birthday to My good friend and Statco Author Liam! 😊
That_Safe_Kid Go ahead and spam him with Happy Birthday! Even follow him! He's a pretty cool dude 😎
Lol and some of you think something is going on with me and him..well nothing is? Lol I found out the ship with me..really guys? 😯 Anyways Happy birthday to Liam I hope you have a wonderful day and have fun from an author to another 😁
Also I wanted to write a short little one shot about him? Hope it comes out okay? Knowing me it's bleh lol.
Title: First Time Meeting You
That_Safe_kid pov
I was a little nervous and probably anxious to meet her. It's been months we've been talking and I was actually going to meet her today. We always joked about meeting up and having fun but I didn't expect it to happen? I mean sure it's pretty cool to meet an online friend but would they like me?
Would they think I'm weird? Will they feel awkward with me? Would they just leave? So much doubt and I yet to meet her. I sigh and waited for her flight to come, she wanted to see me when she arrived so we can hang before she went to a hotel for the night.
I shook my leg waiting for her presence and to finally meet the person behind the screen. Wondering eyes searching the crowd seeing if there was sign but yet to receive. I pull my phone out and decided to text were active a couple hours ago. I sigh and shoot you a quick message and I waited.
People seeing their loved ones and friends made me feel out of place until I felt arms wrapped around my chest. My heart practically jumped out my chest when I saw it was you. "Hey!" I was still a little shocked to see you here right in front of were actually kinda small..which was okay and kinda funny considering your older than me.
You had your hair in two space buns and had a plaid shirt around your waist as you were leggings and a pair of Nike sneakers. You looked pretty in person and I was a fool because I was just looking at you without saying anything!
"Sorry..Hey what's up?" You smiled and giggled a bit before you properly gave me a hug. It was kinda weird since we just met but I hoped we get chances to do these things again? After getting breakfast and sitting silently at a McDonald's I feel like it was chance to speak considering you've been talking since you arrived.
"How was your flight?" You looked up and smiled and took a sip from your orange juice. "It was okay. Some people were annoying but its life" we laughed a bit and I noticed you smile a lot in person. I knew you told me you like to smile but you use it when your hurt or when your genuinely happy. I hope it was the second one.
After eating we went to the mall, something people liked to do. I don't mind it but it seemed like you did. As soon as we stepped in your eyes lit up and you pulled my arm almost out of the socket. As we stopped at stores that seemed cool until you pointed out a store filled with our favorite Fandom..
I smiled as we entered the store and looked at all the stuff. You went around looking for something particular which is understandable. I looked around some more until you came up to me with a shocked expression. "What's with your face?" You pout and sign "I want this but it's like $80 I don't have that much..ugh"
I started to laugh seeing you like this over something pretty cool. "Come's not funny where I live its like $45 or lower" I shook my head "Then buy it when you leave? You'll probably have money left over right?" You nodded and put it back and we stood by each other afterwards.
After buying one thing which was shirt that had Harley Quinn we took off to have fun or whatever you wanted to call it. You started telling stories about you and your friends back home and how much chaotic you were with them. I always gave you strange looks but you never noticed because something always had your attention.
After a few hours you had to check at the hotel you were booked at, it was actually pretty fun seeing you and actually hanging with up in person then online. I get to see your expressions and see your emotions rather than the stickers and emojis.
As you got your key you walked towards me with a big smile, I smiled a bit before you pulled me into a hug. "I had an awesome day..thanks for showing me around" I held back and smirked as you left I began to laugh which confused you "Why are you laughing?" "Because this is so cheesy.." your face was trying to hide the smirk but it failed and you started giggling.
"Here we go again with the cheesy thing..are you ever gonna let it go?" I shook my head "Nope..I still feel like you need to be punished" you playfully hit my arm and laughed "Alright..well I'm being serious thanks for hanging with me..maybe next time you'll come and see me?" I held my arm as you turned around and picked up your bags and disappeared.
I stood in the lobby a bit before I headed back home. Even though we spent almost an entire day together it made my day. Even in days I don't feel like myself and I think too much. Thanks you for pulling me out of my thoughts today..and who know I might come and visit?
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