I cut my hair, you like it?
Star Pov
I was untangling my long hair and I got gunk in it and it wouldn't get out, what a pain, I could use a spell but I really don't want that, I ask Mrs. Diaz if we can go to a salon? Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do "Mrs Diaz?" I walk downstairs and she's almost out the door "Yes Star?" I got closer and showed her the gunk "Can I go with you to do my or maybe get a cut?" She smiled and we were off, I haven't had a haircut since I was 5 years old, maybe a new look could make me look cool? As I was day dreaming I didn't realize we were already at the place "Oh, we're here?"
Mrs Diaz nodded and we walked in, there were elderly woman and little girls playing with dolls and I smiled "Wow, this place looks cool" she smiled and talked to the people who was going to do our hair and I walked near the girls "Hello there, I like your dolls" they giggled and pulled me down "Thanks, I'm Annie and this my sister Kim. Want to play?" I smiled and nodded "Sure, my name is Star" they laughed and I watched them play and then Mrs D pointed at me and I got up and walked to an empty seat and a woman came and looked at the gunk in my hair "How did this get in your beautiful hair?"
"I was fighting monsters, got a little out of hand" she smirks and looks at how much she need to cut "You know, you might rock your hair short? Want to try?" I nodded and took a deep breath, good bye long beautiful hair "Sure, I just want this gunk out" she laughed and began doing her magic, after what feels like hours she spins me and I'm shocked "What you think?" I get up and walk closer to the mirror and I touch my hair, I was happy that I look like this "I love this, thank you so much"
I hugged the lady and she hugged back "Your welcome" I spun around and then I almost forgot my devil horns "Mrs. Diaz do you like it?" She nodded and touched my hair "You look adorable star, can't wait until Marco sees you" my cheeks turn a pink, how is Marco going to act with my short hair? The same I guess right? "I bet he'll think it's cool and move on, like he alway does" she sigh and we go home and I'm nervous because what if he hates it and looks at me different than what I looked liked before? I hold my arm and walk behind Mrs Diaz "Don't worry, he'll love it"
I stayed quiet and as I closed the door "Star? Is that you?" I turn and see Marco with a towel drying his hair "Yeah..do you like it?" He came close and touched it "You look different" I sigh "but a good different" I smile "Thanks, I haven't had my hair like this since I was 5, let me say it feels weird" he chuckled but never stopped looking at me "You look pretty with your new haircut, it suits you"
I blush "Thanks Marco, my hair is gonna grow fast, in a month my hair will be back" he nods and we walk into the living room and we sit on the rug and Marco still hasn't took his eyes from me "Can I help you Diaz?" He grunts and blushes "Sorry, just gotta get used to you like this..sorry for staring" I giggled and put my head on his arm and he moved a little and I looked at him "What? Now that I look different you won't let me lay my head on your arm?" He was red and shakes his head "What then Diaz?" He stayed silent and I got up and went to my bedroom, didn't want to be there anymore
Marco Pov
I felt like a butt, I moved away because of her touch, now she thinks I don't like the way her hair is..ugh smooth Diaz real smooth, I get up and rush to her door and I knock "Star?" "Go away.." she said barely I could hear "Please let me in, I'm sorry I don't know how to act around someone that's cute or pretty" I blushed at what just left my mouth and her door open with her face tear stained and her cheeks red "You called me cute and pretty, Marco you like me in that way?"
I stay silent, I'm lost for words "I guess not, we'll back to my-" I pull her and kiss her and she's shocked and so am I when we pull away "Marco?" "I'm sorry!" I yelled my face will burst at how hot it's feeling "You kissed me? Why?" She probably doesn't like me in that way, what an idiot I am "I..I..I..Um.." I'm tongue-tied I have no words, I thought it meant something but I just confused the turd out of myself
"Marco? You look like your about to burst? Want me to get you something to cool off?" I nod and follow her to the bathroom and she gets a cloth and run it under cold water "I liked the kiss Diaz" she said as she handed me the cloth "I just..don't know" she lay on the counter and I sigh "Look star, I just wanted you to listen to me, I like you, like in that way, but.." she looked at me she looked so beautiful with her short hair "But what?"
I smile "I got tongue-tied when I look at you, I don't know, it might be silly but you really look pretty with your hair that way" she touched her hair and took off her headband and placed it down, she looked more beautiful "Thanks but I don't understand why you moved away from me? Why did you?" "I guess I was afraid that if you did that I might actually be in love with you" she blushed and crossed her arms "You love me?" I nod and she comes close and hugs me tight and I hold on too "Love you too" she said and I smiled, at least I know she likes me now..
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