Detective skills
Star Pov
I write in my journal and move my head to the beat of a song that's currently playing on the radio "Earth music sounds so cool" as I close my journal Marco pops in "Hey bestie what's up?" He smirks and sits by me "Um, I'm going to my cousins house to help build a shelf, I'm wondering if you want to come?" I thought about it "No thanks, that's more a family matter, I'll stay home" he raised an eyebrow "Are you positive, your not gonna go crazy like last time right?" I nodded "Promise, bye Marco!" I wave as he leaves looking back at me "Are you really sure?" I nod "Totally, go on Marco" I shoo him with my hand and he left and I lay in bed moving along to the music "Music you are my soul" I start jumping up and down and dance and as I jump off the bed the music stops "Hey..what gives?" I go to the stereo and start hitting it with my wand "Work you stupid thing"
After hitting it a couple times I realized I should act more normal earth like with problems right? I put my want down and look at the stereo and see what I could do to fix it "What is the problem? Is it you?" I pressed a button and it opened the top and I see the CD so I pick it up and look at it and put it back and close it up and music starts playing "This is way easy..what should I do next?" As I look around I noticed how boring it could be when Marco isn't I should've went with him, I could've met his other family I plopped down on the floor and my puppies came around me and I looked around for what I can do?
I could go snoop around in Marcos room, since he read my journal without my permission..I get up and move towards my door and look around to see if he's still around "Marco?!" I waited for a response and he didn't answer which meant he wasn't home, I quickly went to his room and I was hit by the smell of clean laundry, I looked around and saw how clean everything was and organized, man I need to put everything back the way it was when I'm done "So if I was Marco, where would I hide my secret stuff?" I walked around and looked under his bed and closet and his dresser top but as I opened the drawer I found it "Marcos journal of secrets..hmm" it was small and black and it looked pretty old I'm pretty sure he talks about Jackie since he was little
I leave his room and go back to mines and jump onto my bed and I smiled, this was a rush and also I felt bad..this is Marcos personal stuff and I'm gonna read it? I hesitate as I open it but it didn't matter..I skimmed through it, just as I thought about Jackie figures oh I keep flipping I noticed he titled the top blood moon dance..I remember that day it was amazing how tool my hand and started to dance with me..but I got upset with him because he didn't trust me..but he apologized afterwards..I blush a bit and read along..
'It was totally weird when me and Star talking the it was pretty funny to see how we acted towards each other, when I left to make nachos I felt something in my heart that I rarely felt, like it was racing awfully fast and I was nervous? Was I thinking about Star in that way? I don't know we are just friends and I know she'll leave my world soon, I hope it's not soon then I'll be miserable..'
I had a light blush cover my cheeks and I cleared my throat, wow Marco really cares about me leaving..but I'm not ready to be Queen just yet..I shake the thought of seeing g Marco miserable..his sad face watching me leave and never seeing him again ugh! I wipe stray tears off my face and continue reading
'I thought I was a goner for sure, if it wasn't for Star I would've been gone but she sacrifice her wand to keep us safe..I owe her by keeping her safe as long as she's with me, to be honest when we saw the destruction of ludos castle I looked at her and she looked at me and we embraced, she looked scared and I was too, she could've lost her Best friend and I could've lost the person I really care about, I kept thinking if in the future we should be something..but that's just a dream that's never going to happen'
I hold my chest and hear it beating fast, why am I getting so riled up if it's just his words talking and not him with me? Is that why he wanted me to go with him? Because he might actually like me like that? I looked at the rest of the pages and it was about me and him..nothing of Jackie..I closed the journal and quickly went back to put it as I reached for Marcos door "Star! I'm home!" I shriek and quickly put his journal away and run towards the bathroom and mess my hair up, as I heard footsteps Marco stopped at the door "Hey Star, what are you doing here?" I smiled "fixing my hair, it's a mess I was dancing a little too crazy, you know acting a normal earth girl, how was your day at your cousins?" He sighs and walks near me and my heart starts to race "Boring, all we did was talk and build and played video games, it got boring quickly, how was your day?" I look at him "uhhh" he looked at me weird and chuckled "Why you acting so weird? Did something bad happen while I was gone?" I shake my head and he nods "Then what?" I was so tongue-tied and I was scared "Just thinking about..stuff?" He nods slowly and he moves closer to me and I noticed he's leaving closer "Marco what are you doing?" He raises my chin up and I'm looking right him and I could feel my cheeks warm and my heart race "Relax.." he moves in and *Ring*
I wake up on the floor and look around me and my room is a mess and my stereo is all busted up I look around and then I realized I dreamt the whole day? What the mewni?! I check the time and it's 3 pm I start to clean up and Marco enters "Hey Star I'm going to my cousins house would you-" "Yes!" He looked confused with my outburst "Sorry, I mean yes sure I'll go" he smiles and hugs me and we head out, that was one trippy dream, J gotta stop eating chocolate putting with glossryck and I thought of Marco like that?
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