Crossover Au (MLB)
A/n Yeah I know took me forever to write one but hey I did it! Lol hope you enjoy and see you guys in the next part hopefully?
Title: Friends?
Word count: 1923
Song: despacito-Luis Fonsi ft Daddy Yankee
Marco Pov
I woke to smell of my mother's pancakes and the shops fresh made breads. I smiled and noticed my little kwami snuggling between my neck and shoulder "Morning Tikki, how did you sleep? After a night we had?" She yawns and smiled
"I've had better but you should start getting ready for school before your late" I nod and start getting ready for school as I got down the steps I see mother handing me plate "Eat up before you head out" "I'll eat one, I'm already late mom" "Whose fault is that?"
"Mine, by mom love you" "Bye honey see you later" I took off and caught up with Oskar who waiting at the entrance "Hey dude, took you long enough" "Sorry man, my mom kept me to eat breakfast" he chuckles and fist pumps me
"Its all good dude, why is there a crowd?" "Haven't you heard? Star Butterfly is transferring to our school, her parents were upset about it but she wanted it" I raised a brow before I was shoved to the side "Move out of my way! You're blocking my view of Star!"
I glared at Tom as he walked down the steps with his sidekick Brian "Whatever..if Star is another rich kid then I don't want to be here" walked towards homeroom and waited for everyone to fill the class up, the only people there were some people I knew and the teacher
"This blows.." I managed to say as Oskar tilts his chair back "Its whatever dude, bet she's hot or something?" "Are you guys kidding?" I turn and see Janna and she has a smirk "Star is a model, a business woman and a rich girl overall but she has to listen to mommy and daddy" I shake my head
"Of course she is..why haven't I seen her before?" "Because you live under a rock you idiot" I glared a bit at her "Whatever she can't be that pretty" as I turned forward a girl with beautiful blonde hair and striking blue eyes walked in smiling brightly as she looked over at us
"Excuse me boys I'm gonna make a new best friend" Janna moved away and walked up to her. She was really pretty and that smile was wonderful. "Earth to Marco?" I shake my head as she sat behind us and Oskar introduced himself and poked my arm
"I'm Oskar and this is my buddy Marco Diaz" I looked up at her and she smiles "Nice to meet you both, I'm star if you didn't know" she giggles and I turn to be face to face with Tom "Oh Star don't socialize with Marco, he'll just corrupt your mind because he's crazy"
"I'm not crazy Tom, leave me alone" I lowered my head and put my hood up ignoring his cocky grin "Hey forget Tom" Oskar said patting my back and I heard star sigh "I wish he would be nicer, he was never like that when we were kids"
is she for real? Her and Tom grew up together? The son of Satan was her childhood friend? Give me a break. As the class went on i ended up falling alseep and just ignoring the lesson, fighting all night has taken a toll on me during the day.
As i woke up a bit I felt someone touch my back as I turn I see it's Star and I feel hurt and embarrassed because she was holding gum in her hand and on my hoodie "I would have expected Tom or even his sidekick to this but you? The new girl? How could you?"
I get up and run off "Marco!" She yelled but I ignored her and I ran to the nearest bathroom and took off my hoodie and saw the gum, it looked peeled off? But she just probably digging it in more "Oh Marco, your favorite hoodie"
"I know Tikki, it's okay I'll get the gum off soon" she kissed my cheek and landed on my head "What an awful thing for these teens to you" "It doesn't matter, I just wish I was graduating and out of this miserable school"
I sigh and managed to get some of the gum off and decided to not wear my hoodie and go home early "Let's go home tikki" "Okay" I walked home and managed to climb on the side of the building towards my room.
I don't want my parents to know I'm home early cause I was embarrassed. I decided to do homework and chill in my room for a bit. I thought she was different and wasn't like Tom and his sidekick, but I guess I was wrong. As day turned to night I decided to take the night patrol and meet up with Chat, at least I have someone who cares and notices me.
As i arrived at our usual place I sit down and wait for her, after I sigh I hear claws clink with the metal of the roof and I knew it was Chat "Hello bugaboo~" she wrapped herself around me and purred "Hey Chat"
she tilts her head and gave me an odd look "What's wrong? Why do you look so glum? Did someone hurt my lady?" I shake my head "Just had a bad day, everyone gets them so relax okay?" She smiles and sits beside me
"Alright, so did you see anything out of the sorts?" I shook my head "Nope, how about you?" "Nope..but I did snag a couple treats" she reached in her pouch and pulled out a tart "I hope you paid for those" "I did don't you worry your cute little head"
I smirked at her. I wish I knew who she really was, because then I can have a friend out of this life. "Hey Chat, do ever want to know each others identites?" She choked and coughed up the treat
"What?! Are you insane? We could get into danger if anyone found out especially Hawkman" I sigh "I didn't mean literally, dumb kitty" "Harsh..I'm not dumb" I rolled my eyes "Would you?" She shrugs "Maybe? But I like the mystery behind the masks"
she stands and pulls me up "Besides I get to admire you all the time like this~" she said with hearts in her eyes "You're always flirting with me" "Is that an issue?" "No" "Then let me flirt cause I know you won't want a dumb kitty like me"
I sigh and kinda regretted saying dumb "Your not dumb Chat, your smart in your own unique way" she blushes and runs into my arms "Oh bugaboo~!" She squeezes me and I pry her off me "Chat I can't breathe"
"Sorry..thanks" I smiled which felt nice "Well I'll be on my way" "Me too, see you around" she blew a kiss and took off and I watched her go. I returned back home and pulled out a couple cookies for tikki
"There you are tikki" "Thanks" I smiled at her as i laid in bed and looked out my window, the night seemed to go on forever but it wouldn't last so long. The next day I woke up my phone blaring and I checked the time and it was 5 minutes before final bell
"I'm late! Tikki lets move" I placed her in my bag and dressed quickly and took off towards the school as I arrived I was pushed back by Tom. "Whoa look who's late, what happened yesterday went crying home to your parents?" I glared at him
"I don't have time for a low life like you. Move out of my way!" I moved him away as I got into class and took my seat. I felt a poke so I turned and it was Star and I scoffed "Leave me alone, you've done enough" "Marco I'm-"
"Settle down class and let's begin" thank god, now I won't hear her poor excuse of the gum incident. I focused on the board and took notes and I noticed Star was giving me small glances but would look away.
I don't get it, why would she want to even try talking to me? I'm not cool or popular like other people, she should hang with people that are like her and not me. Class carried on and I got tired and almost fell asleep if Janna didn't poke my arm "Didn't sleep?" She whispers "Nah.." she chuckles as I smirked.
School was finally over but as I made it towards the entrance it was pouring rain and I was such in a rush that I forgot my umbrella. "This sucks" Oskar wasn't here today cause if he was I could've gotten a ride "Looks yucky out there"
I looked to my side and saw Star, she was pretty short compared to me "My ride isn't here yet..might as well wait" I leaned on the wall and watched the rain ignoring her "I'm sorry Marco about yesterday..if you just let me explain to you"
"Explain what? Tom made you and now you feel horrible? Just stop star.." she groans and steps in front of me "I was getting the gum off your back because Tom's sidekick placed it there while you fell asleep! I was just trying to be nice and get it off and try to be friends with you but you just push me away.."
I froze and looked into her blue eyes as she meant every word "You didn't do it?" "No, I'm not like Tom who's mean and cruel, I was just helping you out but I guess you think I'm just bad like them" she lowered her head and I feel bad
"I'm sorry for thinking that, I just assumed you did it so I freaked out" she smirks "Its fine, did you managed to get it out?" "Somewhat" "That stinks" we talk for a couple minutes and her ride arrived but it's still pouring rain "I'll be leaving now"
"Bye Star" she waved and walked down the steps but stops and walks towards me " don't deserve to get a cold in this kind of rain and besides I have a ride" she giggles and held the umbrella in front of me
"'re giving me your umbrella? Why?" "Because thats what friends would do silly, so here" she insisted that I take it and I blush a bit and slowly took the umbrella and for a brief second our hands brushed a bit and I smiled.
A few seconds later the umbrella shuts on me which caused her to laugh and god, her laughter was beautiful and amazing, she stops as her face was flushed "Sorry, I'll be on my way, see ya" she took off and I watched her go along with tikki
"She doesn't seem that bad" "She's different, but in a good way" just thinking of her has me feeling some type of way? "I see that look" I looked at tikki as she had a smirk on her face "What look?" She giggles "You like her~" I shake my head "No, I don't tikki we just met and we just shared a cute little moment" "You like her" I shake my head and chuckled "Whatever"
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