Beach Buddies
Star Pov
I woke up extra early because I wanted to show Marco a beach in mewni that I used to go as a kid "Marco get up!" He jumped up and fell on floor "Oops..sorry Marco" he groans and rubs his head "Why did you wake me up star? It's like 8 am?" I smiled and helped him up "Because I wanted to go to a beach in mewni, and we have to get there before anyone takes my secret spot" he rolled his eyes "Okay..let me just-" "No time let's go!" I cut a portal and we made it to Mewni, the sun was rising from the horizon and I smiled "Marco we're almost there, come on" I pulled his arm and we ran through the woods and hills and we finally made it to my secret spot and it was just the way I left it "isn't it refreshing Marco?" As I turn I see a half asleep Marco under a tree "Marco I brought you here to see how pretty and cool it is and your asleep" he rubbed his eyes and yawned "I'm sorry Star, but you woke me..up a little early" he said yawning again "Well get in the water, it'll wake you up" he shakes his head "You maybe we should come back later, I don't even have my trunks and sunblock or even my beach stuff, plus I haven't eaten anything yet" I sigh and smile "Alright..we'll come back later, you promise right?" He nods and I nod "Swear, I just need to wake up fully, still not full of energy today.." we went back home and Marco immediately went to eat and I stay in my bedroom and play with my pillows..maybe I was a little early, maybe I should set up so no one takes our spot..
I cut back and got supplies we needed, cooler, blanket, umbrella, towel, beach ball, other, etc..I smile and I could feel the sun giving out the heat but the breeze the waves are giving seems to help 'Oh rats, someone beat me too it..' I turn and see a boy that looks about to be my age, and he's actually not bad looking, well because he's pretty far "Hello Stranger!" I wave and yell back and he walks towards me "Hello, Um how did you find this spot?" I chuckle "well I've been coming here since I was a kid, I'm the Princess of Mewni so this is my secret beach, how did you find this?" He began to blush and bow down "Dude..what are you doing?" He stood up and held my hand "Your the Princess, you should be treated like one, and I found this beach a couple months ago, I come here to relax alone from my family" I blush a little from his touch and I move away from him "I'm..Uh you don't have to treat me like that..I'm far from a princess" we share a laugh and I look at him "What's your name?" I ask and he smiles "Aidan and I know your Star butterfly.." I smirk and then I remembered about Marco "Um, I gotta go get my best friend, your welcome to stay, I'll be right back" he nods "Okay, I'll wait for you here" I leave and see Marco in his trunks and his gray shirt and a baseball hat and a big bag, guessing his stuff for the beach "There you are, where did you go?" "Setting up the beach duh, oh I made a new friend there too your gonna love him" Marco raised his eyebrow "Him? Who is this him?" I gave him a confused look "Well let's go so I could introduce you to him" as we got into the beach I witnessed him taking off his shirt, he was shines in the sun "Hello? Earth to star?" I pop out and try to hid my blush "Aidan, this my best friend Marco, Marco this is my new friend Aidan" the boys shake but Marco kinda looked at him funny "I was going to swim, wanna come?" I nodded and used my wand to put me in a tankini, and my hair under a sun hat "Ready, coming Marco?" "In a few minutes, you guys go on" I shrug and follow him..
Marco Pov
I set my stuff down and I sit under the umbrella, I watched how star acted with this guy and I don't really trust him, she just met him and she's already over him..ugh sometimes star moves on to guys so quickly well..sometimes..she kinda gave up on Oskar because something happened that I can't really say..
(Star got sad and blasted him)
What's so different with this guy..he looks older, alright looking..has abs..okay now I see why Star might have been over him..
I blush and shake my head and put my head down and went through my phone, as I open my messages I had none, I look up I see them laughing and holding hands..wait?! Holding hands?! I get up and walk towards them "Marco come on, the water is great" I nod and grab star's wrist and pull her out of the water "Let's walk a bit..yeah?" She nods "Be back Aidan" he waves and I groan and then I realized I'm still holding star's wrist and I let go and blush a little "So..Marco how you liking the beach?" I shrug "It's..ok" I say softly and Star walks next to me giving me a look " feeling okay? You look all sweaty and stuff" I fix my hair and take my shirt off "Yeah..just hot..uh" as I look I see Stars face red and she quickly put her head down and I did the same, this is so weird "Star..Uh I don't trust Aidan" she huff and groans "You never give people I meet a chance, why don't you trust him Marco?" I bite my nails "because..because he's way too friendly with you..I didn't really enjoy that.." I say blushing a bit
"Marco..uh" star was tongue-tied and she held her arm and blushed too "Yes?" She nods her head "I can take care of myself.." she looked down and looked back at Aidan who was now relaxing on the beach "Star..that's not what I meant ugh I hate when things don't come out the way I wanted it to" she looked at me confused "Then what Marco?" She said sternly "I can't explain it.." she rolled her eyes and as she began her walk back I grabbed her waist and held on her "Star..please don't.." I found feel her heart race a bit by her breathing and her hands were on my arms "Marco..what..what are you doing?" I turn her around and I'm looking down at her and her eyes glistening by the sun "Forget this.." I lean in and kiss her and she squeals a bit but after she relax and wrapped her arm around my we stopped she looked like she had the best thing happen "Wow.." I chuckle and she holds my hand "I guess we're beach buddies, hub Marco?" I roll my eyes and laugh along with her "Your weird" she pushed my gently and we walked back to our spot and Aidan smiled at us "So by the looks of it, you two are together?" Star nods and giggles at how happy she is "Yeah, it's great!" We laugh and enjoy our beach day..
A/N Hello readers I am so happy I have 10K on this book and my other Starco book I'm just Wow, thanks for the comments and votes means a lot and the follows too I'm grateful for that..anyways bye guys
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