Bad Boy Marco
Marco Pov
I lay in bed and look to my door and wonder what Star could be up to, so I hop off and go to her room, but it was quiet and nobody looked to be here "Star?!" I yell and hear the echo of my voice through the room, I sigh and something shines in my face, I walk towards it and see it's Star's journal or diary of some sort, I glance and scratch my head I could check it out and invade her privacy or be the good boy you are and leave it alone and go away.. as I turn towards the door I stopped and looked back at it, I shouldn't that's not right..but then again I could know what she writes about me? I groan and quickly walk back to it and hid it inside my hoodie and walked out and checked my surroundings if anyone saw but to my luck no one did, I entered my room and locked my door and took out the book and threw it on my bed and I stood there looking at it, thinking if I should look or not
"On one hand I could know some of star's secrets and what she thinks of me, on the other this is a bad idea and invading her privacy and I'm just a nosey jerk who likes reading girls journals.." I sigh and sit on my bed looking at it and at my door..I groan and picked up the Journal "You know what..fine I will read you quick and done" I held the Journal tight and started to shake, I never did this before? What could possibly effect me in anyway? I slowly open the Journal, it looks like a month ago? She probably has another one somewhere..I flip through the pages and there was one page that stood out, it was covered in hearts and smiley faces and stickers and see my name? My heart kinda races and I kinda blush at it..
'Today me and Marco had an agruement, I didn't like it so much but what can you do if your best friend is right and you don't know how to admit your wrong? Sometimes I wonder if me being here caused Marco to feel like I'm ruining his life?' I would never feel like that, Star has been awesome and she surprises me each time 'I thought I almost lost Marco today, I could've lost the one person I care about to this guy..I just wonder if this is a sign? Maybe Marco and I are meant to be? I may just think of this but we are super close and I just wonder if us meeting that day had a reason I don't know it's just my teen mind' I blush, Star thinks of me and her together that's kinda weird but not really
'I had a dream of us last night, it was magical it was like it was meant to be, I was watching TV with him and then all of sudden he kept moving closer to me and I leaned closer to him and we-' I closed the book and threw it on the bed and got up and shake my thoughts, and what I just read, I need to put this I picked it up I was tempted to read more, and I couldn't resist so I opened it up again 'I think me and Marco and best of friends and nothing is going to change that, but now I'm kinda having some strong attraction towards him..I know he still has his eyes for Jackie..I just hope he gets what he wants and I will be happy for him if he does make it, just once I would like to maybe have a chance, we are already bonded and we are close, why not right?' I close the book and March back to stars and leave the book the way it was and wall out with my face red from blushing at what she wrote, Star has the hots for me? I knew I was okay looking but..Star into me? Makes no sense, she's supportive and is there for me and understand me well more or less but us?
The image of her saying we kissed was stuck in my head, it was like I could feel the kiss on me and it felt so real, as I closed her door I turn and was faced with her "Marco! What were you doing in my room?" I jump and nervously chuckle "Nothing! I was just checking where you are, where were you by the way?" She smiles "Oh easy, I was downtown with Janna and are you okay you look like your about to pass out?" I nodded quick "I'm fine, just thinking" she nods and hugs me and kissed my cheek "What was that for?" She giggles "For making me nachos and keeping them warm for me, later Marco" she walks by me and goes into her room and I hold my cheek, maybe it's okay she has a tiny crush on me..
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