Chapter 1: Quite
It was late on the Thousand Sunny. The sun was setting and a distinct smell of meat was wafting through the air. Each occupant on the ship were in their own corners, doing their own things. Zoro was training like always, Brook was playing a new piece on his violin, Nami was navigating the ship, Usopp was on look out, Franky was working on his new inventions, Robin and Chopper were both together as the ravin haired archeologist read to the blue nosed doctor, and Sanji was finishing dinner while simultaneously fending off his selfish captain. The only two people who seemed to be not doing anything are the ships new temporary residents.
Caesar didn't have much of a choice but to brood in the corner, being the Straw Hats captive and all, but Law, no one knew what the Death Surgeon was doing. Every Straw Hat could see the black cloud hanging over the Heart Captain's head, a murderous intent clear in his eyes; but no one could get the guts to talk to the man. Only Chopper and Luffy really talked to the man, Choppers conversations were strictly professional and Luffy's, well Luffy's were Luffy's; but even then the Straw Hat wearing captain conversations with Law seemed to be becoming rare, although this could be because the last time the two captains talked, Law threatened Luffy that he would make it impossible for him to eat meat again. Regardless, it was disconcerting for the crew to see their captain start to shy away from Law, even if he was threatened. So it was a unanimous decision, leave Law alone.
So here they are, dinner is done, and Sanji has called everyone up to the galley to eat. The chef sighed in annoyance, noticing an empty plate, again.
"Luffy," Sanji asked calmly, turning to face his captain. "You are this ships captain, correct?" Luffy nodded, face already stuffed with meat. "Then, why don't you tell that damn gloomy bastard to eat for once?"
Sanji's eye turned cold, making it obvious that it wasn't a question. Luffy swallowed the food in his mouth, thinking for a second. "No," he simply replied, not making an effort to continue eating. The crew could sense danger in the air but knew to stay out of it, keeping themselves busy with their food. Only Zoro didn't bother to make the effort as he watched the exchange closely, one hand resting casually on his katanas.
If looks could kill, Luffy would be dead three times over. "Sanji, he ate lunch," Luffy tried with a small smile but was immediately dismissed by the cook.
"Yah, and only lunch," Sanji huffed, pulling out a new cigaret. "And the day before that, and the day before that. Luffy, he's not eating; not properly at least. You know how I feel about that."
The ravin haired boy tilted his head down, hat covering his eyes. "Sanji, I know. I know, how you feel about that. I may not know why but I understand. I'm concerned about this too,"
"Then why don't you do anything?"
"Sanji I tried!" Luffy yelled at the chef. Black eyes hard, anger coursing through the teens veins. A familiar sound of swords unsheathing could be heard across the table, yet Zoro was still sitting there, the only difference was that Wado Ichimonji was currently laying unsheathe on the table. Chopper and Usopp both squeaked at the sight of the white katana.
"Zoro," Usopp started before the voice of his captain cut him off.
"Do you think I'm that oblivious?" Luffy challenged getting up. At this point the crew couldn't pretend to eat anymore as they watched two of the three monsters get into a heated discussion; Sanji seemed to become nervous as his captain got closer to him; Zoro narrowed his eye as he saw the change in the cooks stance, only Robin was the only other person who saw this as she glanced between her cook and captain. "Even someone like me can see when someone is starving themselves. I've seen people like him before, whether they choose to stop eating or not, I've seen people have hunger in their eyes, real hunger. Law has those same eyes and I know you can see them too; am I correct Sanji?" Sanji flattered for a moment, shocked at what he was hearing from his captain, apparently he took to long, for Luffy asked again, his voice sounding a little louder, more serious. The blond cook nodded his head which seemed to be enough to please Luffy.
"But, but at least he's eating. Right?" The crew blinked at Luffy's change in tone. One second he was mad and now, now he's pleading? Its almost as if Luffy doesn't believe in his own words, and maybe, maybe he doesn't.
Sanji looked at his captain with soft eyes. The blond chef knew it was unhealthy, what Law was doing; but at the same time he couldn't help but agree with his shitty captain. Law was eating; but that didn't mean Sanji had to like how much he was eating. Sanji is no fool. Trafalgar already gave him the excuse that he doesn't eat much but the cook could easily read through the half ass attempted lie.
"Yeah, he is," Sanji sighed, scratching the back of his neck, "but could you at least talk to him. Convince him to each a piece of fruit or something in the mornings, and a piece of meat at diner. I'm still not going to be happy until he starts eating normally but it is going to help."
"Nani? Why me?" Luffy pouted, churning back into the childish captain that they all knew. With the change in atmosphere, Zoro sighed and put back his prized katana; reaching over for his much needed shake.
"Can't you or Chopper do it? He likes Chopper more and your the cook!"
"Captain-san," Robin spoke up looking at her captain with piercing blue eyes, "Sunny is your ship, which makes Trafalgar-san your guest. It's only polite."
"But Robin!" Luffy whined, pouting at his archeologist. "He never wants to talk about anything fun. It's always scar this, scar that. Does it still feel hot? Does it, Does it... it..." Luffy's eyes turned dull, as he shook his head. "Sorry Sanji, I'm not hungry." The words were whispered but rung loudly in his crews head. "I'll talk to Torao."
No one moved to stop their captain as he walked out the galley door, how could they. Not once did anyone mention his scar, not even Chopper. No one felt hungry anymore. Sanji stood there staring at the food left on the table.
"Come on, eat up. No leftovers." Sanji sighed, eating the food on his plate. One by one each Straw Hat followed suit with the love chef. It was quite that night at dinner on the Thousand Sunny. No one wanted it to be quite again.
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