"Why?" She gasped as pain shot to her neck, her body trembling like a leaf. She struggled to stand, clutching the nearest pillar for support.
"Ishani." He was about to hold her arm when she tried to step away. She saw him hurting but she no longer wanted to care.
"You helped me during my dark times, and I trusted you. But why are you doing this to me, Darsh? What have I done to you that you want me at the mercy of the Asuras? If you knew my reality, you must surely know I'm the daughter of the Devas..Don't act like you don't know their sworn enemity."
Darsh looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept mum, as if it was his best decision to remain silent.
She hissed, looking at her abdomen gauze drenched in red.
"Why aren't you responding, Darsh? have you been their spy? I'm sure Krishna wouldn't be happy to hear this." She smiled wickedly, showing him the middle finger.
Darsh sighed, his expression as if he were cajoling a school kid.
"Ishani, listen. I brought you here because.."
"I asked him to , petty girl."
A loud voice made them stop. Darsh almost looked relieved while Ishani frowned at the terrifying figure.
He wore a blood red dhoti and angavastram, wrapped around his chest. Like a sage, he had long, wispy beard with bloodshot eyes.
His face bore harsh marks and wrinkled lines, but he looked really strong. He clutched the rudraksh mala in his hand, muttering inaudibly.
"Petty girl?" Ishani raised an eyebrow, trying not to show her fear. For all she knew, he could be a demon in disguise.
She pretended to adjust her odhani, searching for her dagger. Where the heck did she tuck it last time? She failed to notice the man's smile.
"You knew this man all along and still didn't believe he would ensure your safety? You're really something. And don't waste your time searching for non-existent weapons. Honestly, I didn't expect you'd turn out to be like this. What a waste of my time."
"Acharya.." He raised a hand up, silencing a defeated Darsh.
"Can you tell me what's going on here? I'd prefer that."
The Acharya looked at her with a strange glint.
"I am Shukracharya, Daitya Guru. Darsh is one of my greatest disciples.."
Her mouth hung open.
"He's a demon?" She looked at him closely. He did look sinfully good, but there were no indications of fangs or horns popping out of his head. Darsh shook his head.
"Petty girl, he's a demigod and that's enough for me to be his guru. Donot assume I teach only Asuras."
"Oh. But why have you brought me here?" He shrugged like it was the easiest question.
"To heal you, of course. You look awful." He waved his hand, as if creating a circle around her. She suddenly began to feel the pain wearing off.
She felt normal. Alright.
He looked at her without blinking, gesturing her to touch her neck. No pain and blood.
She looked at him in shock, carefully unwrapping all the gauzes. Not a single scratch nor scar.
As if nothing happened.
"Ho..w.. di..d " She stammered, pinching her cheek.
"You know why you were brought back, right? Everyone has their eyes on you. It's upto you to make a choice."
She looked clueless. Why were everyone concerned if she were to change a kingdom's fate?
"You are the daughter of the gods. They love you hopelessly, and your powers will awaken only when you get back your memories. You need to start revitalizing your inner spirit to reach a higher stage. Then you will be able to see them."
It then clicked.
"Are you sure you aren't helping me because you need something?" He looked at her blankly.
"Okay, I know no one is selfless. So what do I have to do? I'll help you only if I feel it worthy." The guru rolled his eyes, sitting on the couch.
"Darsh told me you were shrewd. He didn't tell me how much."
Ishani looked at Darsh, who looked like a guilty puppy.
"Is he a kinnara or something? He is damn good at imitating birds and animals. I won't be shocked if he's part dog."
Darsh scowled.
"It's my natural talent, but I'm not a kinnara, thank you."
Shukracharya found himself laughing at her words. Who knew such a powerful, clueless woman actually had a little sense of humour.
His smiled dropped when he realized how many wanted her blood.
No. He couldn't let her wander. He had to ensure victory this time.
They had lost too many times to count. He held his beard, looking at her warily.
He had to inform the others, before that crafty Narad whisked her away to the heavens.
"Acharya, I heard your wife is very pretty. Can I see her?" His mood soured.
He regretted treating her harshly, in their earlier years. She loved him as if he were more handsome than the moon, but he only saw her as a useful gain.
Him marrying Indra's daughter resulted in Indra being less harsh on their kingdoms and more ally treaties.
He made it clear that he would never look at her as his lover. But she still fulfilled her duties.
But from the past hundred years, she stopped serving him. She requested the permission of the king and began learning music.
He was furious. Everyone was laughing at him, the husband who couldn't even keep his wife in check. But she took him by shock when she yelled at him.
That she was done with her life. She wanted to do things which made her happy, after all these years. He had no option but to agree, those orbs which made him less sane.
And from then on, he was never allowed to see her. The maximum he heard was her bewitching voice, which echoed in the kanyakul mountain premises.
She always wore a flowing blue saree, so beautiful and sweet, that everyone was enamoured by her.
Darsh gritted his teeth, knowing what her words meant to his guru.
"Ishani.. Just leave it.."
"But.. What happened?" She asked cluelessly.
"Can't you just shut up, damn it? She left him, and he's not okay with it. You out of everybody should know what it feels like to be dumped!" He yelled, while Shukracharya looked lost.
Ishani's face changed. Unwanted memories kept popping up, and she chuckled.
"Of course, I know. More than any anybody. Thank you for reminding me, Darsh." He clutched his hair frustratedly, cursing himself for being so hot-tempered.
He was such an idiot to keep taunting her.
"Let it be, Darsh. Ishani, my wife resides in the asura mountains. You can go there, but not now. You need to go back to your people. We'll meet again.." He gestured to Darsh, who looked little angry.
He snapped his fingers, looking at her as he muttered something under his breath.
"Uh.. so it's a goodbye... Hey!"
She felt her world spinning as her vision got blurred.
"Ouch!" She felt her back crash onto something soft and grainy. Her whole body hurt, but she couldn't open her eyes, her body too tired.
The Pandavas sighed, looking at a lost Karna.
"Shreeman , Vasudev said we need to leave for Hastinapur immediately. He managed to convince the subjects. Their son is being crowned, but he said it's best to leave. He's also coming. Your parents would be waiting, right?"
"I guess." He muttered, looking at the bracelet Ishani gave him. Nakul sighed; he could only hope that Dwaraka's royal physician escorted her safely to Dwaraka.
Yudhishthira looked at Nakul in confusion.
"Shreeeman, I think Devi Ishani would've reached by now. Otherwise, Vasudev would've immediately done something." Karna shook his head.
"That's the problem. They have still not arrived and even the patrol soldiers received no message from that physician." He murmured, his jaw clenched tightly.
"I swear, if that man is a fraud..."
"Calm down, Mitr.. We'll surely receive good news." Suyodhana patted his shoulder, trying to assuage him.
"Something good will happen on the way; I'm sure of my intuition." Sahadev predicted, nodding seriously.
"Let's go then, shall we?" Arjuna looked around, and there were murmurs of agreement.
All of them stood up, walking towards their makeshift tents. It was a bit far away, with a vast expanse of sand, but it was the best.
From there, Vasudev would dispatch horses for them to Hastinapur.
Bheema frowned as he saw an unusual depression ahead of them, metres away.
"Jyesht, there seems to be something over there. But what could it be?"
"Possibly some objects left by travelleres. Let's see." All of them knelt down, only to sit back in shock.
It was a young woman.
Not just any woman.
It was Ishani, smiling blissfully as if she was having a nice dream.
To Nakul's shock, all her previous wounds were no longer there. As if someone had wiped the slate clean.
Ishani squirmed around, groaning.
"ISHANI! Why are you here!!" Her ears twitched, hearing loud screaming.
She turned to her left, to see Bheema and Duryodhana examining her like an antique.
"Oh My God, you two!" She stood up, dusting the sand from her clothes. All of them coughed in embarrassment; never did they expect that they would actually find her sleeping on the sands.
"Ho..ww " Nakul stammered, pointing to her neck. Yudhishthira and Arjuna were still taking time to process that they actually found her.
But the epic reaction was Karna's. He blinked.
Once. Maybe he was dreaming.
Twice. She was still there.
Thrice. Maybe it was her message or something? Like a warning vision.
Dev, who got fed up of Karna's slow cognitive skills, took over.
"Ishani.. Who did this to you?" All of them turned back, hearing his scary voice.
His irises were tinted red.
Ishani blushed in embarrassment.
Why was Darsh such a meanie?
To think that they saw her sleeping like an idiot.
"Are you okay? Who healed your wounds? Did that physician desert you midway?" Nakul ranted, clearly not understanding the situation he had witnessed.
Oh man, this was so awkward.
She looked down, adjusting her odhani.
"Darsh.. I mean the physician healed me and then left.."
Sahadev raised an eyebrow; the others kept neutral faces, but it was clear they didn't believe her.
"So you're saying the physician miraculously treated you and left in the middle of the sands, and in the process you somehow fell asleep?"
Duryodhana looked at Bheema, who scratched his chin.
It was clearly not possible.
Ishani wanted to dig a pit and bury herself.
But that's what had happened, she wanted to yell.
"Uh.. he took me to Pataal.. Daitya Guru .. healed me and then told me I had to return back.."
Nakul whispered to Sahadev, "I think I got it. Usually patients who are in a lot of pain, tend to imagine things like that. Maybe we should just put her to sleep."
"But who healed her wounds, idiot? The proof is too visible." Sahadev chided.
"You have a point.. But.. Daitya guru healing her? Her imagination is too vivid.."
"Kul.." Arjuna gritted his teeth, gesturing to her lowered head and defeated expression.
It would make her feel low.
However, the strangest part was that Devajit/Karna just kept staring at her, with a lovestruck expression.
Duryodhana nudged Bheema to look at Karna.
"Why isn't he saying anything? What happened to him?"
Bheema sighed.
"Bhrata, when you love someone to such an extent, just their presence is enough."
Duryodhana flicked his forehead as Bheema hissed.
"But she's clearly in an uncomfortable situation."
Yudhishthira cleared his throat.
"Right. Devi, I'm sure you must have heard of the rebellion caused. Vasudev has asked us to return to Hastinapur. Do you want to come along?"
Ishani blinked, before realizing he was asking her.
"Uh.. Yes.. I mean.. right.. I'd prefer that." She stammered, hoping someone would save her from this disaster.
She looked at Karna from the corner of her eyes, only to find him staring at her blankly.
Great. Even he thought she had officially gone crack.
Dev suddenly realized she wanted help. And he would be more than glad to.
"Ishani.." She shifted nervously, looking at him.
"I believe you. We all do, right?" He turned back with a sweet smile, with in a second replaced with a murderous gaze.
The message was loud and clear: Say that you believe her or you'll end up buried under these sands.
All of them shuddered as they shook their heads nervously.
"Of course, we believe you, Devi Ishani." Duryodhana chuckled, as all the brothers repeated like parrots.
Ishani's face relaxed for a moment.
Dev turned towards her, smiling.
He looked at the smoke created, quite close to them.
"Ah." He exclaimed, making all of them look in his direction.
"I think our horses are arriving. Can you handle riding one by yourself?"
She frowned at him. What did he mean by that?
"Do you not remember what happened on the way to Somnath? Or do you need me to show you again?"
Karna would've probably shook his head nervously, laughing it off.
But Devajit smirked. So devilishly that Ishani gulped.
He walked over to her, leaning down.
"I don't mind. I'd love to see it again, Ishani." He whispered in her ear, standing up straight with an innocent expression.
Ishani's heart thumped like crazy. The way he purposely dragged her name with his sinful voice...
God, this alternate persona of Karna was too dangerous for her.
She had to stay away, before her heart decided to give up midway and stop beating.
Meme of the day:
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