03 | class president(s)
03 ☆ ( "I THINK ABOUT YOU." )
"Okay, time for a break!" Teacher Fujii called out, grabbing his items. The class dispersed, probably going to buy snacks or go play outside. I pulled my headphones from my pocket, plugging them into my phone. I glanced at the person in front of me, his head leaning against the wooden desk as per usual. Before I could wake him up, Teacher Fujii appeared in front of me, hand tapping the edge of my desk. "Sato."
"Would you like to do me a big favor?" His smile was as big and mischievous as that Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland, and his teeth were so shiny that I almost laughed at the scene in front of me. But, I held back, and instead, put my pen down to hear him out. "A big, big favor?"
"Go ahead, Teacher Fujii."
"Could you please be the class president?" He said swiftly, the question coming like a shock. I almost couldn't understand him–I knew he feared that I'd say no. I winced, pushed up my glasses, and sighed. "Come on, Sato. Nobody's willing to be our class president, and I've seen all your hard work dawning up to this point! Can't you do me this one favor?"
"I don't know if we are that close as teacher and student to do you that favor, Teacher Fujii," Being class president meant more than just holding the title. I'd have to go above and beyond in both academics and with others. I'm just not popular enough–or rather, intelligent enough–to do that job. "I don't think I'm qualified. You might have to look elsewhere."
"You're the most qualified class president a student can get, Sato," He tapped my desk again, vibrating the sound beyond just my desk. Riki's head lifted, listening intently, and it was obvious he was. I swallowed, wondering if I'd choose to impress someone or save my sanity. "Sato, please. Don't you want to break out of your shell as well?"
I lifted my head fully, facing him. Narrowing my eyes at him, I fixed my glasses, almost scoffing in the process. "Do I, Teacher?"
"You do," Riki answered for him, groaning as he stretched fully. He turned his head only to the side, facing the windows and Teacher Fujii. His side profile stretched out vastly, defined, and rather, it shocked me before the fact that he had picked up an answer for the offense team. "Teacher Fujii, if Sato Rie becomes Class President, I'll be Vice."
"Sounds like it's set in stone then!" What? "Sato is Class A-one's President, and Nishimura is Vice!"
"Teacher, I have not agreed to this."
"But I have, bubblegum girl," He was teasing me, wasn't he? Did he have plans to destroy me or continue saving me? I couldn't tell anymore. I spared Riki a dirty look, hand in my lap. Teacher Fujii was analyzing our dynamic, his bewildered expression explaining everything. "I'll help you, so... deal?"
Instead of speaking, I closed my notebook, putting my headphones in. They must've thought that I was ignoring them–which I was–and as they continued speaking, unbeknownst to the fact music wasn't playing, Teacher Fujii asked, "Is that a no?"
"That's a yes, Teacher," Riki responded, a small smile etched on his face. I got nervous, casting my eyes on the desk and holding it there. "Sato would love to be Class President."
"Sounds good, then. Thank you both," Teacher Fujii grinned that Cheshire cat smile he had once before. I could see it in the corner of my eye. "Then, one of you, please take this to the teacher's office while I go check on another class."
He left files there, probably our worksheets to grade. I glanced at Teacher Fujii as he left, pulled out my headphones, and succumbing to the work he had given me, I got up. "Where are you headed, Rie?"
"Teacher's lounge," I tried to heave the files, but man, they were heavy. Riki noticed, quick on his feet, and grabbed the top half. "You don't have to help, Riki. It's alright."
"You don't have to hold such a heavy position all by yourself, Rie," He smiled sweetly, arms straightened out to hold the files in front of him. I widened my eyes, comparing the size of our piles, and saw the vast difference. He barely left me any to hold. "We're both Class Presidents. Together. Although you take the major role, I am at your disposal."
Hah. Just what was he doing? He acted so kind, well, at least implied so, but he was also so cunning... he's such a double-edged sword, slicing away at my peace. It hurt for sure. But, perhaps that's what masochists feel–that even through the slicing of their skin, the breaking of their bones, literally or figuratively, it makes them feel better.
Although I don't know what my pain would be making me 'feel better' from.
"Rie?" He called out to me, breaking me out of my daze. I hummed, brushing him off and lifting the papers. Riki chuckled at my silence, following behind me as we walked out of the classroom. "I'm sorry. Did I upset you?"
"No," I said way too hastily, almost catching myself acting abnormally. I sucked in a breath, walking slowly. I knew Riki could go faster, but he kept my pace. "I just don't know why anyone would want me to be Class President."
"I want you to be," As if I didn't know that. "I wanted you to be Class President because you're really smart, Rie, and Teacher Fujii thought so too. I also think that this is an opportunity to befriend more people!"
"I don't trust just anybody, Riki–"
"But you trusted me," He swiftly interrupted, nudging me. I stared at him, dumbfounded, but all he did was smile. "What?"
"Because... you saved me," I said. "There's a reason to trust you."
He tilted his head back, a big smile shining on his face. "That's flattering, Rie," His tone was sweet. Not that sickly kind of sweet that would make someone second guess your words, but Riki's tone was sweet, like honey, like he was covering me in a blanket and hoped to flatter me in return. My face was a bright, blotchy red and my eyes averted to the wall of classes, getting ready to turn into the next hall. "Why are you suddenly–"
A shoulder had hammered into my own, sending me to spin the opposite way. I stumbled back, tightened my grip on the stack of papers, and prepared for the fall. However, the slam of papers came to my feet, and suddenly, two hands firmly caught the back of my upper arms, using their body to hold my own. "Shoot," I heard, panic laced in the person's voice. "I'm so sorry, Nishimura!"
And that apology wasn't even addressed to me. How nice.
"You shouldn't apologize to me!" Riki exclaimed, evidently upset. He didn't need to be, though, it was a mistake, and it was partially my fault for not looking. But, I'm fooling myself as we speak–I'm trying to push away the thoughts of him being defensive because he wanted to be. "Apologize to Sato. You slammed right into her."
The boy looked down at me, expression flickering for a second in what seemed to be confusion, and again, changing to guilt. "I... apologize, Sato."
"No worries," I cleared my throat, fidgeting to move out of Riki's grasp. He let go of my arms, looked down at the papers, and sighed. "I apologize for looking elsewhere."
"No, no, it's fine," The person said, leaving soon after. That's all there was to it–and I was still left to pick up the pieces, even if it wasn't my fault.
"You should've asked him to help me pick all this stuff up," Riki crouched down, grabbing the files. I couldn't help him–if I tried, these papers would fly away. "Idiot. Don't people know you should always walk on the right side of the hall?"
"It's fine, Riki."
"It isn't Rie. He bumped right into you, and–"
"But I'm okay," I cleared my throat, looking around. Riki gathered the papers quite quickly, and soon, we were at our destination. "After all, I didn't see him either. I was in my own world."
"Yeah, but it was rude of him to not even consider the fact that he bumped into you," Riki huffed, pushing the door open with his elbow and striding right in. When we saw an open spot by what seemed to be Teacher Fujii's desk (It had a bunch of CDs and a small radio by it–how do we know it's his? Because all he does during quiet time is hum music.), we put the papers down. "Speaking of being in your own world, Rie, what do you think about all the time?"
I furrowed my eyebrows, turning to face him. "What do you mean?"
"Whenever I look behind me in class, I would think you're writing or something–but no, you're staring out the window with your headphones in. I'm surprised Teacher Fujii doesn't care–I think because he knows you're rank one anyway," Riki chuckled, propping his arms onto the desk, and leaning toward me. "So, what's on your mind? Everywhere I go... you're always in your own world."
I think about you.
"Just about... stuff," I nodded, pursing my lips. "Just anything that comes to mind at that moment."
"Like... what?"
"Like how to fit a circle into a trapezoid if it's five inches bigger than– anything, Riki! Do you want me to remember what suddenly comes to mind?" I slapped his shoulder, making him laugh. I knew he was teasing me–that sly smile of his and those crinkled eyes. "Why are you so nosy, anyway? Let me ask you this, Riki. Why do you want to know so much about me?"
"I told you already on the train, I want to get to know you," He tilted his head, standing straight. "You might not see yourself like I do, so I'll say it now: I find you interesting, Rie. I find that how you think, what you do, and how you speak–everything about you intrigues me."
I didn't know what to say–no, I didn't have anything to say. I couldn't tell if it was a backhanded insult or the best compliment someone had ever given me in my eighteen years of living. Maybe it was that my heart yearned for the man in front of me or I just didn't expect it, but I was simply... speechless.
Yet, I knew I owed him a response, at least something, so I swallowed and let a dry chuckle escape my lips. "You say that as if I'm a lab experiment, Nishimura."
"If you're a lab experiment, Sato," He sent back the same dizzying energy that I tried to send him, emphasizing it threefold. A smirk appeared on his face, arms coming off the desk. I took a step back, but that didn't stop him from raising a hand, covering the orange sunlight momentarily from my eyes. I saw a different version of him, one that's similar to the moon when he is out of the sun, and I felt my soul shift. He checked me out from head to toe, flickering between my eyes, then my lips. I flinched when his hand reached forward and brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, standing straight.
My head lifted to see his face, and once his hand was out of view, the sun cast its ray over him.
"Then... I'll make sure to preserve you."
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