Hey! How are you all! Sorry for the late update. I've had Science and English controlled assessments. Anyway, Susie and the gang are going to the camping trip. Dedicated to bydefinition So, enjoy the chapter...
"Give. Me. The. Map!" Lunging forwards, my hands flee desperately towards Robbie. I didn't even care if he was driving whilst laughing at my attempts to snatch the map away; if we got killed, at least I had tried to get hold of it.
"We're going the wrong way, Robert!" He suddenly stopped, braking the car to a halt and the abruptness of it all shattered my bones and made me hurl forwards. Lena had banged her head against Willow's and the both of them woke up to find stars twinkling outside and two moody teenagers taking them to the campsite. As if in a daze, both fell back asleep, not noticing anything out of the ordinary.
"What did you just say?" Robbie's crooked nose almost touched mine as he leaned in closer. I noticed the chocolate brown dancing in his eyes as he delved into mine.
"I said... We're going the wrong way." Pushing his chest back with my hand, I grunted before shuffling in my seat.
"No, after that. You called me Robert."
"Yeah, so?"
"Nothing." After clearing his throat, I felt something land on my lap, only to find the creased map. I knew, somehow that he didn't like the new addressing term and understood why. It was easy figuring myself out. So, when I was angry with Robbie, I call him by his sophisticated name. Turning the map the other way around, I traced our journey and a stone of disappointment settled in my stomach as the acidulous veracity dawned.
"Yep. We're lost." Nudging Robbie, I traced the outline of where we had taken a wrong turn before scrunching up my face and huffing. God, why did everything have to be so annoying? Luck had chosen to help everybody else except me. Why, Sherlock, why?
"Relax. All I need to do is reverse and turn right. We'll be fine. Stop making a face like a skunk just farted in your mouth!"
Narrowing my eyes at him, I threw the map at his head and wriggled out of my hoodie. I felt my ribs shaking even before I could suppress the giggles but tried not to catch the glint in his eye. The sweltering night had attracted a swarm of mosquitoes outside our car, threatening to feed on our juicy pale skin... or in Robbie's case, skunk skin. 'We'll get there', I assured myself before tying my hair back and staring out of the window.
"You know, Robbie, I just can't figure you out."
"I thought that was the point!"
"You kids made it!" As we unloaded our backpacks and helped Lena from the car, a stout man with a scraggly beard shuffled towards us, a smile plastered to his defined face. He wore khaki overalls and waterproof boots. Behind him, a tall guy with close-cropped hair appeared, grinning at the sight of us. He was maybe a year or two older, with a light stubble forming on his chin.
"Welcome to Marsh Camp. I'm Bernie. This is my grandson, Stan."
He shook my hand before Stan followed suit. Green eyes twinkled at me before facing Robbie. Something strange just happened; Robbie and Stan did a bro-hug as I watched awkwardly and Willow raised her eyebrows at me. They whispered something before Stan glanced quickly over at me, then at Lena. A growing worry planted itself in the pits of my stomach. Robbie was up to something... and I didn't even know if it would be a surprise or just a plain disaster.
Well, we'll find out sooner or later.
"Stan'll help you set up. I've got to get the forms reading for the tour group coming tomorrow." Bernie scratched his head before wandering off towards a wooden hut, leaving the five of us alone amongst the surrounding blanket of night.
"There." Huffing, I stood straight, marvelling at my tent pitching skills. Hey, I may have failed at being a girl scout, but I didn't forget the skills I learnt... half of the time, I was chatting with Willow in eighth grade but I did grasp onto a thing or two... partly because Willow helped me.
"Want me to help?" Trudging over to Robbie and Stan, I gestured at Robbie's tent but stopped abruptly when I saw the look on his face. "What?"
"Well, erm, you know the tour coming to camp here tomorrow? They kinda booked all the tent spaces except for the two tents we've put up. Apparently I'm gonna have to stay in either yours or Willow's tent."
I'm sorry what? Alarm bells rang in my head like a broken record and I had the urge to flee, screaming, 'Save me from this madness.' Instead, I stood there like an idiot, blinking from Stan to Robbie and back again. Remind me how I arrived at this situation again? Oh yeah! I decided to invite Robbie to our little bucket list adventure. Slapping myself inside, I cursed under my breath as Willow and Lena trudged over.
"Well, for the record, I'm not going with him." Willow whined and crossed her arms over her chest. Stan grinned at her and she blushed.
"Yeah, Willow's with me." Lena backed her up and I had the urge to stick a fork in their eyes. I could see the grins on their faces as they watched Robbie and me, awkwardly standing around. A boy and a girl in a tent together... any thoughts? Gah, don't even answer that question.
"Geez guys, when did the Hate Robbie club form?"
"When you were born! I guess it's you and me." Sighing deeply, I gestured at him to come over to my tent. A deep thudding known as my stupid heart was seeping anxiety through my veins. My eyes fluttered to Robbie and instantly noticed the small blush forming on his cheeks.
After unpacking we sat out, watching the stars whilst waiting for Lena to get dressed into her pyjamas. Thankfully, Robbie didn't ramble on about astrology so I was able to relax. And believe me,that was hard to do especially knowing you're going to sleep in a tent with the most annoying idiot in the world. The prize goes to Amaretto!
Suddenly, Robbie got up as Stan's figure emerged along with one I recognised immediately. They were laughing as the came closer and the other guy's hands were full with a huge cardboard box. Something inside it clinked, indicating that it was probably glass...maybe beer? Trust Amaretto to be mature...
Robbie grabbed my hands, forcing me up and pulling me towards the trees, where Stan and the guy were waiting. "Whaaaat?"
"Nice to see you too, Susie." Ricardo chuckled as his eyes scanned my shorts, tank top and messy bun. He wore a dirty white vest and dark jeans,the colour of a werewolf's fur coat.
"Sorry, Ricardo. Hi! What's all this?" I gestured at the box prised in his hands before Robbie beckoned me to open it. Carefully, my fingers lifted the brown card to reveal a golden glow that bathed my face in light. They were so pretty yet helpless, flying around in anxiety. Yet they were so beautiful. Just what Lena wanted. Little bugs of light fluttered inside glass jars and my heart burst open at their beauty.
"May I?"
Ricardo settled the box down and picked a glass jar, handing it towards me. I glanced back to find Lena and Willow lying back on the grass, watching the stars. Stan, Robbie, Ricardo and I lifted open several glass jar lids, setting a million fireflies buzzing towards Lena. We could hear her shriek as they surrounded all of us and Lena ran towards me, embracing me in a hug.
"Oh my god. It's amazing! Thank you!" She pulled away and grinned at me.
"Thank Robbie, Stan and Ricardo."
Lena shrieked as she ran through a flurry of fireflies towards the three boys, laughing and hugging them in thanks. She ran away once again, dancing amongst the fireflies. The smile on my face turned to a frown of worry as realisation dawned that she doesn't have long left. What if she was gone tomorrow? We wouldn't have accomplished everything on her list. No, I could not let that happen.
"Thinking too much again?" Robbie was in front of me and I looked up to find him smiling. A firefly buzzed in front of us before he swatted it away and edged closer... much closer than our usual distance. Closing in and bursting my private bubble.
"Agh. Ugh!" Robbie doubled over, coughing, sputtering and swearing profusely under his breath. "Oh man! That firefly just flew into my mouth! Ugh!"
He glanced up to notice my entire body shaking with laughter and I doubled over this time, clutching my sides. Robbie caught my arm just before I was about to fall laughing and the giggling faded away. "You are an idiot."
"I know." His arm reached out towards my face and I stiffened, as if frozen by the impending doom of the situation. What on earth was he doing? Worse, I didn't understand why my heart was racing or why my palms were as sweaty as a marathon runner's pits.
His fingers brushed against a strand of my hair and he seemed to have pulled something out.
"Firefly stuck in your hair." He opened his palms, revealing the little glowing insect fluttering inside. It shot out from his palm and flew back into my hair. "The little guy likes your hair."
"I'm guessing it's my shampoo!"
"So why did one fly into my mouth?"
"Maybe it likes the smell of your toothpaste..." Grinning, I took a few steps back to create some distance between the two of us whilst the fireflies swarmed around the field.
"Thanks, Robbie." Without knowing exactly what I was doing, my lips brushed against his warm cheeks as I planted a kiss and pulled back.
"Welcome." His voice was slightly high pitched than normal but I didn't take any notice of the change. I myself was confused with what was going on... I didn't want to stir any unwanted discomfort, so as to speak. After all, we were spending an entire weekend together. Not to mention, sleeping in the same tent.
"You know you said you can't figure me out?" Robbie glanced over.
"Yeah. What of it?"
"Well, the funny thing is, you're more of a mystery." Chuckling, he sat cross-legged next to me by our tent. Lena and Willow were still have laying with the fireflies closer to their tent as Lena wasn't able to run far. Stan and Ricardo had retreated back to the wooden hut and were probably asleep by the sound of it. Or should I say, the lack of sound.
"Hey. You want me to tell you more about stars?"
"No, please. I literally will kill myself!"
"Okay, silence?"
"Silence." Nodding, I shuffled closer to him, our shoulders touching as the fireflies surrounded us amongst the night stars. That was number eight ticked off the bucket list. So what next?
"Susie, look.I just spotted Sagittarius! I've never been able to find that one in my entire life! Must be luck." His excitement was similar to Natalie's after she ate a ton of sweets and I shook my head at him. Clearly, he didn't understand the meaning of silence.
"Robbie?" I dragged his name.
"Shut up."
"Ok." He shrugged on his jumped and raked a hand through his dishevelled hair.
"But you know, this is so exciting! I mean, I finally found Sagittarius!"
Ugh. I'd never admit it to his face but for some reason, even though I wanted peace and quiet, there was something comforting about his voice. So I let him ramble on like a goat bleating continuously. Hey, I might learn something.
"You are intensely irritating, Robbie."
"But you love it, don't you."
I rolled my eyes at him but inside, I knew he was right. And how annoying is it when someone knows you inside out...
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