The Story Of A Founder
'The reasons why I said yes to making this campaign is because I'm an abuse victim.'
Following is the story of a young founder of this campaign, a sexual harassment victim.
I don't have that much to say about them but I knew they hated me but I never knew why and I never asked. I would get punched and beaten on every morning on got on the bus to go to school and the same when I got on the bus to go home, I could never do anything and I was too afraid to tell my parents too.
One day I came to school really depressed and my friend noticed I was acting weird so she did what any best friend would do. She told the school consular but I never told her about the boys and their abuse just nips and pieces, I never really liked telling the whole truth.
The boys would call me a whore, an ugly slut, whatever cruel name they would just to break me even more than I was. One day one of those boys went far enough and told me exactly how he would rape me and I avoided him for a long time after that and he eventually stops talking to me.
-The founder, Antibully.
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