25. Grow
"We don't grow when things are easy, we grow when we face challenges."
Tony still couldn't believe Peter had left like that. Even though they 'negotiated' terms, Peter would've been much safer at the compound.
And, if Tony was being honest, the place felt strikingly empty without him.
So, Mr. Stark decided to visit the kid - and his Aunt, of course - and bring take out or something for dessert.
Tony Stark now stood in the hallway of a shabby apartment in Queens holding a boquet of expensive wildflowers and Happy behind him with an ice cream cake. He rang the doorbell, and adjusted his suit. After a moment, May answered and a smile bloomed on her face at the welcome sight.
"Mr. Stark! So nice to see you!" She grinned, though Tony could tell immediately something was off. "May Parker, one of my favorite people!" Tony told her, and he was being genuine when he said it. Anyone who could raise a kid that turned out like Peter must be a pretty great person.
However, the stunned kid in May's living room was not, in fact, Peter Parker. This kid he had seen before, probably with Peter, but couldn't place it.
"M-M-Mr. Stark!" Stuttered the boy, and Happy recognized his voice. "Ned? Where's Peter?" Asked the former valet. May and Ned shared a look, and that was all Tony needed to know.
"Damn it! I knew I should've kept closer tabs on him!" Tony exclaimed, handing the flowers to May. "Ned told me he was just going on patrol, he should be back before midnight." May explained with a sigh, sitting at their table with a weary smile.
"You know nothing can stop that boy when he gets the whole 'my responsibility' mindset." She laughed, and Tony had to agree. Unfortunately, no 15 year old should ever look at Queens as his responsibility. "I'll go find him." Tony told May who stood. "Wait. Nights like this, he's usually back by 10. I don't want it to seem like we have a leash on him. He's a teenager after all." She advised, and Tony turned the wisdom over in his brain bitterly.
He knew she was right, but part of him desperately wanted to bring that boy home and wrap him in bubblewrap. If anything happened to him...
"Fine." Tony relinquished, finger releasing the trigger for his suit, letting his jacket sleeve fall over the watch again. "He has until 10." Then, with the customary Stark smile, he gestured to the ice cream cake. "We can attempt to enjoy this cake until then!" He looked directly at Ned who blinked and smiled. "Th-thanks Mr. Stark!"
Internally, Tony was counting down the seconds. It was 8:45. One hour and fifteen minutes, and he would be out there retrieving his spiderling.
Meanwhile, Peter was really starting to regret coming out at all. There hadn't been much to do, it was such a quiet night. Yet, even as he sat on the rooftop, all his senses were alert. There were people after him. Powerful people. Dangerous people. They wanted to hurt him.
Tugging his knees against his chest, Peter took a deep breath and surveyed the city. Was he really cut out for this? He was a kid. Maybe the Avengers were right...
He could do this.
He had to. This was his responsibility. His uncle Ben had drilled the importance of responsibility into his head since they had taken him in. It took Peter a while to understand why, but now he knew. He was his Uncle's responsibility. Teaching Peter how important responsibility is was Ben's way of telling Peter he would never give up on him.
Peter yanked off his mask desperately. Suddenly, he could barely breathe. Sobs were choking him, shaking him. After a moment, Peter forced himself to calm down. It wasn't much longer after that when he heard a scream.
Pulling on his mask, Peter launched toward the noise with one last look at the city. His responsibility. I won't give up on you.
Doing a flip, Peter shot through an already broken skylight into a small jewelry store. The owners, an older couple, cowered at the back while three masked men rumaged through the store.
"Ahem, didn't your mother ever teach you to share?" He chuckled as two quarreled over a diamond necklace. They spun to look at him through their ski masks, but Peter was concerned since they didn't exactly look scared.
"Finally. We were wondering when you'd show up." Chuckled one, stepping forward. He yanked off the ski mask with a grin, aiming his hand at Spiderman. Peter jumped out of the way of a shockwave before it could crash into him and gaped at the three.
Great. "Long time no see, Shultz!" Peter called to the one he recognized, who had also just shot at him. "You can call me... Shocker." He shot another blast, which Peter struggled to dodge. "And this is Ox, and Ricochet." He laughed as the other two ran at Peter. Ox barreled at him, which was easy enough to escape, but suddenly Ricochet was bouncing all over the place!
"Yikes! The human basketball!" Peter mocked fear as he spun a web at the bouncing fiend and flung him into Shocker. However, Peter managed to forget about Ox until his spidey sense screamed behind him. He spun around, but didn't manage to move before the huge... well, Ox wrapped his arms around Peter, pinning his arms.
"Gah! I like hugs just as much as the next guy but-!" He was cut off when he heard the subtle crack of his ribs.
That was... definitely not ok.
Welp, that's a fine mess you've gotten yourself into Pete. Will your dad - I mean Tony! Will Tony come save you?
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