13. Undefeated
"I will win, not immediately, but definitely."
Peter blinked his eyes open painfully, to a field of collapsed Avengers, and even Loki among the fray. Struggling to his feet, managed to reach Loki and web his wrists together so he wouldn't get away. Finally, the Avengers started waking up.
"Holy spades, I feel like crap." Falcon groaned, sitting up. The rest of Avengers followed, looking around in confusion. Wanda looked at Loki, then at Spiderman as a wave of shock passed through her.
"You beat him?" She gasped, and Cap's eyes widened. "Thank you!" Hawkeye exclaimed from where Natasha was helping him up. Ant-Man staggered in a circle. "Does anyone else feel like their brain's been through a blender?" Peter couldn't help but bark a laugh. Blender? His brains had been electrocuted! He fought against the double he was seeing, and the dizziness that was increasing. It took most of his strength just to remain upright.
"Yeah, well... you might want to... do something with him." Spidey managed, gesturing lamely at Loki. "I can't believe you beat him on your own. And us!" Rhodey exclaimed, his mask coming up. Tony groaned and finally woke up, disengaging his suit and falling out of it.
"Ok, vote for never letting Loki see the sun again?" The billionare raised his hand and Cap took it and helped him up. Tony then saw Peter and gasped.
"Holy cow kid, didn't know you had it in you." Tony shook his head in disbelief, before switching back into what Happy liked to call 'dad mode'. "Are you hurt?" He asked, jogging towards the skinny kid.
Peter looked down, surveying his sprained ankle, dislocated shoulder, fractured wrist, broken ribs, bruised back - along with countless other bruises - and definite concussion with a shrug. "Nah... I'm... fine..." he slurred as the dizziness peaked and the world tilted. Peter fell to the ground, eyes slipping closed.
"Peter!" Tony cried, running as the kid fell, managing to barely catch him before he hit the ground. "Holy sparks." Nat breathed as Tony pulled off Peter's mask. "H-he's a literal kid." Falcon said what they were all thinking, what had them all frozen to the spot.
Cap managed to stagger forward, kneeling on the other side of the boy. He faintly touched a bruise running along Peter's jaw. "One of us did this." He breathed, heart plummeting. Tony stood abruptly. "Enough of your guilt trip. He needs medical attention immediately. FRIDAY!" Tony yelled and the suit folded on him, avoiding Peter. "Contact Dr. Cho immediately." He told his AI. "You guys deal with Loki and meet me back at the compound." He told them, but Rhodey was already in the air. "I'm with you." He insisted.
Wanda helped Vision stand, but he quickly turned away from her. "I did this. All of this." He breathed, and Wanda just hugged him. "You didn't mean to." She insisted, but Vision wasn't entirely convinced.
Tony laid Peter on a gurney and put his mask on the bedside table. Dr. Helen Cho rushed in a moment later, hair in a messy bun. "What happened?" She asked, gasping as she saw the young man on the bed, clearly hurt.
Tony shook his head. "We got it under control. Can you help him?" He was hesitant to share anymore information with Cho than necessary - he had forgiven the doctor, but didn't want to put her in that situation again.
"Right. Of course." Cho nodded resolutely and turned to Peter. "The worst seems to be his shoulder. He must have some sort of healing factor, since the minor injuries are already healing." She observed, and Tony stood, waving his hands. "I don't need a running commentary. I'll be in the hallway if you need me." He quickly dodged into the hall, leaving Helen surprised. Tony Stark was a scientist, just like her, and would normally be ecstatic over such a discovery. She had heard, however, that if you form an attatchment to someone, its hard to see them in any kind of pain...
Tony leaned against the wall of the compound, questions blasting through his mind. He had to call Pepper, Happy and May, not to mention the other Avengers and explain just who this kid is because they would be anxious to know the truth...
"Tony!" Happy called, snapping Tony's attention like a rubber band. "W-what, yes?" Tony pushed off the wall as his 'driver' leaned against it. "FRIDAY told me came back with the kid. Is he ok?" Asked Happy, who was trying to act nonchalant by checking his watch. He cleared his throat after a moment and continued. "Uh, Pepper asked... I'm not worried or anything."
Tony chuckled and shook his head at his friend. "Right. He'll be fine, eventually. Apparently he has some healing factor... anyways, he took on quite the challenge."
"No kidding!" Happy cut in, pulling out his phone. "There are videos everywhere, did you see this?" Tony flinched as a video of him smashing Peter into the ground was shoved in his face. "Where did these come from?" He asked, blinking in disbelief as all the Avengers ran at Spiderman at once and yet the young hero dodged and got in some solid hits of his own. After being beaten to a pulp, of course.
"Uh... you attacked him outside a high school." Happy explained, and Tony nodded. "That makes... holy!" He grabbed the phone suddenly. A video came on, narrated by a young girl who was freaking out - with some very interesting footage.
"Are you guys seeing this? Its Spiderman! He's taking on all the Avengers and some guy who is... leading them? Holy crow, he just took control of Spiderman! He gave himself up! We're all going to die!" The girl sounded like she was hyperventilating almost as much as Tony. "Loki took control of Peter?" Tony's eyes widened as Spiderman dropped to his knees after submitting to Vision and Loki. A moment later he stood, and turned like the perfect soldier.
Tony sucked in a breath as Peter marched along with the rest of Loki's Avenger army when suddenly Loki screamed and dropped to his knees, Peter following. The rest of the Avengers stood at attention like dolls. Peter jerked once, his web shooters looking like they malfunctioned. Or maybe it wasn't a malfunction at all...
After another moment, the rest of the Avengers dropped.
Tony didn't need to see anymore. He ran into the infirmary where Cho had taken the shirt of Peter's suit off. She had fixed his shoulder and wrapped his broken ribs, looking up in surprise when Tony ran in. "Did you do a brain scan?" Tony asked, almost to fast for a normal person to understand. Cho blinked quickly, shaking her head. "No..." before she could even explain, Tony had the headset on the young boy and was scanning his brain.
After a moment, Tony let out a sigh of relief and leaned against the counter, nearly falling over. Peter had a bad concussion, but no permanent brain damage. "Tony..."
"He's fine." Tony managed, straightening and turning back to Happy in the doorway, more enraged than his employee had ever seen him.
With eyes like coals, Tony stormed out of the room and turned to Happy with a growl, seconds away from engaging his suit. "Which cell did they put him in?"
Tony is mad you hurt the smol bean, Loki. I think you might be thankful for the cell... although he is a 'god' so this should be interesting...
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