19. Liar Liar
CHAPTER 19: Liar Liar
I stood there silently, watching Ryan with confusion and only one thought in my mind, ‘What was he doing?’
The moment I came out of Gran’s apartment, I collided with him. He was standing there, staring at me like he was lost in deep thoughts.
Wow, deep thinking doesn’t suit you!
I was sure that my face displayed an expression full of confusion and I stood there with my hands in my pockets and swinging my body back and forth due to nervousness.
Gran and I were talking and then she started to talk about Ryan and then I told her everything that happened. About him breaking up with me, about what Ashton told me, about his idea and much more. She laughed at Ashton’s evil idea and agreed with him.
And the moment I came outside, we were talking about it as well and I was so fucking scared that he must had listen us and now he would know every single thing.
I smiled nervously and asked, “What happened?”
He narrowed his eyes with amusement and twitched his lips into a little smirk. But then he said something that made my eyes to pop out.
“I heard everything.”
“What? You heard what?” I stammered. How could he hear all that? Was he eavesdropping?
“I heard everything you and Granny were talking about.” he said in a singing tone.
“Pst, you didn’t.” I snorted.
He nodded his head and spoke, “I did.”
I looked at him with horror building up inside me. What would he do now?
“It wasn’t my idea Ryan.” I said with my face looking like a kid in front of his angry mother, totally afraid.
“Then who’s idea was it?” he asked with interest.
“It was no one’s idea.” I lied. I couldn’t tell him that Ash was the master-mind behind this plan, he was best friend after all.
“Come on Jady, spill out the bins.” he smirked, talking a step closer to me. I stepped back, watching the sudden change in his behaviour.
Okay enough. What the hell was happening to Ryan? It was like his mood was getting better and better by every passing day? What was happening? My head was spinning around with all this.
“I won’t.” I pressed my lips in a thin line and made an action of locking my lips and throwing away the key.
“Really? That was so immature.” he commented.
I shrugged my shoulder and rushed toward my door to open it and get away from Ryan as fast as I could..
Ryan’s behaviour had changed a lot since the last week. He was acting like he really wanted to talk to me and not just to do it for someone else; he wanted to talk because he felt like it. It may not be true but it sure gave me a lot of hope.
I grabbed my phone and dialled Ash’s number. It was all is fault that he made up with that idea and my foolishness that I actually agreed to do it. But if anything happens, Ryan would do more ‘harm’ to Ash as he was his best friend, so I was quite safe. Phew.
“Hello.” Ash’s sleepy voice erupted in my ears.
“You’re dead Ash. He knows everything.” I whispered.
The sound of shifting the sheets was audible before he spoke, “What? Who knows what?”
“Ryan knows about your plan.” I replied.
“Oh.” was the only reply that came from his mouth.
“What ‘oh’? He knows everything Ash, he’ll take revenge from us.” I cried out dramatically.
“Why would he do that? We’ve not done anything wrong.”
“Still, he’s Ryan, nobody knows what goes in his head.” I stated, which was a hundred and one percent true.
“Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I’ll take care of it.” he said distantly like he was lost in his dreams.
“Okay. And sorry to disturb you this early morning.” I apologized and after exchanging our goodbyes, I kept my phone on the table and went to get dressed for college.
There was something strange in May’s behaviour since the last week, she was acting very distant. Even when Kacie, May and I were sitting together, she would mostly talk to Kacie. As much as I remember, we didn’t get into any kind of fight or argument. The little gathering at Gran’s was also very decent and nothing happened, then what was the reason behind it?
“Gosh, May is so fucking irritating.” Kacie groaned. “She keeps on complaining about everyone and praising her stupid Garry. I’m sick of her already.”
“What’s with her?’ I asked her, while watching May laughing with Garry from the corner of my eyes. The couple was standing near the door of the classroom as the teacher was a little late today so nobody disturbed the two love birds. Garry kissed Mya for the last time and probably went to his next class.
May walked her way to her seat smiling but when she saw me, her smile was replaced by a scowl.
“Whoa, what was that?” Kacie asked eying May.
“I have no idea. ” I replied.
“Why is she so angry at you? She have been talking about you since like ever.” she spoke, making my eyes pop out.
“What? Why?” I shrieked.
“Don’t know. She was saying that you are very selfish and stuff.” Kacie spoke.
“Selfish? What did I do now?’ I said, while thinking about all the incidents which took place that night.
May came to my apartment as she wanted to see my apartment again as she liked it a lot. She went through all my clothes and seemed to be very excited about something.
And that was when my tube light glow up…
Was it because of that dress?
I was sure it was about that. She was acting in such a way because I refused to give one of my dresses to her. I didn’t do it because I didn’t want her to have it, it was because it a birthday gift from mom. It was something special for me, she brought it for me from one of her tour and I had many feelings attached to it.
And she got angry over it? I even explained the whole to her as well.
What was up with people around me? First Ryan and now May.
“So, are you going to this weekend?” Kacie’s voice interrupted me from my thoughts.
I turned my head to her and spoke,”Yeah. Our semester’s finals will start and then I won’t have any time to visit dad.” I answered.
“True.” she spoke and then suddenly got a little more excited and continued,”Hey, have you heard about the new update about the clubs?”
I looked at her with confusion and shook my head, indicating her to begin with her explanation.
“I heard some teachers talk that there are going to be a few new activities in all the clubs. It will a kind of collaboration of all of them and they all will work together on the given topic.” she spoke.
“That sounds interesting.” I grinned.
“It sure does.”
The class ended and we all walked outside. I wanted to make myself clear to May but then I thought that it would be better to give her some time alone so that she could fix up her things by herself and behave normally around me. It was a little misunderstanding, nothing more, she would understand soon. She may be a little dramatic but she was a nice person who won’t spoil a friendship on such pity issue.
I turned my heels to walk to the canteen to get a little meal before the next class starts and went away.
I sat on one of the tables and pulled out my phone. There were a few notifications of Facebook and from the University’s site. I logged unto Facebook and came across a picture. And not such any picture, a picture of Sage and Zac. Zac had his chin on Sage’s head and she was smiling. Zac posted it with the captions: I didn’t choose you, my heart it
I snorted at how cheesy that guy could be but couldn’t stop myself from smiling at Sage’s happy expression. She really was happy with Zac, no matter how cheesy and hopelessly romantic, he was the perfect guy for Sage and I was glad that they found each other.
Sage surely deserved someone who actually loved her, not someone who her sister fixed up with her such to get rid of that stupid rule.
Damn, I was such a terrible sister.
“And who is that?” a familiar voice said from behind my shoulder. I turned around and saw Ian bended a little to look at my phone from behind my shoulder. He had his adorable smile on and looked quite charming with his hair pulled back.
His hair looked charming pulled back. One more time watching that movie and I would turn into Regina George.
“That’s my sister and her boyfriend.” I answered while he walked opposite to me.
“May I sit?” he asked, pointing at the chair opposite to me.
“Thank you.” Ian spoke, passing his smile in my direction. “So, where is your sister?”
“She’s in another state, studying law.” I replied, putting the phone back in my pocket.
“My dad’s a lawyer as well.”
“That’s nice. And what about your mom?” I asked.
“She’s a Chemistry professor. It’s hard having a teacher mother as she would accept me to score well in her subject and I? I sucked at Chemistry.” he chuckled, followed by me.
“I liked Chemistry.” I stated. It was an easy subject as all you had to do was to mug up everything and puke it out in the examination.
I had always been a mugger.
“Maybe I’ll get better at chemistry if I be near you.” he spoke with a smile, leaning on the table.
“Huh?” I spoke, not understanding what he meant by it.
He chuckled and stood up. “I’ll go for now, talk to you later Jade.”
“Okay, bye.” I spoke.
I watched him walk away and then turned my attention to the empty chair in front of me.
Did he meant it in some different way?
Ashton’s point of view
There was one thing that was quite hard to believe…
Ryan reacting to something so quickly.
Like Jade described the whole situation form the morning, it was clear that there was something else in Ryan’s head. Even if he knew everything, he would keep it a secret and then make plans in his head. I knew him since I was six, I was ought to know him better, even when he was so fucking hard to understand. I had some special talent to do so.
He wouldn’t react to Jade’s talking so quickly. There was something wrong.
I sat at the couch where Ryan was sitting and spoke, “So, how was your trip to home? Everything went well?”
“Yeah.” was his only reply, his eyes fixed on the TV.
“And what time did you return? I was asleep when you came back.” I lied, wanting to get more out of him.
“Around five.” he answered.
“Met her yet?” I asked.
He looked at him and narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Why are you asking that?”
I shrugged my shoulder and spoke, “Can’t I ask? And I would assume that you did because you look happy. Did something happen?”
He smirked to himself and shook his head. “I’ll go call Luke for tomorrow’s practise.”
And after saying that, he went back to his room.
After watching his behaviour carefully, there was one thing that was clear by now…
That he didn’t hear a thing about the things Jade told me about.
He was lying about it.
Fucking jerk.
So, I am going to keep all the chapters of this story short.
That's Ashton on the side. Just imagine him from this picture because in his other photos, he have many tattoos and lips piercing and I don't imagine Ash like that.
Hope you liked it.
Don't fogrt to:
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