6 ~ My Own Little Tower
The sunset flooded the hallways with orange sunrays. Somehow, I had made it through my first day at Specter High. And luckily, I managed to make three new friends! And I was still in one piece. Now, I just needed to introduce Asher to Rus and Herb.
Currently, I was organizing my locker with the new textbooks that I had received today. Most of them were tomes, so it hurt my back to carry them for too long. The day had left me with a feeling of fatigue, so I couldn't wait to see my new dorm room. Hopefully, it was just as beautiful as this lovely building.
Asher was a few feet away from me, and he refilled the cans on his helmet with a thermos of soup from his locker. Around that time, Rus shuffled down the hallway with his duffel bag slung over one shoulder. His tail drooped along the floor, so he was probably a little tired.
"Oh, Rus! C'mere!" I called out. "I want you to meet someone."
"Okay . . ." He reluctantly joined my side, so I grabbed his wrist and faced him in Asher's direction. After refilling his cans, he shut his locker and looked Rus dead in the eyes.
"Rus, this is Asher. We met in art class."
"Millie!" he whispered through gritted teeth.
"He's a vampire," he muttered.
"Oh, yeah—but he drinks iron-fortified soup. It's not blood."
His face twisted in disbelief. "And you believe that? I mean, there could be blood in those things."
"Wanna see my thermos?" Asher randomly asked.
"No, I don't wanna see your thermos!"
"It ain't blood."
"I wasn't accusin' you. And I don't care," he snarled.
"Well, if you don't care, then don't take it out on her," he countered. "Otherwise, it kinda looks like ya do."
"Ugh! Millie, don't talk to this clown. He's purposefully tryin' to say these backwards things just to confuse you. It's like hypnotism."
"Well, if you wanna survive at this school, you might not wanna be friends with someone's who's as dumb as a dog," Asher retorted.
"What's that 'sposed to mean?!"
"'Cuz everything that comes out of your mouth is stupid. It's like you read vampire romance or something."
Rus gritted his teeth, and his ears tilted backward. "Well, for all we know, you could be lyin' to her, too."
"Guys, don't fight. Besides, you're gonna have to get along. I invited him to go out of town with us."
"What?!" Rus choked. "You invited a vampire that you just met thirty minutes ago?!"
"Well, I just met you a few hours ago."
"She's got a point." He then popped his straw into his mouth and slurped his soup. "I mean, you're lettin' her bring the guy who grows shrooms. Yet you're worried about me?"
"I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about her. I mean, even if you're safe, there's creeps everywhere. Especially in candy stores. That's one of the deadliest places for a human."
What in the world? Where did he get this information? "Where did you hear that?"
"Well, then why were kids always taught not to take candy from strangers?" Rus challenged.
"Because the candy could be poisoned! But that doesn't mean axe murderers are hanging around in candy stores."
"This guy obviously doesn't know anything about the human world," Asher deadpanned.
"Oh, and you're the expert?"
"Well, yeah, I've watched Married with Children and Full House. I kinda know what I'm talkin' about."
These guys were totally out to lunch. I can't believe they didn't know anything about the human world.
"Well, anyway, I need to figure out my dorm situation. So, you two can stay here and fight," I interrupted.
"See? This is why he shouldn't tag along," Rus whined.
"No, you just need to learn to get along with others!" I chided.
His ears drooped as if he had been whipped with a newspaper. "Okay. Sorry, Millie."
"I need to see the headmaster. So, I'll see you guys later." I quickly darted away before the argument could intensify.
Headmaster Lupus was waiting in his office with his secretary Ms. Milky, so I barged into the room and asked, "Excuse me. But is my dorm room ready?"
For some reason, the headmaster sheepishly looked away and tugged at his collar. "Hehe. Well, about that . . ."
"Is something wrong?" I worried.
"Well, the dorm buildings are assigned by species. And we don't have a human wing."
"And since some of the students—mostly the vampires—were showing such an interest in you . . ." Ms. Milky took over, "we decided that it was best to give you your own space."
"Really? So, I'm getting a private suite?"
"In a way, yes. You're getting your own tower," the headmaster informed.
. . . What? Tower? "Wait, there's a tower on this campus? Is it like a cute little turret?"
"Uh, something like that," he gruffly chuckled. "For your own protection, we deemed that it was best to keep you as far away from the troubled youth as possible. And don't worry, we can assure you that no one can escape it. Which probably means no one can break in, either."
"Oh." I didn't know what to say. I was looking forward to having a roommate, but I guess this would have to do for now. "Okay. So, where is it?"
"Right. Follow me."
The headmaster and his secretary led me out of the building and followed a lonely trail to the back of the campus. Along the way, we passed two baby blue dorm buildings with gingerbread trim that looked absolutely beautiful.
Sadly . . . I couldn't say the same about my situation. Headmaster Lupus stopped, so I craned my neck and looked up at my three-story Gothic tower built from weathered granite. It practically looked medieval.
"Seriously?" I muttered.
"Don't worry! It's actually quite homey on the inside," the headmaster reassured.
"Yes, it even has a kitchenette and a flatscreen TV!" Ms. Milky chirped. "We installed it this morning just for you."
"Oh, really? Thanks."
Maybe it wouldn't look so bad on the inside. At least they gave me a TV.
"We recommend that you not dally on your way to and fro," the headmaster added. "We have a little bit of a gang problem after 8:00 PM, so I recommend that you retire to your tower before then."
"You mean I'm on lockdown?"
"Oh, heavens, no! I didn't mean to imply . . . how should I put it? Please don't travel unescorted anywhere on campus. Find a trusted student like Herb to assist you. Here's his number." He handed me a leaf-shaped card.
Somehow, I felt like Herb wouldn't be able to protect me against a full-blown gang war. "Oh. Thanks," was all I could murmur.
"And just remember," Ms. Milky cut in. "If you need anything, don't be afraid to call me. We hooked up an emergency telephone in your bedroom. It's bright red and contacts my number immediately."
Emergency phone? But what if this woman was asleep and didn't hear me call? I tried to gulp down my dread. "Uh, what kind of emergencies?"
"Oh, you know. Hehehe—my-e-e-e-ah." She laughed and bleated nervously at the same time. "If you ever feel scared or threatened, that's what it's for."
I was starting to have a bad feeling about being alone in my own tower, but maybe it was for the best. At least for now.
"Okay, well, I guess I'll go inside now."
They both smiled encouragingly. Headmaster Lupus pulled a key out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Yes, we hope it's to your liking."
I had never slept in a tower before, but I guess there was a first time for everything. Without another word, I unlocked the arched wooden door and cautiously stepped into the shadows. Thankfully, the lights on the wall illuminated the gritty spiral staircase.
The dust in the air was so thick, my eyes started to water. I coughed a few times, wafting the air, and carefully climbed the steps. They could have at least cleaned up the creepy cobwebs dangling off the wall.
It took at least a minute for me to reach the top, so when I finally reached the third floor, my legs were already aching. Finally, I had reached my room . . . and let's just say it looked about as nice as any other tower that imprisoned princesses.
The walls were masoned with mortar and stone, and there wasn't a speck of color to be found. Only grey. They had provided me with a single bed and a comforter patterned with random emojis. This must have been their idea of what a human teenage girl would like. Next to the bed was a clunky, red telephone on the wall with the striking white words: EMERGENCY.
At least it would be close at all times.
The "kitchenette," according to Ms. Milky, was just a minifridge, a folding table, and a small retro microwave. Clearly, this place needed my special touch. Maybe I could get a pink curtain from the mall this weekend. Along with a dust buster.
The cast-iron lantern hanging from the ceiling was barely enough to light up the room. So, I guess I would need to use a flashlight when doing my homework. Thankfully, there was at least one diamond-lead window that I was able to swing open. It gave me a perfect view of the campus below. Maybe I would be able to catch a glimpse of the gang wars after dark.
Suddenly, my phone vibrated in my cardigan pocket, so I pulled it out to find a text message from Rus.
Did anybody try 2 bite u on ur way to ur dorm?
I just smiled and texted back:
Still alive! (^_^)
A few seconds later, he replied:
Not funny.
Aww, he cared. If only the emergency hotline went to him. He'd probably hear his phone ring at all times because of his supersonic hearing. Speaking of which, I decided to ask him something.
So, can you hear stuff from far away?
He only replied:
Finally, I couldn't help myself. I had to know more! So, I called him. And surprisingly, he actually answered.
"Hi!" I chirped.
"Are you okay?" he worried, soundly slightly panicked.
"Uh, yeah? Why wouldn't I be? We were just texting a few seconds ago."
"Oh. Then why'd you call?"
"To talk to you!" Has this boy never been in a phone call before? "Anyway, I wanted to ask you some questions." I fell back on my bed and twirled a lock of my brown hair.
"You mean like a quiz?"
"No, I'm just curious. I need to be a little more savvy now that I'm going to this school."
"Okay. Just don't stick your nose in anything and don't act too eager to get to know people. You'll be fine."
"That's not what I meant! Anyway, you can really hear stuff from far away? Like, how far?"
He sighed. "I dunno. I try not to listen in."
"Can you hear music through headphones?"
"Yeah. It drives me crazy when they listen to crap. Sometimes I plug my ears, but since I got four, it's kinda hard. And it makes it hard to sleep. Everything wakes me up. If I had my way, I'd have a soundproof room."
Wow, that was so intriguing. "So, do you have a roommate?"
"Ugh. Yes. He's got fleas. It's the first day, and the couch is already infested."
"Really? Werewolves get fleas?" I gasped.
"Anybody who doesn't bathe can get fleas."
"Not humans. We get lice."
"Well, I don't know what he's got, but there's bugs! And he scarfs down squirrels from the backyard. And he howls a lot."
"You learned all of this on the first day?"
He paused. "No, he's actually my cousin Fido."
"Seriously?" I could have sworn I remembered a Fido from the first night of being here.
"All our parents name us dumb names 'cuz they think it's clever or—" He then gagged. "Cute. Guys don't want cute names!"
"But your name seems normal," I encouraged.
". . . My name's Russell. And my mom calls me Rusty."
Rusty. It was actually kind of cute. But suddenly, the realization clicked in my head. "Wait, you mean after the Jack Russell Terrier?"
"You see, my dad's name is Jack, so they thought it'd be funny."
"So, are you gonna have a brother named Terrier?" I joked.
He went silent, and I worried that my comment had offended him.
"He goes by Terry," he finally blurted.
I could hardly believe my ears. "Wait, so your dad's name is Jack, you're Russell, and he's Terry . . .?"
"Don't laugh."
I fought the overwhelming urge to laugh, but finally, I let out a snicker.
"I said don't laugh!" he sulked.
"Sorry. So, what's your mom's name?"
I cracked a smile. "At least you have a creative name."
"Just 'cuz it's creative doesn't mean it's good," he moped. "It sounds like one of those names those human celebrities give their kids."
"Uh, I don't think so. They name their kids after fruits. There's actually a lot of human guys named Russell.
"Yeah, by itself! But I can never tell anybody my family's names."
"You told me," I giggled.
"Well, yeah. But you're different," he sheepishly admitted.
A big grin crossed my face, but then I let out a yawn. "Well, I'm gonna go. I'm a little tired."
"Okay. Lock the door."
"Don't worry. I think I'm pretty safe."
"Pretty?" He sounded suspicious.
"It's just an expression."
"Humans sure do talk with a lot of expression."
"Well, we kind of invented emojis." I then glanced at my comforter.
"Oh, yeah. Those things. They're too complicated."
It was kind of hilarious to see a werewolf baffled by emojis.
"Seriously? They're complicated?" I goaded.
"Yeah. I mean, a smiley face could mean anything from 'wanna play fetch' to 'I wanna bite your neck.' Did you know a vampire smiles before he goes in for the kill? So, as long as they're all angry around you, you're safe. They're like cats. They play with their food."
"Okay, well, thanks for the vampire psychology lesson."
"That's not even the beginning."
I just laughed. "Goodnight, Rusty."
"Rusty?! Wait, I—!"
Before turning in for the night, I sent him a smiley face emoji to confuse him a little. He frantically texted back:
Don't call me Rusty!!!
With a grin, I put my phone on my rickety end table, changed into my soft corgi-patterned pajamas, and snuggled into bed. Somehow, talking to Rusty had lifted my spirits, so the tower didn't seem so spooky anymore. At least I didn't have to deal with a flea infestation.
However . . . before I fell asleep, I sent a quick text to Kylie and told her that I was alright. Since I didn't want to leave yet, I told her that I would try to enroll at Frostlake High next semester. Of course, I didn't mention anything about the supernatural situation, so I decided to let her think that I had already gotten "adjusted."
After all, how could a girl like me go back to my normal life?
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