Hunting Luke
After looking around. Jon found a change of clothes. He decided that being in a police uniform wouldn't work in this world. So he changed into some plain clothes jeans a shirt and a sweater. He thought back to the mask Luke had got him. "It might be smart to cover my face." He thought heading back home the map and anything else useful he found tucked in a backpack. He didn't notice the man or.the.boy when he got back. They probably decided anything worth anything wasn't for them to take and moved on. Jon wnet back.into his room and slipped on his mask. He smiles at all the memories he made over a stupid video game character and how it became a good part of his life. He then sighs. All that is gone now. This is real life now. No more games. Setting his back down.he pulls out the map. Looking at it he tries to figure out which direction to go. Putting it back in he heads out towards an old campground him and Luke used to frequent. He isn't sure which ways are safe or not so he starts slowly and quietly.
The treck was long. Having learned to go around areas where the most people would have been in a mass panic exodus. The Highway. Main roads. Certain back roads. The usual. He was tired. Worried. Scared. But still trying to be strong. Luke was his best friend. He had to be strong to find him. But he worried about what he would find. Would he be dead? Hurt? Would he be different. Would he not be the same man he remembered? These worries continued in his head as he reached the campground. He grabs a map of the grounds from the check in office and starts to wonder where he could be. He spots things scattered about and starts to follow the trail. His weapon out so he doesn't get attacked from places he can't see. His chest hurts as he reaches a make shift camp. Ruined and empty. He tried not to cry as he looked through. "Luke? Luke..." He half whispered as he looked around. He spots what has to be where Luke had stayed. He pokes around finding blood bullet casings and a half written journal/letter thing. It was half written toward Jon. But also just Luke's thoughts and worries about if he was going to live or not. Lucky Luke has written where he'd go if shit went down here.
Suddenly Jon feels something against the back of his head. "Who the hell are you and the hell you goin through my shit for?" Jon knew that voice. He knew who stood stood behind him. He bites his lip and set down the letter before he gets up slowly putting his machete away. He turns and looks at Luke. "Hey here old man... You look worse for ware." The color drained from Luke's face. "Jonathan?" "Surprise" he says with a shrug. "Take off that God damn mask so i can see your ugly ass face." Luke says I laugh and pull it off and he hugs me. "I thought you were fucking dead Jon! Dead! Rottin in a dumb ass hospital! How... How are you alive?" "I don't even know. Don't as me. I just woke up. Man. You got any food or water cuz God damn I'm starved!" Luke laughs. "Yeah. We moved away from here after we got snuck up on by a hoard of them dead fucks. I came back to grab some shit for people. Guess that makes me the leader type cuz they trust me. Or they just like my beard." Jon shakes his head and laughs. "Let's get out of here then." Luke nods and points north. "That's the direction we're headed. It's a few miles you up for it man?" Jon nods "as ready as I'll ever be man. I'm... Really glad I found you alive." "Me too man. Me too." Luke replied as they started their treck to the other camp after Luke grabbed the things he needed to grab and filled Jon up with some water so he wouldn't pass out.
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