Day Two: On Our Own (Chapter Three)
Once we left. I was immediately regretting my decision of leaving. I should have waited for the guys. I have no medicine out here. "Lui.... Get down." Luci whispered. We crouched behind a car and I saw people. Human people in a group. "Hey! Cabron! We don't have all day! We need to move! We need to make a decision now! Where the hell are we going?" I smiled and stood up. I pulled Luci up. "Hey! Droidd! That you?" I said coming out from behind the car. He turned. "Lui? El Squeaky?" I laughed and yelled in my kid voice "Who you callin' Squeaky Huh?" "Uh... No one..." He said pretending to be a afraid. We both laughed. "This is Luci. She is my girlfriend." I said. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She felt really hot. "Luci?" I looked at her. "Lui.... I don't feel very good." She then collapsed. "Luci! Please please don't do this to me! Don't turn into one of those things! I couldn't live with myself if that happened to you." I gulped. "Especially if your dad found out. I'd be sleeping with the fishes in no time!" Her breathing was labored and she was sweating buckets. Not literal buckets. Just sweating a lot. I held her hand and started to try bring her temperature down. Then Droidd picked her up. "Hey!" He carried her over to the building. Which I realised was a gas station. And he put her in the ice box. That was really cold and still had ice in it. "That should bring her temp down. What is wrong with her?" "I.... I don't know.... It happened while we were in pax yesterday... She came over with a gash on her shoulder. Like someone cut her and there was some gross stuff in it. I'm worried...." He looked at me. "Are you sure she wasn't bitten?" "No! I'm th-" I cut myself off. "No... She wasn't bitten." I said. Droidd laughed "Alright Lui. I believe you." He pulled her out of the freezer and laid her down on a bed. "We should give her some antibiotics." "Do you have any antibiotics?" Then a girl came over a small girl and handed droidd a pill bottle. "Antibiotics." He said reading the label. He looked at the girl as did I. "Thank you." I said. She nodded and ran back to her group. "Where OS the rest of the crew man?" Droids asked. "I don't know... We were headed south to find Delirious. Then... This morning Tyler kicked me and Lucia out of the bus." "Tyler? I thought he was the chill guy." "I don't know... I guess he was just trying to protect everyone." Then Droidd went silent. "Lui... You need to see this." I walked over to him where he was looking at the gash on Lucia's shoulder. It.... Was.... Gone? What the hell? "Lui?" I looked at Luci. "Yeah?" "I feel better.... But.... I'm really tired...." Then we heard noticed and gun shots. "Come on Lui. We need to get out of here." He picked Luci up and put her in the backseat of a pickup truck. "Hop in. We need to get out of here." I put my duffle under the seat and hopped in. We went flying down the road. "Let's... Go north. To Canada. Where it's cold. The junkies should freeze." Droidd said. "Junkies?" I asked "Yeah. They walk sort of like their high so I called them junkies. Besides the first one I encountered was a junkie that lived in the same apartment building as me." I nodded. I wonder how the guys are doing? No. Don't worry about them. Worry about yourself and Luci.
As I drove I wondered if Lui was OK. I then saw him. With Droid. But a group of people blocked me and shot a couple warning shots. I stopped and put my hands up "I'm friendly. I'm looking for Lui Calibre and his girlfriend." The shot again. But this time at a rotter came walking out of the bush. I then saw a bunch more. I pulled my machete and started to slice them up like no tomorrow. I then got on my bike and flew out of there when I could meeting back up with the group. "I saw him. He is with droidd. I didn't see Luci though. Then again I didn't have much time to look cuz a bunch of the rots came out of the woods. We need to move soon. We can't stay here for long." Evan nodded it seems like he has taken command. As if this was a game. Leading us to save us. "You know. I didn't think your delirious mask was real. But here it is. On your face." Moo said. I nodded "Well... Actually I just got it. I didn't always have it. It just came in the mail? I had it custom made. Ain't it cool?" Moo nodded "Hey...? Are you eating hockey gear" Evan asked I nodded "yeah. Jodi made me put it on. She is wearing some too." "So... How did you meet Jodi?" Evan asked. "Uh.... Last year... We met online. And then I flew her out here a couple times cuz her mom was driving her insane. With all the talk about getting a boyfriend and having grandkids." Evan looked at me "Huh. Mom never bugged me about getting a girlfriend." "Well... From what Jodi said. They weren't expecting you to have kids. I think because of your job." Evan chuckled. "Del. Take care of her will you. If anything happens.. I want you to keep her safe. You know? I know she can handle herself I just don't want to lose my sister." I nodded "I got it. I know. I was already planing on doing that. She is my girl and I care about here. I ain't gonna let those things hurt her." I said. Then I looked over at WildCat and his girlfriend. "What are we gonna do with him? He just kicked Lui and his girlfriend out. Which isn't OK." "Leave him be. Hey.... I was thinking that this group is to big.... And that you and Jodi should go and find Lui. Make sure he has people who he can trust. Separating is a bad idea yes. But it would be safer in smaller groups. Besides.... Food is going to be an issue for large groups." "Yeah. I get that. I know your not kicking us out. You just want to make sure Lui got some people who has his back." I grabbed a duffle bag full of food and stuff. "Come on Jodi. We should go. We need to find the squeaker and support him." Then Mini and Dawn came over "Can we come with?... We kinda.... Don't want what happened with Lui to happen to us." Mini asked. I nodded "Yeah. Come with." We hopped into a car and drove away. Leaving Evan, Tyler, Moo,
Brian, Nogla and the girls behind. They'll be fine. But now we need to get on the road of tracking Lui, Luci, and Droidd. I wonder if Droidd has anyone else alive. I wonder if Luke is alive... I hope he is. He is a cool dude and I really hope he isn't dead.
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