Day Three: Quiet Day
Lucia is seeming to be healthy again. But Droidd and I are keeping an eye on her just in case. Last night we ran into some friends. We ran into RacingCatz. Which was pretty cool. He was wearing a cat mask. He is a cool kid. We also found Scotty. Our own FourZer0Seven.
"Car!" Scotty yelled. We all ducked behind trees. The car stopped in the middle of the road. A man got out. He was wearing a hockey mask and a blue sweater. "Hey Punk What are you doing on our turf?" I said. With a big smile on my face. "Well... I dunno Mr mysterious voice. I'm looking for my friend Lui. He is a little kid." "Hey! What you doing here Huh Delirious?!" Delirious started to laugh. I stood up and came out. "Can I get a hug Delirious? This is an honor to meet you in real life man. Even if there is a Zombie apocalypse around us." He then gave me a hug. "I'm sorry that WildCat was a dick to you." "You knew?" "Yeah. I found you guys the night before. And the rest of us went out looking for gas to keep moving but when we got back.. You were gone." He said. "Yeah well I wasn't waiting on WildCat to shoot my girlfriend." "Where is she?" She came out. From behind a tree. "Wow. The world's two shortest people." "Shut up delirious. IM NOT THAT SHORT! IM FIVE FOOT SEVEN!" "Yeah. What about your girl. She is super short. You like your ladies short don't you?" "Shut up Delirious." "I'm Five Four OK? You don't need to make me feel shorter than I already am." Lucia said. Crossing her arms. I gave her a reassuring hug. "Your not short. Your fun sized. Remember that." I said jokingly trying to cheat her up. "We got Geeks coming in!" I heard a voice. I turned and saw Cartoonz run in. He had a rifle on his back and a big blade. He stopped when he Saw Delirious. "Hey Man. Welcome to the land of the living. I went to your house and there was blood everywhere. I though you got eaten man." Delirious laughed and said "Ain't none of those thing gonna get me. Come on. Let's move if there are some coming in. Oh! And say hi to Jodi Mini and Dawn." He said pointing to the passengers in the car. "Got another car?" Droidd asked. They shook their head. "Alright then! Toonz your caring with Del. Scotty Data your with us. Hop in the back with Luci. Lui your passenger. Let's go."
We moved and came across a group of people. They started to talk to us so Droid started to yell in Spanish. It was hilarious to watch these people react. They had no idea what to say so they left. Then the next group we came across I rolled down my windows and asked where the nearest Disney Land was. In my kid voice. They thought I was crazy. But it was fun messing with these people.
It's almost dark now and we haven't found a place to rest yet. "Look. Lights. There is a group ahead." Droidd said. "Let me deal with them. I'll talk to them in my kid voice." I said. Droidd chuckled "Alright." The group approached our cars sacredly. I know there are gonna be bad people out here so you need to be wary of who you meet. A man walked to the window. Then Droidd started speaking Spanish. The guy laughed "Hey. Uh... Don't speak Spanish... But English...?? Is it a thing you speak?" Lucia poked up. "No way. Gassy Fucking Mexican." She said. Gassy Mexican...? The YouTuber? "Hey. A fan. Glad to see not all my fans died." She chuckled "Nah. I got Lui to protect me." "Hi. Uh... Lui Calibre. That's Droidd. Four O Seven and RacingCatz. Then in that car. Its Delirious MiniLadd Cartoonz and Delirious' Girlfriend Jodi. And MiniLadd's girlfriend Dawn." "Wow. YouTubers. Surviving. That is crazy. Especially since we're all gamers and 'Only know how to play videogames' how you guys fairing? Any other tubers you run into that are alive?" "Yeah. The vanoss crew... For the most part. We don't know about Marcel BasicallyIDoWrk. He wasn't at Pax East." "You guys headed north?" We nodded "Don't. One of the guys in our group came from up there. It ain't any safer. He was with his family. And then they died and he went running. To where he knew he would find friends. Massachusetts." I saw a few people. It looked like Chilled and his group of people. Like Ze, GaLm, Smarty, SeaNanners, and Gassy. There was a few ladies among them. But from what I see it's only three girls. "Yeah. Fuck... Then.... Where should we go? South? So the Zombies can rot faster in the heat?" "Nah. We've been thinking on just crossing the country a few times. Taking out as many nerds as we can." "That's dangerous. You could get killed." "Well... Every nerd dead could mean another human life saved."
"So Mini Delirious Jodi and Dawn all left?" WildCat asked I nodded "Yeah. They said that they wanted to give Lui some backup in this crazy world. I wonder if they found him yet?" "They probably found him dead with his girl chomping away at his body." "Why are you being so negative? She is fine! What if it was your girl who everyone was threatening? Huh? Don't be a dick come on. Let's keep moving. Staying in one place isn't safe. Especially with the lack of weaponry we have." Everyone pulled into the bus and we drove. Down main roads side roads back roads. Raiding gas stations, rest stop vending machines, abandoned homes, all for food and water. We need to have food and water. Because staying hydrated is needed. Same with food. We need it. I hope Lui and the rest are doing OK. I wonder if they will leave any signs of them being alive.
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