Day Somthing: Life
It was just about midnight. The moon straight over head. I felt so tired. But I couldn't sleep. Everyone else was out cold. Craig and Dawn are practically impossible to separate. And poor Marcel. I hear him having nightmares almost every night. I cant imagine what happened to him. "Hey Tyler. Mind if i chill out here with you?" I looked at Marcel. "Sure." He sat down next to me on the couch. "You know you have us to talk to right? If you need to talk about anything. I'm here man." Marcel sighed. "I've just been through so much shit that it catches up with me sometime. Like...." "Like your girlfriend." "Yeah. Simone. She died... like a week after it started. Me and her had been surviving fine with it just being us. But... She got bit... we kept going as if nothing was wrong.... Then.... She.... turned... I couldn't pull myself to kill her. So I ran." It must have messed him up good. Loosing Kelly messed me up. "I haven't been able to sleep since we left Kelly." I said looking up at the stars and moon. The roof was a pretty nice place to be. "I know. I could hear you pacing every night." We've been in this ski lodge for three days. I've lost count of how many days we've been in this shit for. It seems like forever.
Who knows how long it's been since we left Tyler and the rest. Jodi is doing well. Lui and Lucia are well too. Jodi is still upset that we had to leave Evan behind. We all were. He is probably rotting under that damn bus seat. Probably didn't even get a fighting chance to get out of there. "Jon. Come back to bed." I heard Jodi say. "No. I cant sleep. Besides. It was my shift to take watch. I'm fine. Go back to bed." She sat down next to me. Her stomach was staring to get larger. She kissed my cheek. "Jon. Talk to me. What's wrong?" I looked at her. "Everything. Ive lost so many good friends. I might actually go Delirious here." She smiled amd said "Well... you still have me. And your baby." She said putting my hand to her stomach. "Our Baby." I said. I then started to think about when the baby was born. Were going to need a safe place. A place where we can raise a child. And keep it safe. Then... we're going to need food, clothes, and diapers. "Do you think Evan survived somehow?" I shrugged. "I... I dont think he did to be honest." She leaned her head on my shoulder "Jon. Have you been eating properly?" I've been making sure she got food. Ive been giving her my rations along with hers. "Yes. I have. I'm fine." She sighs. "Alright. I'm going to go back to bed. Dont stay up too late." She then left.
Begin covered in zombie guck wasn't my first priority of the day. But hey. It kept the bitters at bay.
I looked back at Scotty and Panda. They were both covered in the stuff too. It was part of our plan to move though places. It was still really dark. The sun was going to come up soon. "Evan. Look. Up there. The ski lodge. There are tracks headed up to it." I followed to where Scotty was pointing. Tracks. "Two men and two women. I can tell by the shoe shape." I said. They couldn't be that old either. "Come on. Lets go make a visit."
We hiked up to the lodge and snuck in. This place was Dead quiet. "Alright. I'm going to go back to bed. Dont stay up too late." Someone said. Me Panda and Scotty hid as a woman came off of the porch area facing a pretty view. It was Jodi. I snuck up behind her and cover her mouth and pulled her over to the guys. Her eyes were wide when she saw us. She then punched me when I let her go. I hushed her before she screamed at me. "Evan!?" She hugged me. "JON!" I then saw Jonathan run down and then he saw me Panda And Scotty. "You mother fuckers. YOUR ALIVE! LUI, LUCIA WAKE UP!" I watched as Lui come out of the office room with an axe in hand. I laughed "hey its The Squeaker!" Lui looked at me and said "uh... Evan... you got..... a little..... something on your...." he motioned as if there was something on my face. I laughed "I know I have somthing on my face. Tank you captain obvious."
Panda Scotty amd I washed up and we all went to bed. It wss nice. Even though we were sleepign on couches. It was better than the hard ground.
Mini and Dawn came out of their room and sat with us. It seems like none of us can sleep. "Tyler. Do you think any of them are still alive?" I sighed "No clue Craig. No clue. I know Delirious is one scary mother fuck so I know he is alive. And if he is alive Jodi is alive. But.... Lui and Lucia. No clue. They could be dead. They could be alive. I dont know." "What about Evan. We just left him pinned in the bus. Do you think he could have escaped?" "Yeah. I think he did. To be completely honest Evan is one hard mother fucker to kill. I think he got out. Who know? Him and the rest of the guys could be meeting up right now and having a few laughs. Come on now guys lets hit the road." I said standing up. "Alright. Lets go." Mini said standing up and then helping Dawn up. Everyone still looked dead tired. I bet they all are dead tired. I know I am.
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