Day Four: Trapped
We bunked in a small motel off the highway. We all roomed on the second floor and blocked the stairs with a car. The vending machine was still intact so we busted it open and had vending machine food for dinner.
"Lui Wake up. We have a problem." I pulled myself out of the comfort of the warm bed and picked up the shotgun I found in a closet at the last gas station we raided. I followed Luke out side. We were surrounded by them. They were trying to come up but Jodi and Delirious were chopping them down before they could get anywhere. "When did they show up?" "Late last night. Thank God Jodi was on patrol. She woke up Delirious and they have been doing that all morning. Luci came out and saw the mess. " How are we going to get out?" "We don't know yet. Why don't you go comfort Dawn. She is pretty scared. While the guys talk. And figure out a plan." She nodded and went into Mini's room. "Jodi. Why don't you guys figure up a barricade of some sort. So then we can all talk and figure out a plan." She nodded. Stepping back and letting Delirious do all the chopping. She went into on of the vacant rooms and threw the mattress down into the stair well. Then she threw a dresser and what ever else she could find. It seemed to block them well. We all met in a room. "What are we going to do? Kill them all?" Jodi asked. "No. We need to get out fast." Luke said.
Four Days. It's been four days. And everything is absolute shit. We haven't seen any living people in ages. Then something hit the bus and we got stuck. Me and Tyler stepped off the bus.
We really should have stayed on the bus. There were biters everywhere. One grabbed Tyler. I kicked it and we ran back into the bus. "MOO JUST FLOOR IT!" "I can't! We're stuck!" "Just go! We're stuck on a biter! It will break eventually." As I said that the bus jerked forward and then we went zooming down the road. We stopped when we saw a huge hoard of them. They were surrounding a motel. We managed to get around the motel and get in through the back.
All I heard was a scream. I burst out of the room shot gun hpin hand and an axe on my back. I saw Cody. Racing catz. I grabbed the axe off my back and killed the biter. I looked at Cody. There was a huge bite on his neck. The rest of the guys came. I pulled Cody up into a sitting position. And cartoons handed me his pistol. "Cody. I'm so sorry." I shot him in the back of the head.
We heard a gin shot so we ran over. I then saw Cartoons and Droidd. Then I looked down and saw Lui holding... A kid...? Lui was upset. "He was just a kid man." Lui stood up and wiped his tears away and looked at me. "He was RacingCatz." Tyler pushed passed "RacingCatz?" "Fuck man. Come on let's get everyone together. Mini go get Dawn and Luci. They're probably confused." Mini nodded and ran off "Luci is still alive?" Tyler said. Lui nodded "Yeah. She never turned."
The car ride away from that place was sad. No one spoke. Especially after we hurried RacingCatz. We propped his cat mask on a stick over his grave and put a sign saying he was buried there. Droids had a truck and cartoons a car. We kept at a good pace. We didn't even know where we were going. We were just driving.
I felt like shit. I kicked Lui and Lucia out. Because I though she was going to turn. And now she is fine. Fucking hell. Why am I such a fucking asshole? "Lui." I said. He looked at me. "What?" "I'm sorry for being such a dick. I... I was just scared.... I didn't want to see anyone get hurt." He nodded "No hard feelings man. Don't worry. And if you didn't we wouldn't have met up with toonz and Droidd." He said. "Thanks man. I just felt so guilty because I realized I was being a dick. And Shit." Lui patted me on the shoulder. "It's fine. Don't bead yourself up. What happened, happened. OK?" I nodded. Feeling a little better. But not by much.
First death
And in this obviously deaths will be permanent. Unlike my other stories where I can't seem to keep characters Dead. X.X R.I.P RacingCatz
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