Why Does This always Happen To Us?
He slowly opened his eyes to see his younger brothers laying on the cold metal floor next to him. He tried to reach out for them but he couldn't because he hands were bonded together behind his back. He lifted his head to see Jason closest to him. He looked over him closely. His black with white hair was messy and all over the place and he was currently waking up. Jason's hands were also bond together. Next to him laid Tim who was in a similar position. Damian on the other hand looked the worse. His hands were bonded behind his back like the rest of them but sweat rolled down his small rounded face and he was shivering violently. Dick sat up and looked around there prison. There was metal for flooring and walls that went up about 7 feet. The ceiling was opened so if Dick and Jason stood up they could easily climb out. He then noticed there was no windows or doors in the room which made him start to freak out. He then noticed the room was just enough for them to all lay down comfortably. He sighed making his head go back. Which made him see the metal slap about the size of the room dangling over there heads. He looked at his brothers who were still waking up. They all soon woke up except for Damian who was still out cold. Jason scooted over to Tim to make sure he was okay as Dick scooted to Damian.
"Oh how lovely for you guys to join us in the living. I hope you slept well" a old husky male's voice came from the opening. They looked up angrily to see a large male siloet in the moons rays.
"What do you want with us? Can't you see our brother is badly ill and my other brothers are injured?" Dick yelled at the man.
"I really don't care there Richard! All I care about is if Daddy will pay to get you all back!" he yelled at them.
"Okay boys I am going to toss down some water and bread then a computer with one thing only. You are going to tell your dad what I want which include 10 million. Got it?" he said to them. They nodded and 5 water bottles and 3 loafs of bread were tossed down along with a computer that was lowered down. Dick maneuvered his hands to the front of him and pressed the on button and Bruce came onto the screen.
"Dad!" Dick yelled. Sighing in relief to see his dad on the screen.
"Dick! Are you boys alright? Were are you? Are you or any of your brothers hurt?" Bruce asked fastly.
"Dad were okay. But the man wants 10 million to get us back or he will most likely kill us." Dick yelled. Soon there was a loud clank and the metal slap started to move covering them up sending the room into darkness except for the light that came from the computer. A loud whooshing sound came and a PCP pipe came in down from all the corners giving them air to breathe. Soon they heard loud clicking sounds from above them that Dick and Jason knew to well. It was the sound of rocks hiting the metal above them.
"There are burying us alive!" Jason yelled as his grip tightened on the shaking Tim. All that can run through Dicks mind was what have they got themselves into?
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