The Eventful Flight
*Okay guys here is the moment we have all been waiting for! The Plane Ride! Lets see if they can last long enough before they try killing each other!*
They were now on the plane ride going to a place only Jason knew. There heavy duffle bags were in the compartments above their heads jumping around every time they hit turbulence. Jason was sitting next to Damian whom had the alley seat. As Dick whom had the alley seat as well sat next to Tim across the alley. Jason sighed a happy sigh as he listened to his heavy metal that was going to burst through his headphones. Damian was arguing with Tim as Dick was trying to stop the fight between them. He was doing a poor job. Jason rolled his eyes as he looked out the small two layered glass window. He could see dark grey clouds forming around the plane sending the plane into darkness. The Emergency light flicked on as the boys turned on theirs.
"Excuses me gentlemen but we seem to be heading into a thunderstorm. So please buckle up and remain in your seats thank you and have a nice flight" the pilot on the intercom.
Damian's and Tim's argument has seized for now. Dick pulled Tim against him letting him gently fall asleep on him with his head resting on his muscular shoulder and gripping Dicks arm as it rested around his shoulders and throat. Damian turned to Jason seeing if he could do the same. Jason noticed a pair of eyes glaring into the back of his head. He turned to see the 'Demon' stare at him. He glanced past him to see Dick and Tim cuddling up like penguins fast asleep. He glanced back at Damian. He looked at his posture
'No he couldn't be?......WAIT! He totally is! He is afraid of flying in a thunderstorm!' Jason thought to him shelf. He looked at Damian's Baby Blue eyes that had fear and anger trapped in them. Jason then grabbed his drink and drowned it before throwing the cup behind him. They were the only people on board except the pilots. He then lifted the arm rest and scooted closer to Damian before pulling him into his side letting his arms wrap around him as he laid his head on top of his head. Damian didn't resist the comfort instead he accepted it. Jason could feel Damian's strong small hands entangle into his black t shirt as his head buried itself into his muscular chest.Damian could smell his sweet but tuff cologne. Jason smiled before grabbing his tan leather jacket at their feet and placing it over the afraid little boy. Damian pulled his small legs into the jacket as he buried himself in the warmth falling asleep under the protection of his older brother. Jason looked out the window noticing lightning was striking kinda close to the plane. Suddenly a large striking lightning hit the wing near the boys, setting it to fire.
Dick and Tim instantly woke up to the sudden explosion to see Damian trembling in Jason's arms. His eyes were screwed shut small salty tears sinking through as his hands clinched more into Jason's shirt like he was keeping him tethered to his seat. You could see Jason's arms tighten around the frightened young boy just as the speaker came on
'WERE GOING DOWN! PREPARE FOR EMERGENCY EVACUATION!' The pilot yelled over the speaker. Small gas masks fell from the compartments above them Jason and Dick helped Damian and Tim put theirs on before putting theirs on themselves. Just as they were about to hit the water. Jason and Dick through themselves over their younger brothers protecting them as they crouched down and as glass and metal shards started to flying everywhere before blackness covered their visions.
*DUN DUN DUN! CLIFF HANGER! Comment and vote to get a new part to the story. Hope you enjoyed! Have a nice day!*
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