Chapter 3: Calm Before the Storm
"So, the dumbass really waltzed on back here with some kid?", came the annoying voice of Reese, or as I like to call him; Reesie's Pieces, as he came bursting through the door. Looking more like a Reesie's cup than ever.
"Hell ya he did!" whooped Shayne, "Oh, and UNO again. Take that ya shit!"
Thalia looked down pouting. Wrapping her arms tightly around her shovel. "Oh no, no, no, not you. Just Romeo, you were a true trooper during these games.", reassured Shayne, making Thalia's face light up once again.
"Huh, he really did. Be right back." Reesie's made a beeline right into the kitchen with a bag of supplies.
Oliver than came in the room. "How the hell have you guys played so many rounds of UNO in only about, what, twenty-five minutes?", asks Oliver, probably questioning existence as we speak.
"Well," Shayne says smugly, "Romeo here major league sucks, Thalia, she just tries a smidgen too hard, and I am just too good to be true at it."
"Ya right. You're definitely just using black magic.", I huff. When will she ever stop calling me Romeo? I am also taking a guess of never. Tough I'm sure Oliver would make a great Juliet, but this is not a tragic Shakespeare tale.
Oliver butts in, "Or maybe it's just the fact that you only have about a little less than half of an actual deck of UNO cards?" Forgot about that. We were never able to find a full deck of UNO after all.
"Ya, that too I guess," I say.
I start to pack up the small sum of the cards that we have of UNO up when Reesie's comes out from the kitchen finally. He heads over to me and smacks me right in the back of my head. "Oww! Why!?!" I shout, instantly reaching up to rub my head. I guess that I am just everybody's punching bag today.
Reesie's just looks down at me with a big old smirk and says, "Well I thought that you looked like you needed some sense knocked into that thick little skull of yours."
Why do I have to always be the one being picked on? I mean I am our fearless leader after all. Though, I guess that I kind of did deserve that.
I glance at Oliver in hope that he will save me from the wrath of Reesie's. Sadly, he just rolls his eyes and says, "Alright settle down because your dirty mouths are going to poison Thalia's ears if guys don't quit it."
"Hey, Reese, where's Scott?", ask Shayne, who looks slightly concerned with the fact that he didn't follow Reesie's in. As if on cue, said person appears at the door frame.
"*Gasp*. *Gasp*. I'm here, don't you worry. *Gasp* Also, I completely agree with you on that one Oliver.", comes the voice of Scott, as he enters through the door. He bends over clutching his knees in an attempt to catch his breath.
"Hi Scott," I say, giving him a quick wave.
Our friend Scott here is the kindest person that you will probably meet in this fucked up world, though he may look all big and scary with this scar that covers half his face. He's actually just a big six-foot three gentle giant with ginger hair. He kind of reminds me of a calico cat if you catch my drift.
"What took you so long?", ask's Reesie's dumbfoundedly.
"Well," says Scott, "You just bolted off saying race you without warning."
"I guess I did.", admits Reesie's, with a little chuckle to himself.
Scott takes another minute to catch his breath then walks over to Thalia and me. "Hello," he says calmly, "My name is Scott. Heard about you over the radio. What may your name be?" Kneeling down and holding his hand out to her.
"T-Thalia.", she reluctantly replies, keeping a tight hold of her shovel. Maybe introducing her to many people at once wasn't the brightest idea.
Her holding the shovel kind of reminds me of a kid with a teddy bear that can find comfort in, but instead she finds comfort in a gardening tool used as a weapon for protection. Odd, though understandable with the world like it is and all.
"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Thalia.", he says, giving her a soft smile.
Thalia then reaches out her hand to accept his hand when, *gurgle, gurgle*, causes her to quickly yank her hands back. Her face turns a faint light shade of pink.
"Well, that is definitely a sign that we need to make us all something to eat.", announces Shayne, clapping her hands together as she sits up, "What are you cooking up for us this time Scotty?"
"Well, we were able to grab enough supplies to make...drum roll please? *Drum roll noises ensue* Mac' n cheese!", cheered Scott, doing a little razzle-dazzle thing with his hands.
"No way in hell you found mac n' cheese, right?", I say, eyes growing big in disbelief.
"Finally! Thank God!", sighs Oliver with an overwhelming joy present on his face.
"Oh, how I have fucking missed the cheesy goodness of mac n' cheese!", declares Shayne, jumping up from her seat giving Scott a big old hug, "Thank you, Thank you!"
"I mean thanks!", pipes Shayne, quickly maneuvering out of the hug.
"Ya, it was no problem at all.", says Scott sheepishly, blushing as he rubs the back of his neck.
Thalia butts in saying, "Thank you Mister Scott." A big smile shining bright on her face.
"Aww, you have no need to thank me little miss Thalia, it was my pleasure to get it," says Scott, with a big smile stretched across his face, "Same to you all. I think we all deserved something as delicious as mac n' cheese for once."
"You bet we do!", I shout.
"This is very wholesome and all, but shouldn't we be making the mac n' cheese instead of just praising it?", quips Reesie.
"Yes, of course," replies Oliver, "Scott, you think you could cook it up for us?"
"Mhm, I will need some help to make enough for all of us. Shayne, would you mind helping me?", says Scott, winking at her.
He doesn't actually need help, but I can tell he just wants some time to just him and Shayne.
"Sure!", pipes up Shayne, "I mean, ya I guess, whatever, I can help you.", replies Shayne. Taking a sudden interest in her shoes sems and laces.
"What about you Thalia?", asks Scott, "Would you also like to give us a hand?" Okay, so maybe not just alone time with Shayne.
"You really want my help?", says Thalia, pointing to herself.
"Of Course! I would love your help!" pipes up Scott, "So, do you want to?"
Thalia wildly shakes her head up and down in response.
"Alrighty then.", says Scott.
"Ok, while you three cook dinner, Arthur and I will do what we can to prepare for the move and Reese can....", says Oliver contemplating on what Reesie's should do.
"I can try to fix up that damn car, or maybe I can go start my shift of looking out for mara's early, or something on our route," says Reesie.
"Yes, you can do that Reese, though I prefer you not go out alone on the route because you could potentially get attacked by a mara or a group of scavengers. So, just stick with fixing up the car, ok?", asks Oliver.
"Ya, Ya," replied Reese as he hurried outside. The other three were already in the kitchen starting to make dinner. Thalia's shovel set nicely down in front of the kitchen door.
Oliver and I stood quietly together for a moment before Olive sighed, "Finally, we get some time to ourselves."
"Oh~," I tease, realizing what he just did, "Since when were you one to rope the others into doing tasks so that we could have some alone time, and at such a busy time?" I wiggle my eyebrows.
Oliver's face goes tomato red. "They all did that themselves. Plus, I think we could use some time to ourselves. It's been kind of hard lately to get any time dedicated to just us, even at night, and you gave me a big scare today." Olive states, his smile drooping down into a worried expression.
"Aw, that's so sweet of you Olive.", I say smiling softly as I take hold of his face, "Though, please do try not to worry too much about me. Worrying isn't a good look on you, you know?", I say light-heartedly, planting a gentle kiss on the top of his head.
Oliver looks up at me, "I could never stop.", he says.
"I figured as much," I say, "But how about we go get some real alone time cause I'm sure someone might disturb us if we don't." I say pointedly looking over at the ever so slightly opened door of the kitchen.
"I got the perfect spot already all set up while you were out," says Olive, taking a hold of my hand, "Follow me this way!"
I grip tightly to Olive's hand as he guides us to our destination. We finally stopped right in front of the window on the second floor in Shayne's room.
"Oh, I see what you did here," I say, "You set up a little spot for us, up on the rooftop, didn't you?"
He just looks up at me and says, "Bingo.", with a big smirk. "Now come on before those three finish up making dinner before we can get in quality time."
"I'm coming, I'm coming," I say stifling a laugh.
We scurry out the window and make our way up the rooftop. Also, I forgot to mention that it's one of those cool houses with a flat top instead of a pointy top for a rooftop. We reach the set-up is absolutely beautiful.
"Wow, Olive...", I say utterly speechless.
There is a purple blanket laid out with two bright flaming candles on it and three pillows cleaned of all dirt, looking like they hadn't been through an almost two-year long apocalypse.
"You didn't have to do all of this.", I say, regaining my voice.
"No, my Romeo, I did.", he whispered softly in my ear.
Wow, he can call me Romeo whenever he likes, but not Shayne, she just makes it sound weird. God. I'm fucking being a simp now, aren't I?
We sit and I stupidly blurt, "Uh, um, aren't you worried that the candles may start a fire??"
Smooth, real smooth Arthur.
He lays his hand on top of mine saying, "Not really."
Hehe "Well, the stars look beautiful tonight.", I say as I gaze up at them.
"They indeed are," replies Olive.
"But, do you want to know what's even more beautiful?", I ask, turning to look into his beautiful hazel eyes.
"Oh, now what may that be?", he says, giving me a sly smile.
"You," I say, bopping his nose.
Oh god, that was way too cheesy!
"Aww, that was kind of cheesy, but how about you give me a kiss as an apology for it and because actions do speak louder than words after all.", Oliver tells me as he takes a hold of the side of my face.
"Now look who's being the cheesy one." I say, taking a hold of the side of his face. Then leaning in, kissing him hard with a sort of softness.
"Hey, are you two love birds up here dinners-", calls Shayne, but stops abruptly when she sees us kissing. We pull apart and both turn tomato red.
"Ah, well hate to ruin the moment, but your food is going to get cold. But I'm sure you two can continue this later on tonight after dinner~.", she tells us slyly as she takes in the scene of us. Saying that just deepens the already tomato red blush spread across Olive's and I's faces.
Oliver is the first to speak up, "Ok, we are coming down, just give us a minute Shayne."
"Ok you two~," she replies, her voice still full of mischief as she heads back into the house.
We quickly blow out the candles, gather the pillows and blanket up, and carefully make our way back through the window for some delicious cheesy mac n' cheese for dinner.
Sorry that it has been so long since I made another chapter. I kind of lost motivation for it, thinking that no one actually liked it, but I finally regained my motivation to continue onward with it! So, be on the lookout for future chapters and have a good day!
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