The room was dark, cold concrete flooring and the only sounds were footsteps and talking.
Feeling a slight nudge on the right shoulder Grian would grumble a little annoying someone would wake him up.
Along opening his eyes he'd notice Mumbo sitting beside him trying to shake him awake.
"Grian wake up!"
Shouted Mumbo sounding a bit distressed.
Grian sat up looking around not recognized the room but he recognizes the people that were standing around talking to each other.
"Mumbo where are we?"
Grian asked raising an eyebrow and his fellow friend.
Mumbo pulled Grian to his feet
"I have no idea, Grian. We all just sorta woke up here"
Confused and now fully awake a speaker seemed to sounded.
"Good now that we're all finally awake I can get on with why I brought you all here today!"
The Hermits would look around the room looking for the speaker before finally landing their eyes apon it.
"You're all here to play some simple games! Maybe some games you'll recognize from your childhood and some you may have not heard of!"
Games? They were brought here for some games? Xisuma has a server to manage, who knows what could've of happened when he's not there.
"I have a server I need to manage, I don't have time for some games."
Spoke a stern Xisuma raising his voice to make sure he's heard.
A small chuckled could be heard from the other end of the speaker.
"And I could destroy that server with a snap of a finger, YOU will play my games weither you like it or NOT. DO we understand?"
The room was quiet, no one uttered a word. They all stood shocked.
Shouted the voice.
"We understand!"
Everyone responded not wanting to make the voice angry.
"Good, now the games will be unknown until we get to them, why don't we settle down here for a minute than we'll start game one. Behave."
The speaker would click off and everyone just stood there unsure what to do, I mean what are they meant to do? They're trapped without an exit, the light barely gave off enough light to see the room.
A couple of minutes went by and everything was sitting on the floor talking amongst each other and trying to settle down with their surroundings that they're stuck in for the time being.
The speaker clicked.
"Okay, we seemed to have gotten comfortable. Please make your way over to the door that has opened. Game one is beginning"
The sound of a door unlocking and creaking open echoed the room. Everyone would stand up and walk towards the now open door.
Everyone stood in front of the door an uneasy feeling shadowed over them as they all looked around at each other, it's just a few games. They should be fine..right?
(First book! First game will be revealed within the next chapter!)
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