Chapter 9 -Alex
I woke up to see Jason next to me.
I scratched the back of my neck, since when did he get in my bed?
I shrugged and went downstairs.
Mitch and Jerome were downstairs talking, then they turned to see me.
Jerome started wolf whistling and Mitch looked at me confused.
"What?" I asked looking at them.
"Erm....nothing, you look nice by the way..." Jerome said snickering.
Mitch glared at Jerome and gave me a mirror.
It wasn't a bad hair day, that's for sure, then I looked down, and I blushed.
I was in my bra and underwear.
(Well that escalated quickly xD)
I screeched and ran upstairs, running past Haley, who looked at me in a surprised expression.
I got my clothes on and glared at Jason who was sleeping.
I swear if I lost my virginity, I'll beat the shit out of him.
Hesitating, I went downstairs.
"Dude, why were you in bra and underwear?" Jerome said laughing.
"Who was?" Ty said coming downstairs.
"NO one." I said gritting my teeth and glaring at Jerome, signaling him to shut up.
He suddenly stayed silent, "So, who was?" Ty asked attentively.
"Drop it." I said glaring at him.
"Alright alright, calm down, quit acting like if it were you.....geez." Ty said raising an eyebrow at me.
But the funny thing, it WAS me.
"I'm going upstairs." I said nervously, and went to my room.
I grabbed a pillow and hit Jason with it.
"Ah! What was THAT for?" Jason asked my grumpily, placing a pillow on the back of his head.
"YOU-YOU know what happened last night don't you?!" I growled glaring at him.
He made a let-me-remember facial expression, then he looked at me, "Oh.....that....."
I groaned and hit him many times with the pillow. (#bestweaponof2013 xD)
"OK! OK! I'm sorry!" Jason said giving in, trying to not get hit with a pillow anymore.
"Don't even THINK about talking about this to anyone else, it's just between you and ME." I said glaring at him.
"Ok! Ok! I won't tell anyone." Jason said putting a red shirt on.
"What's going on you guys?" Mitch asked opening the door.
"Oh, nothing." I said giving him an innocent smile.
"Yeah, nothing wrong, we are just having a pillow fight." Jason said casually.
"Okaaaaay?" Mitch said closing the door slowly.
"You and me, conprendo?" I repeated.
"Conprendo." He repeated nodding and leaving the room.
I groaned and fell on my bed.
"Let me guess, you are hiding something from us that you want to keep secret aren't you?" Amy said entering the room and closing the door behind her.
"How did you-?"
"It seems like it, so tell me, what is it?" Amy asked me.
"Um, I'll tell you when you're older." I said blushing.
"OOOOOOH, that." Amy said moving her eyebrows up and down. (<--- xD)
I looked at her with a wtf face, "How do you know that?"
"No one shall know, don't worry, your secret is safe with me." She said smiling.
"You promise?" I asked unsurely.
"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Amy said cheerily.
"My little pony fan?" I asked smirking.
"Yup." She said popping the p.
"You'd better not break that pinky promise." I said looking at her.
"Don't worry, i won't, by the way, I think you should tell someone, older, and that would be....."
"Haley" We said in unison.
"Well, see ya." Amy said leaving the room, to reveal Haley behind her.
"I've heard, is it true?" Haley asked attentively.
I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Yes, yes it is."
Haley squealed and fell on my bed.
"Whoa calm down, it wasn't even you." I said laughing.
"Yeah, but still, EEEK." Haley squealed.
"I'm going to go hunting with Jerome!" I heard Mitch say from downstairs.
"OK! BE CAREFUL!" I exclaimed back.
I hear the door close and I sighed.
"What's wrong?" Haley asked me sitting up.
"Nothing, it's just, weird, you know?" I said twiddling my thumbs.
"I guess so...." Haley said thinking about it.
-~-~-~4 hours later-~-~-~-~ (<---- means time skip)
"I'm hungry! When is Mitch and Jerome back?!" Amy said banging her forehead on the table.
"I'm actually getting kind of worried." Haley admitted.
" too." Amy said frowning.
"I'm going outside." I said sighing and leaving the house.
I wasn't worried, I was worried SICK.
I felt like going out there to find them, but I knew they were fine, at least I hope so.
I groaned and sat on the grass.
I didn't know why, but, I felt a small connection to Mitch.
As in, liking him more than a friend.
A had mixed emotions, confused, happy, mad.
I didn't know what to do, I really wanted Haley to help me, but she has never had a boyfriend.
I groaned and fell back, looking up at the sky and clouds.
The day seemed to go past really slowly.
Why can't days go by faster? Why can't my life end faster so I can get out of this nightmare called an apocalypse?
Suddenly, I heard someone groan, I looked up, and saw Mitch and Jerome limping towards me.
"What happened!" I asked with a surprised expression.
I saw Mitch fall to his knees, and he fell face forward.
I screamed in horror, when I saw three small knives stuck on his back.
Author's Note
Oh shiet!
Sorry if I didn't update, I'm on vacation right now, so yeah xD
Well, so much stuff going on O.O
You'll probably kill me for making it Mitch, not Jerome, but I think some people don't want it to be Jerome xD
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