Chapter 16- Jason
Ok, first off, please don't kill me xD
I have been thinking of a way for Alex to slowly go insane, so, bear with me.
I've never really done insanity things, oh wait, yes I have! :D
But, anyway, my vote goal for this chapter is 7+ votes :)
Enjoy this chapter, and much luv! ❤😘❤
No matter how much I don't want to admit it, I think don't think Alex is being herself.
I looked at her with a frown every time she mumbles to herself and jumps when a random person began to greet her as we entered the main square in the village.
Beth looked at her confused every now and then too, giving her questioning looks.
"Come on, we have to go see the other girls, Mitch and Alex already know them, so it'll be y'all's first time seeing them." Jackie explains along the way.
Then I realized something, how does Mitch and Alex know about this place in the first place?
Is there something I don't know?
Not knowing what to do, I went up to Alex, who was looking down at a mouse who was running around the food, until she stepped on it.
That took me by surprise, but I shook the scene off, and tapped her on the shoulder, "Um, Alex?"
She jumped and backed away, until she noticed it was me, but she was still a bit tense.
"Yes? Yes? What is it?" She asks apparently irritated.
"Uh, Jackie told us that you and Mitch went here, is that true? And how?" I ask carefully.
"Oh, uh, 'Mitch' and I did come here, I think because I was running away and he found me? And I came across Jackie and Beth, and I was SO close in killing them, but I didn't, I gave them a chance, and they showed us around and we met new people." Alex explains sarcastically, as if I were there to see it too.
I was taken aback by her answer, it seemed a little, off.
"Oh, thanks for telling me, I guess." I say before going back to the others who were about to enter a large house.
I swear, before I entered the house, I could've sworn I heard Alex mumble, "Why would he care, he isn't real anyway, only I am real, I."
She couldn't have said that, I know her, and by far, this is the strangest emotion she has ever shown.
Heck, she didn't seem like herself, but she could've mumbled something else, but that's what I think I heard.
"Hey yo guys! You like youtubers right? Well get over here!" Jackie shouts.
The first one to appear is a girl who was very young, and once she saw us, her blue eyes widened in surprise and shouted, "OH MY GOSH IT'S THE REST OF THE GANG AND OTHER PEOPLE!"
"Yes Makayla, we can see that." A girl with curly auburn like hair replies rolling her eyes, but giving us a small warm smile when she turned to look at us.
"But Star! It is a one in a lifetime chance this ever had to happen!" Makayla says running around in circles.
"Yeah yeah, anyway, to the point, Alex, you ok? We heard what happened ever since Mitch barged in when he went out, trying to find you." A girl with brown hair states, looking at Alex.
"Hm? OH, uh, yeah, I'm fine." Alex says shaking her head at the realization that someone was talking to her.
"You sure, you seem off-"
"I SAID I AM FINE!" Alex repeats banging the wall with her fist in defense of her statement.
Everyone looked at her in shock.
I have never seen her act like that when there was no purpose of becoming angry in the first place.
"I need some time alone." Alex remarks pushing Mitch out of the way, who was in front of the stairs.
We looked at her with surprised faces, that is, until Makayla said, "She must be on her monthly gift."
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