Chapter 13 -Alex
"The forgotten what now?" Mitch asked confused.
"The Forgotten Village." Beth repeated.
"So, you're telling me-"
"That we've been secretly hiding here with many families to avoid Quen Alyson? Yes." Jacky said.
"Impressive." Mitch says.
"Can we, stay here for the night?" I ask.
"No!" Beth answers.
"Of course you can." Jacky says glaring at Beth.
I turn to walk around, but then Jacky said, "Wait! There are people I would like you to meet."
I face her once again and say, "Alright, lead the way."
She nods and begins to walk towards the village.
Everyone was staring at us, which made me uneasy.
I could tell these people were defiantly NOT working for Queen Alyson.
We entered a large mansion looking building, and walked down some stairs to see a group of people sitting there playing card games.
"Hey guys, we have some company." Jacky said, and everyone turned their heads.
"I'd like to introduce you guys to them." Jacky said looking at me and Mitch.
Everyone's eyes widened when they saw Mitch.
"HOLY SHIT IT'S BAJANCANADIAN!" One small girl exclaimed, she has black hair and blue eyes.
"Makayla! Watch your language." A girl with curly auburn hair and icy blue eyes scolded.
"Well sorry Star, but OMG." Makayla says jumping up and down.
"I'm sorry about Makayla, she can be such a fangirl at times." A girl said rolling her eyes. She has dark brown hair that went up to her chest, and has grey eyes.
"Naw it's fine." Mitch says laughing.
"Alright, Mitch, Alex, this is Makayla," Jacky says pointing at the small girl, "Star," she points at the girl with icy blue eyes, "and Kate." She says pointing at the last girl who waves slightly.
"How can we still trust them?" Beth asks crossing her arms.
"Well we can trust Benja." Makayla says.
"Well, how about Alex?" Star asks looking at me, taking out her shotgun.
"It's ok, she's with me." Mitch says getting protectively in front of me.
I gently push him out of the way and say, "You may not trust me, but, if I didn't trust you, I wouldn't be here."
"Good point." Kate says narrowing her eyes.
"ANYWAY, you want me to show you around?" Jacky asks me.
"Sure, why not? What do you say Mitch?" I ask him.
"I think it's fine." He answers.
I nod at Jacky and she leads us back to the town and shows us around, it looked like a town plaza.
Everyone seemed to live their normal lives, unlike us, who always hunted to survive.
I saw many people training, swinging their machetes and shooting at targets.
All of a sudden, I remembered the guys back at home.
"Hey Jacky, I have friends back at home, and I was wondering, if it was ok to move in here with you." I ask.
She looks at me and smiles, "Sure, it won't be a problem with me."
I look at her and smile, "Really?!"
"Really." She answers.
I let out a sigh of relief and smile at Mitch.
He smiles back and ruffles my hair.
"Aw, you two are adorable together." Makayla says.
I blush a little and say, "Uh, no thanks."
"I got to admit, Makayla is right." Star says winking at me.
"I don't know...." I say my blush fading away.
"Oh come on! You two are-"
"I SAID, I won't date him!" I exclaim. (You know, when your friends tease you about liking a guy but you are tired of that and just shout out so they shut up? Yeah)
Everyone suddenly gets quiet.
Mitch gives me a hurt look, but changes it quickly to expressionless.
"Well, I'm going to go get the guys, you wait here Mitch." I say smiling.
"Ok, be careful." Mitch says.
"Jacky, lead me to the exit." I say, and she nods and leads me to the exit.
"Thank you, once again Jacky." I say smiling at her.
"No problem, anytime." She says.
I nod and run off back home.
I can't help but ask myself, why did she trust me?
How could she be so sure and be confident that I'm trustworthy?
I shook it off, and kept running.
All of a sudden, I saw smoke.
I raised an eyebrow.
Our house was made of could it POSSIBLY be burning?
I began to run faster, until I got full view of the house, and I stopped dead in my tracks.
Somebody exploded it, everything around it was on fire, the trees, the ground.
I stared at it in horror until I smelled the smoke which made me cough.
"Surprise bitch." I hear someone say behind me.
Before I could react, everything turned black.
Author's Note
I'm so sorry if I didn't update!
Same excuse
But don't worry I won't go on hatius.
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