Chapter 8 Part 2
"NO!" I shouted as everyone came downstairs.
"WHOA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Jason asked with a surprised face.
I saw Ben, so I cracked up, I pushed Ben to the wall and I took out a small knife and held it close to his neck, "WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO?!"
"ALEX LET GO OF BEN HE DID NOTHING." Haley exclaimed but I didn't pay attention.
"ALRIGHT FINE! Rick took everything! I tried to stop him but that son of a bitch stabbed me in the arm and he left!" He said showing his arm.
"When I see Rick I'm going to fucking KILL HIM!" I shouted as I went upstairs.
"Whoa whoa, where are you going?" Mitch asked.
I came back down with some small knives and guns with a lot of amo.
"You spot him, you make him guide you to the stuff, and kill him." I told them as I handed them all a gun.
"Is everyone ready?"
Everybody nodded, "Alright, let's go."
~In the forest~
"How the hell do we find him?" Jerome asked me.
"Good point, if I were Rick, where the hell would I be?" I asked myself.
That's when something came out of the bushes and pounced on me.
I fell and I felt a sharp pain in my arm.
I pushed the thing to the ground and I sat up.
It was a wolf, wait, an idea came to me.
"Wait! Don't shoot it." I said with an alarmed tone
I grabbed a bone and I threw it at him.
Of course the wolf was running at it like a dog and brought it back.
"Yup, he's ours." I said.
"Alright boy, follow this sent." I said as I showed him an old T-shirt that was Rick's.
The wolf smelled it, and began walking a direction.
The whole group followed him, until he got to a big waterfall and a guy was sitting there.
He was polishing a sword, and he had a lot of stuff with him.
Wait a minute, all those things looked familiar, oh HELL no!
I crept up behind him, then I was holding a knife in front of his neck, and I was controlling him by his hair.
"Give.our.stuff.back.NOW." I said through gritted teeth.
"How the hell did you-"
"Find you? Oh THAT was easy." I said.
"Everyone! Get the stuff." I said, then everyone started to get everything.
"B-but, how will I survive?" He yelled.
"Your fault, not mine." I said as I hung two backpacks over my shoulders.
"You little..." He said as he was about to punch me, but he missed, and I punched him and gave him a bloody nose.
Then, he took out a gun from his pocket, and I took out mine, "Im not afraid to shoot you." I said.
I could see his hands shaking, and when he tried to shoot me, he missed, and then, he put his arms up.
"Please, Alex, I always loved you." He said at the midst of tears.
"That doesn't explain why you cheated on me." I said with pain and anger.
"Alright, do it. Shoot me, I don't care anymore."
I looked at him.
"JUST DO I-" I shot him.
I looked at him fall to the ground.
I didn't cry though, because I remembered all those terrible things he did.
That's when I heard a gun shoot that missed me by inches, and I turned around.
It was Nelly.
"Oops! I was going to shoot Rick." She said with a not-so-nervous tone.
"It's ok..." I said.
"Does everyone have everything?" I asked as I gave the wolf some cow meat.
Everyone nodded.
"Alright, lets go back."
Author's Note
Welp, I guess we can all say that Rick was going to die one day.
Anyway, I'm going to do little contest.
Ok so, for my other book 'The Minecraft Hunger Games'
I need a tribute.
It has to be a girl, AND she has to be 12 years old. :3
The other tribute will be any age.
So yeah, this is how you need to put it:
Name: Random Name
Age: Random age or 12 (I'd do 12 XD)
Eye color: random eye color
Hair color: Random hair color
What weapon they are good with: random weapon
Personality: Random Personality
If it's more than one person, then I'm going to use this site called to choose for me :3
Good Luck! :D
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