Chapter 12
I hope you enjoyed book 1 of survival :D .
Alex's P.O.V Before Falling
No, I couldn't let Ty go out there by himself, so I went and followed him.
I could hear Jason and Mitch say at the same time, "Where are you going?" But I didn't answer.
I ran to the forest, until I saw Nelly with her knife raised, I paniced, I didn't know what to do, until I pushed I saw a ravine, and a terrible, suicidal idea came to me.
When I saw her strike, I pushed her to the left, and we were both falling down the deep ravine.
When we landed, I landed on my back, and I hurt my back, I saw Nelly raising her knife, but we were both wrestling on the floor.
Suddenly, Nelly pinned me to the ground, when I tried to break free, I couldn't, I saw her knife raise up into the air, and I knew, it was over for me.
Nelly's P.O.V
YES, it was the perfect moment, YES, but suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my mind.
~In the Mind~
I'M NOT LETTING YOU KILL HER!" I heard GN yell behind me.
No, she couldn't still be alive.
I felt someone slice my head off, and I was dead.
Nelly's P.O.V
Suddenly, I looked down, I saw myself pinning Alex to the ground, with my knife about to stab her chest.
Trembling, I got up, and let go of the knife.
I couldn't believe it, me killing Alex, so I began to ran deep into the cave, but then I heard zombies, a HUGE hoard of zombies, oh no.
Alex P.O.V
I could see Nelly looking at me with shocked eyes, and she quickly got up, and ran deep into the cave.
I looked at her, running in the distance, and suddenly, I felt someone hugging me and saying, "THANK GODNESS YOU'RE OK!" It was Ty.
"What happened?" He said looking at me.
"She, changed her mind." I said probably sounding crazy.
"What?" Jason said surprised.
"No joke." I said dumbfounded.
"Aw, I wanted to use this." Mitch said bringing out a grenade.
I chuckled, until I heard screaming behind me.
We turned around, to see Nelly running, and a bunch of fast zombies running after her.
"No way." I said as I got Mitch's grenade.
"RUN!" I shouted, then we were all running.
I could feel that I pressed something, and when I did, I noticed that the cave was collapsing.
I checked behind me, and I saw Nelly going slow, with the zombies nearly catching up to her, apparently, she wasn't a fast runner.
I had no choice, and I opened the grenade, and threw it saying, "Nelly, I'm so sorry."
Then I ran out of the big opening, hearing a big explosion behind me.
When I got out, I saw Mitch, Jason, and Ty, being stopped by something.
When I went closer to them, I heard someone say, "STOP, AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR."
To be Continued...
DUN DUN DUN! Once again, I hope you enjoyed book 1 of Survival.
The second book will be called, 'Survival-This is War (TrueMu, Deadlox, and BajanCanadian fan fic)'
Doesn't that sound cool? 030
See you there >:3
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