Chapter Four
Ruffnut groaned as she leaned over the toilet, feeling another wave of sickness hit. She couldn't figure out what was causing her to feel so sick, especially because it only happened in the mornings and she was completely fine a few hours later. It wasn't the flu, she didn't have any other symptoms. It wasn't food poisoning, she had been feeling awful too
long for that. She supposed she could have caught something while on vacation but that was nearly six weeks ago, so was she just now feeling it?
Ruffnut sat on the bathroom floor, trying to make sense of the mysterious morning sickness that plagued her. She pondered over the possibilities, her mind racing through various scenarios. Could it be a lingering effect from the vacation she took six weeks ago? Or perhaps something else entirely?
As she continued to mull over her situation, a sudden realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. A thought crossed her mind, and she wondered if there was a chance she could be pregnant. The idea both surprised and unnerved her, but it seemed to fit the pattern of her symptoms.
"Hey sis, you doing okay in there? I'm starting to get a little worried. Maybe we should take you to see a doctor," Tuffnut called from outside the bathroom door.
Ruffnut's heart raced at the possibility, and she couldn't shake the idea that pregnancy might be the cause of her mysterious morning sickness. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and decided to confirm her suspicions. Hastily, she grabbed a nearby pregnancy test that Astrid had placed in the cabinet just in case, hesitated for a moment, and then followed the instructions.
As the minutes passed, Ruffnut stared anxiously at the test, her mind filled with a mix of emotions. She couldn't believe she hadn't considered the possibility earlier, but now it seemed like a plausible explanation. The test results slowly appeared, and her eyes widened as she saw the unmistakable sign confirming her suspicions.
"Oh Thor, no way..." she muttered to herself, a mixture of shock and disbelief on her face.
Tuffnut, growing increasingly concerned, knocked on the door again. "Ruff, seriously, are you okay in there? Should I get the toolbox or something?"
Taking a moment to compose herself, Ruffnut finally opened the door. She held the pregnancy test in her trembling hand, unsure of how to break the news to her brother.
"Tuff, we might have a little problem," she said, her voice a mix of uncertainty and surprise. Tuffnut squinted at the test in her hand, then looked back at her with wide eyes.
"No way... seriously? Are you...?" he stammered, unable to complete the sentence.
Ruffnut nodded solemnly, and the reality of the situation sank in for both of them. They stood there in the bathroom, contemplating the unexpected turn of events and what it would mean for their lives.
Ruffnut sat on the couch watching as Tuffnut paced around the room mumbling to himself. Thank Thor the others had early classes today so it was just her and her brother in the house at the moment.
Tuffnut continued pacing, occasionally running his hands through his hair in disbelief. Ruffnut observed his reaction, realizing that the news was sinking in for him as well. The initial shock and surprise were giving way to a mix of emotions – uncertainty, concern, and perhaps a hint of excitement.
"Sis, this is... I mean, how did this even happen?" Tuffnut finally blurted out, still trying to wrap his head around the situation.
Ruffnut shrugged, a wry smile playing on her lips. "You know, the usual way these things happen. It just... happened."
Tuffnut stopped his pacing, staring at Ruffnut with a mix of bewilderment and amusement. "Well, yeah, I get that, but when, who? Oh gods do you even know who the father is?"
"Well unless someone else magically put a baby inside of me it's Snotlout. You know, my boyfriend," Ruffnut said, annoyed that Tuffnut had even thought about accusing her of sleeping around with various different guys.
Tuffnut's eyes widened even further. "Right, right, Snotlout. That makes sense. I'm going to kill that bastard for doing this to you!"
Ruffnut shot him a glare. "It was mutual consent Tuffnut. Look neither of us planned on having a kid, we were just having some fun and clearly didn't think about the consequences."
Tuffnut's expression shifted from anger to a mix of concern and realization. He sighed, running a hand through his hair again. "You know you're going to have to tell mom and dad. They're gonna find out eventually and they might take it easier if it comes from you."
Ruffnut nodded, knowing that Tuffnut was right. The reality of facing her parents with this unexpected news loomed over her, but she also understood the importance of being honest with them.
"Okay, business mode. Let's get you to a doctor, we got to make sure this is actually happening," Tuffnut said, switching up his demeanor in hopes of providing his sister some comfort.
Ruffnut raised an eyebrow at her brother and expectantly stretched out her hand. "Yeah, if I'm pregnant there's no way I'm letting a druggie drive."
Tuffnut gasped dramatically, feigned betrayal. "I'll have you know that I haven't touched any in the last twenty-four hours."
"I'm not risking it, now go put on a shirt and some shoes, I want to make this quick," Ruffnut said, grabbing her purse and slipping on a pair of sandals.
Tuffnut chuckled, realizing his sister's no-nonsense approach was kicking in. "Alright, alright. Let's get this show on the road. But if this turns out to be some weird false alarm, you owe me a really good apology."
Ruffnut rolled her eyes. "Deal. Now go get ready. And maybe try not to traumatize the doctor with your weird jokes, okay?"
As they left the house, Ruffnut couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The unexpected pregnancy brought a wave of uncertainty, but having her brother by her side provided a sense of support. The journey to the doctor's office was filled with awkward silences and occasional bickering, their way of coping with the surreal situation.
At the doctor's office, Ruffnut nervously filled out paperwork while Tuffnut inspected the various medical instruments scattered across the room, managing to make a crude joke about each one. When the doctor finally entered, Ruffnut shot her brother a warning look to keep his comments to himself.
After a thorough examination and a few tests, the doctor confirmed Ruffnut's suspicions – she was indeed pregnant. The news settled in the room like a heavy fog, and Ruffnut felt a mix of emotions, from the weight of responsibility to the uncertainty of the future.
Tuffnut, surprisingly, remained composed. "So, what's the game plan, Doc? What do we do now?"
The doctor explained the next steps – prenatal care, discussing options, and involving their parents in the conversation. Ruffnut listened attentively, absorbing the information while Tuffnut asked questions, trying to wrap his head around the impending changes.
"When do you plan on telling Snotlout," Tuffnut asked as the two sat outside their favorite restaurant, sharing a large thing of fries.
Ruffnut sighed, staring into the distance as she considered the question. "I don't know, Tuff. I mean, we need to tell him, obviously, but I'm just not sure how he's going to take it."
Tuffnut nodded, munching on a fry. "Yeah, he's not exactly known for his maturity. But hey, maybe he'll surprise us and handle it like a responsible adult... or not."
Ruffnut chuckled. "Well, we'll see. I just want to figure out the best way to break it to him. I don't want him flipping out or making a scene."
Tuffnut raised an eyebrow. "You think he's gonna freak out?"
Ruffnut sighed again. "I don't know, Tuff. People react differently to this kind of news. I just want to be prepared for any reaction he might have."
Tuffnut nodded in understanding. "True. Maybe you should talk to Astrid or Hiccup. They've been through some serious stuff and might have some advice on how to handle it."
Ruffnut considered the suggestion. "Yeah, you're right. They might have some insight. I'll talk to them after dinner."
Later that afternoon the rest of the gang returned to their cozy little home they could sense a change in the atmosphere. It wouldn't have been that noticeable if it weren't for the fact that the twins, instead of fighting, were curled up on the couch watching a children's movie.
Astrid, noticing the unusual sight, furrowed her brow. "Okay, what's going on here? Why are you two being all loving towards each other? Where's the sibling squabble?"
"For that matter, why weren't you in any of your classes Ruffnut? You can't just not go because you'd rather stay home," Hiccup scolded not picking up on the emotional tension in the room.
"I wouldn't make her upset if I were you H. She's been a bit bitty today," Tuffnut said showing off the bite mark on his arm.
Hiccup and Astrid exchanged puzzled glances, clearly sensing that something was amiss. Not wanting to push too far, however, they left the conversation at that and went to help Fishlegs prepare dinner.
The evening passed in a somewhat awkward silence as Ruffnut struggled with the decision to share her news. Eventually, after dinner, she found herself alone with Astrid and Hiccup in the living room, the twins having disappeared to their room.
Astrid couldn't hold back any longer. "Okay, what's going on, Ruff? Why the secretive atmosphere and the biting Tuffnut, although that's not too out of the ordinary."
Ruffnut took a deep breath, her nerves evident. "Look, I need to tell you guys something, and I hope you won't judge me too harshly."
Hiccup and Astrid exchanged concerned glances, encouraging her to continue.
"I'm pregnant," Ruffnut blurted out, her eyes fixed on the floor.
The room fell into a stunned silence. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other, then back at Ruffnut.
"Pregnant?" Hiccup finally broke the silence. "You're sure?"
Ruffnut nodded, still avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, went to the doctor today. It's happening."
Astrid, always quick to offer support, reached out and gently placed a hand on Ruffnut's shoulder. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We're here for you. What do you need?"
Ruffnut finally looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "I just... I don't know how to tell Snotlout. And my parents, too. Tuffnut's being surprisingly chill about it, but I'm worried about how everyone else will react."
Astrid squeezed Ruffnut's shoulder reassuringly. "Well, we'll help you figure it out. Telling Snotlout isn't going to be as hard as you think. Yeah, he's going to freak out. But he'd freak out over just about anything.
Hiccup chimed in, offering a supportive smile. "And your parents, well, they might surprise you too. It's a big change, but you're not alone in this. We're here for you, every step of the way."
Ruffnut managed a weak smile, grateful for the support of her friends. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it. I just hope everything works out."
Astrid nodded. "It will, Ruff. We'll help you through this, and you'll figure out how to navigate everything. Just take it one step at a time."
As Ruffnut walked to her room to cloak in for the night Astrid and Hiccup watched her, their hearts aching for their friend.
Astrid leaned into Hiccup, a hint of unease in her eyes. "Do you really think either of their parents are going to be okay with this?" It was no secret that Snotlout and the twins didn't exactly have the best childhoods.
Hiccup sighed, his expression reflecting the complexity of the situation. "It's hard to say, Astrid. Family dynamics can be unpredictable. But Ruffnut needs our support, and we'll do our best to help her through this. Hopefully, her parents will find a way to be there for her too."
Astrid nodded, her concern for Ruffnut evident. "Yeah, I just worry about the twins and Snotlout. This is going to be a big adjustment for all of them."
Hiccup put his arm around Astrid, offering comfort. "We'll be there for all of them. We've faced tough challenges before, and we've always come through together. This will be no different."
Later that night Ruffnut found herself unable to sleep, She felt guilty and it was eating her alive. I should have told Snotlout first. What kind of girlfriend am I that I go to another couple before the father of my child? Ruffnut stared out the window trying to calm herself down but when she felt the tears running down her face she gave up.
Silently maneuvering her way through the hallways she made it to Snotlout's room and crawled into his bed, her movements waking Snotlout just enough to notice that Ruffnut was crying.
Snotlout stirred as he felt someone climb into bed beside him. His initial irritation turned into concern when he realized it was Ruffnut, and she was crying. Groggily, he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Ruff? What's going on?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep.
Ruffnut sniffled, trying to compose herself. She wiped away tears and looked at Snotlout with a mix of sadness and vulnerability. "Snotlout, I... I need to talk to you. I should have talked to you first."
Snotlout's confusion grew, but he sat up, fully awake now. "Talk to me about what? What's wrong?"
Taking a deep breath, Ruffnut began to explain everything – the morning sickness, the doctor's visit, and the unexpected news of her pregnancy. Snotlout's eyes widened with each revelation, and by the time she finished, he was left in stunned silence.
"Pregnant?" Snotlout finally managed to say, a mix of shock and disbelief in his voice.
Ruffnut nodded, her eyes pleading for understanding. "Yeah, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you first. I just... I didn't know how you'd react, and I didn't want to freak you out."
Snotlout's initial shock turned into a range of emotions – confusion, concern, and eventually a hint of realization. He reached out and gently placed a hand on Ruffnut's cheek, using his thumb to wipe away a stray tear. "Hey, it's okay. We'll figure this out together."
Ruffnut looked up at him, tears still glistening in her eyes. "You're not mad?"
Snotlout sighed, shaking his head. "I won't lie, it's a lot to take in, but I'm not mad. We're in this together, right? We'll face it, whatever comes our way."
A small, relieved smile appeared on Ruffnut's face, and she nodded. "Yeah, together."
Snotlout pulled her into a kiss, offering comfort in the midst of uncertainty. "We'll talk more about this tomorrow, okay? Right now, let's just get some sleep. We've got a lot to figure out, but we'll do it together."
Ruffnut nodded, feeling a sense of relief that Snotlout wasn't angry. They lay down together, still wrapped in each other's arms, facing the challenges that lay ahead.
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