🆙️ True or False? [My Answer]
1. There are film versions of some of Charles Dickens' novels.
(1. Ada versi film dari beberapa novel Charles Dickens.) ✅
2. Charles' parents sent him to the factory because they needed money.
(2. Orang tua Charles mengirimnya ke pabrik karena mereka membutuhkan uang.) ✅
3. Charles was almost 13 when he went to work in the factory.
(3. Charles hampir berusia 13 tahun ketika dia pergi bekerja di pabrik.) ❌
4. Charles' work was to polish shoes.
(4. Pekerjaan Charles adalah menyemir sepatu.) ✅
5. Charles went to live in a prison with his family.
(5. Charles pergi untuk tinggal di penjara bersama keluarganya.) ❌
6. In his later life, Charles wanted to help improve the situation for children.
(6. Di kemudian hari, Charles ingin membantu memperbaiki situasi anak-anak.) ❌
-21 januari 2022-
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