.3. .Samson.
Extremely Important Note Regarding the Geography Around Istreavway:
The country of Istreavway is basically a round, giant circular country with its Capital city on the northernmost point and the grand Palace and the Northernmost Point of the Northernmost city. Due North, through, several miles of extremely harsh wilderness, highway smugglers, deadly animals, and other, terrible stuff is Durmont.
Durmont is an extremely small city, independent of Istreavway but not really acknowledged by any other countries. It is more considered as an independent settlement, therefore residency and passports from Durmont aren't internationally acknowledged. Durmont's population almost reaches two percent's of Istreavway's. Durmont is a democracy, not a Monarchy and is known for its abundant and sustainable supply of marine life. Istreavway and Durmont have an extremely strong relationship, most Durmont residents have Isteavway passports and residences, few rarely travel outside of Durmont and the quality of life is extremely hard. Usually the only passageways to Durmont is by flying via helicopter or taking sea passage. Land travel is highly recommended against due to the high accident and death rates, supposedly, the one road in and out of Durmont is haunted, superstition heavily covers the road and it is a well-known International tourist attraction for Supernatural enthusiasts. Durmont is noted as generally being very peaceful.
South-East, South and South-West of the Istreavway borders is the Russian Federation, Baltic States and Finland. Istreavway has exceptional relationships with each of these countries. However, is at a strategic disadvantage due to their positioning in terms of location. Istreavway is an extremely defensive and peaceful country. They aided neither side in terms of world wars and would only accommodate refugees and those seeking asylum.
Istreavway is an extremely popular point on technological and sustainable environment. The Captital city, Istreavenmore, accommodates for some of the most technologically advanced universities in the world and has secured the three, top universities in the world in regards to Environmental Health, Nutritional Health and Technological Medicine. Despite this, Istreavenmore is surrounded by slums and third-world settlements. These are mostly composed of refugees from Terror Wars and poverty-stricken homeless. Extreme efforts are being make to counter this.
That's all for now, folks.
When I heard gunshots, I jolted awake.
Some pre-historic, American instinct burst inside me. I leapt upwards, dodged behind my couch and waited for the next signal. Ears keen for sound, senses hyped, I shook, my whole body began to shake. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I waited for the next signal; a cry, another gunshot, perhaps even a missile in the distance. Nothing.
The remnants of a conversation below wafted through the window. I leaned out. Below, was a small gathering of guys around a car, obviously there'd been some sort of broken car holding up the street traffic. The car grumbled to life, gave a few spats, a backfire, and went on its way.
I sagged in relief, the backfire of the car below had been what I'd heard. I rubbed my face and looked outside, it was past dusk, the last of the light in the sky was being leeched out by the oncoming darkness. I relaxed, I'd knew snippets of the rebel plan but one thing that was vital to it was that the attack occurred before dusk.
In all the history of Istreavway, attacks had only occurred at night. Because of this, extra guards and security measures occurred at night. Trained dogs scoured the thin grove of woods outside the palace, staff were restricted from entering or leaving the palace after a certain hour and there was even a special police force specifically trained to deal with night responses.
So the attack was planned to occur exactly an hour before the beginning of dusk. Therefore, the rebels wouldn't be dealing with the full taskforce of security, but when night came and survivors tried to flee North, they'd be caught in the fifteen mile journey to Durmont, dying of the cold, the wilderness or the ghosts in the woods. Little to no one would make it to Durmont, especially with the rebel task forces sure to the posted in the woods.
I fell back onto the couch, perhaps it wasn't going to happen tonight. Maybe it wasn't going to happen at all. Perhaps Billy, was just a crazy guy after all, maddened from his lack of authority in the rebellion, decided to sprout warnings and excitement on the streets.
Perhaps he did. I yawned, falling back asleep.
I woke up with a cramp in my neck and pins and needles running up one side of my body. From my phone, still embedded in the wall, I had two missed calls from Lahey, a text for her as well, a missed call from my boss and two messages of spam from places I didn't even sign up to.
wow the rebels are so scary rn. Better run. ;;;;;;;;;;)
Read 11.39 at fuck you im trying to save your life time
better run to Durmt!!!! Don't wanna be late for my turn at the execution block😵😲😵😲💀
I didn't reply, Lahey was being annoying. And when she was annoying, she stayed annoying for some time. Instead, I fell back onto the couch, rolling over with a groan, waiting for the grogginess to wear off.
I jerked awake, the fighter jet that'd flown over, helping my grogginess cease.
Fighter jets flew over Istreavenmore all the time. But it didn't help my uneasiness, I jolted to the window, looking out. Just, for the first time, noticing the acrid smell of smoke.
From my window, I could see the palace, the entire kingdom could, it loomed in the distance on one of the highest mountaintops in the world. It also ran along the Northern border for our country. On the other side, was the wilderness, and then the peninsula which hosted Durmont.
The palace caught my attention, and the skyscrapers only for the wealthy that surrounded it; some of them were on fire.
L are you okay?
Lahey where are you?
I began to feel sick, in the distance, a small cloud of fire blossomed up from the residential district that was awfully close to Lahey's house. I stepped back in horror, tears brimming in my eyes.
I've gotta help my friend.
"... Hello?"
"Lahey, I know you record this part so you'll get the reactions of people on your voicemail, but I need to make sure you're okay. Text me back as soon as possible, I'm on my way to yours."
"... Just kidding," a laugh, "sorry I can't be at the phone right now, please just send a text message or try again later, ciao!"
I faltered, fear seizing me, a whimper rose in my throat and I clenched my eyes shut as so to not let any tears slip through. If I lost my best friend.
Stop. I scowled at myself, you need to stay focused.
I slammed my car door open, throwing myself inside and screeching out of the underground carpark. The trip to Lahey's bordered on almost an hour including traffic and delays. But I was sure I could make it in fifteen minutes. If this rebellion, really was happening, then I'm sure the police wouldn't care about a speeding car.
I floored it.
Well, as much as I could, without ensuring my death.
The fighting seemed to be more centred around the palace and the surrounding districts. Unfortunately, one of those districts was where I was heading. The further I drove, the more evidence of bloodshed was on the streets. Tear gas created a milky haze, items and articles were clumped in piles, burning on the street. I even saw a charred body thrown onto the doorstep of a prestigious-looking house.
Graffiti and vulgar symbols littered the once, immaculate houses. People in these neighbourhoods rarely parked their expensive cars on the street, but there were more than enough burning shells of them. I saw a tank at one point, it's roof wide open as if it's been blasted off, flown upwards into the air and landed on a patio. Flames licked at the air.
I busied myself either by navigating or changing the radio station. Luckily, my car was electric (an initiative brought in by the government for sustainable growth) and so it made little to no sound through the streets. The only frequencies picked up by the station were static. There was a moment when I heard something.
"... Widespread damage, particularly in the Capital. The national guard has intervened but is restricted by the amount of civilians on the streets. People are recommended to lock up their homes, and stay inside, do not let anyone into your home..."
The station lapsed into static.
"... At this point in time, it is unknown what the casualty rate is, we are expecting high figures from the high districts but it is uncertain at this time. The state of the royal family is unknown but there are numerous reports of their deaths..."
Static overtook and the radio station changed.
"... The situation of the other four states is unknown but from what has occurred in Istreavenmore, the situation is expected to be serious. Fighting is expected to occur into the evening, it is certainly a surprise that the rebels have attacked in broad daylight. It is a serious sign of their confidence." A door slammed open, several muffled shouts, three bursts of automatic gunfire, a scream and a dull thud.
I turned off the radio, sickened and unsure of the need for a bloody conflict. Sure there would always be casualties, but the massacre of the people in this neighbourhood, the explosions, it was unnecessary. They wouldn't do this unless extremely desperate or attempting to convey a message.
A message.
What was that message?
The situation of the other four states is unknown.
Perhaps Istreavenmore was the only one out of the five Isteavway states to be attacked? Taking over the most influential city was a cold, but smart move. That'd also mean that Isteavenmore could be taken back, so to ensure that from happening, the rebels would need to make a clear and cold statement.
Hence the execution of the Royal family.
Regardless, I'd still need to find Lahey.
I pushed a little harder. Counting the numbers to Lahey's mansion, two hundred. The further I went, the more familiar they became.
"One sixty-six, one sixty-eight, one seventy... One ninety-six, one ninety-eight, two hundred!" I pulled into the driveway in a rush. In my initial, one-second analysis, the exterior of the house was void of the more, graphics attacks. The stone wall appeared as if it had been sledgehammered in and the iron gates were a mangled mess. I clambered over them, the front door had been kicked in, horror running rigid within me.
I ran inside, there were no massive signs of struggle, no overturns tables or chairs, the pantry and the fridge had been ransacked. I'm sure that Lahey's Mum's stash of jewellery had been stolen as well. A lump formed in my throat, the place had been broken into, but there were no apparent signs of force or conflict.
I wanted to cry out, but I decided against it, and left a post-it note on her fridge. I double checked all the bedrooms one more time, pausing to collect the remnants of Lahey's most favoured items; her favourite book, her necklace, a Percy Jackson themed scarf, a gift from her soon-to-be betrothed. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to cry and rushed out.
I got in the car, her items spilling onto the passenger seat, I reversed out of the driveway, dragging my sleeve across the tears. I heard a dull thud,r a crack, and slammed on the breaks.
I just hit someone!
Rushing out of the car to inspect the front of it, I was glad to see no dents in the hood. I don't think I'd be able to claim insurance during a rebellion.
I turned my attention to the person who I'd hit. It was a guy, I could say that much, he had blonde curls plastered to the side of his head, sticky blood covered the other side of his head as I lightly slapped his cheek to retain his consciousness.
"C'mon buddy." I muttered, "stay with me."
They guy groaned, his eyes fluttering open, they were a brilliant sterling silver colour. My mouth dropped open.
I'd just hit the crowned Prince of Istreavway.
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