Chapter 5: Tavern
A.N. This chapter is...just be prepared.
"For how long you can keep it up?" Sam asked, making Danny to hum in thought.
"Dunno, never tried to do that for a big amount of time"
They were back on the road, continuing their journey. Danny wondered if he should leave such a powerful artifact like Gem of Life behind. In the end he decided to let the bandits' leader have it, Phantom was going to find the one who wanted to get it. Plus, the Gems are useless without a Glove.
Danny and Sam were riding for pretty long time already. And, much to the teens' joy, it started to rain. Phantom made himself and his accomplice intangible to let the water pass through.
They needed to hurry up, because despite the bandits' affairs, the guards, led by the cardinal, were breathing down their necks. Maybe Jackson's plan was successful and the group was stopped, but Phantom didn't want to take the chances.
"Are there any shelters nearby?" Danny asked. He didn't want to stay in the forest again. Sam looked thoughtful, before smiling.
"Yes, I remember a tavern not so far away. We always stayed there during trips"
"Wonderful. At least I won't need to remove the ants from under my clothes again," he grumbled, causing Sam to raise an eyebrow.
"They really did that?"
"I'm trying to guess what type they are. You see, animals react differently on us. Some, like Bucefal here," he patted the horse, "like us pretty much. Others, like cats, only want to tear us to shreds, nasty little beasts. I'm thinking about ants. They weren't biting me, but getting under clothes isn't the sign of affection either"
"And who is the most sympathetic?" Danny thought a bit.
"Hm, hard to say exactly. Just read the Bible again, only need to add a few details," suddenly a question came to Sam's mind.
"Wait, Danny. If there is your world...Infinite Realms?" Phantom nodded, "then there should be Heaven?" He chuckled.
"Well, I don't know actually what happens after death"
"But you are..."
"I was born like that, Sam. You can say it is a sign of nobility. My family is very ancient, you can guess. But even then we are just ghosts, we form only after very painful or emotional death or form right in our world. No one knows what happens when someone dies peacefully"
"But I can tell where angels came from. They are ghosts as well, just with wings. And the closest thing we have to God is probably my adoptive father"
"Even if I'm a King, I'm still a teen. Someone needs to take the role of the parent. Clockwork is very wise, he sees the past, the present and the future. He knows everything about everyone, including you, Sam. He never interferes directly, he has a restrictions even I can't cancel"
They made it to the tavern by the afternoon. It stood at the end of the forest. The tavern didn't look very presentable, completely opposite, no one in his right mind would enter it. It was a two story building, with shattered clay roof, pieces of which were lying on the ground nearby. The paint on the walls looked very old, the windows had holes in them. There was a wooden sign above the door: 'Whinny Horse'. The name sure fits. Only 'Dead Horse' would fit better.
"This place had better days, huh?" Phantom commented after stopping Bucefal.
"I...I don't know. I have been here only three months ago and everything was fine"
"I guess we will find out"
Danny hopped off the horse and Sam did the same. He didn't need to tie Bucefal to anything, the colt seemed too loyal to simply run away. The small group walked to the door and knocked. Phantom's hearing caught the sound of glass hitting the surface. Then there were footsteps, slow and abrupt, like the one who made them had a hard time with walking.
The door creaked open and the man peaked out. Phantom wriggled his nose because of the unbearable smell of rum and beer. The man was bald, but still had a long beard he didn't seem to take care of.
"What d'ya want?" He asked rather rudely.
"Mr. Jones, is that you?" Sam asked, her eyes widening. The man narrowed his eyes, studying the girl.
"Ah, Manson. If ya need a place to stay then I can't help ya with it," he started to close the door, but Danny stopped it with his boot.
"And what's the reason?" He asked.
"Kids don't have manners nowadays," Jones grumbled, "haven't ya heard? No one visits now"
"And why?"
"Demon. Settled in the forest. Eats bypassers," Phantom raised an eyebrow.
"Where is Jennifer?" Sam asked, receiving hard look from the tavern owner. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with a gasp.
"Oh God. I'm so sorry," his response was shutting of the door. Sam looked at Danny, preparing to demand from him to go after that 'demon', but Phantom's face was unreadable.
"Who is Jennifer?" He asked.
"She is...was his daughter"
Phantom turned around and stomped away.
"Danny, where are you going?!" Sam shouted after him.
"What do you think? In the forest," he answered. Sam started to follow.
"Oh, no, you stay here," Danny said.
"Why not?" She crossed her hands.
"This one is most possibly local. He wouldn't fear me much if you will be with me"
"But what if he decides to come here?" Phantom came to her. His hand started to glow. She couldn't see anything, but when she was able to, there was a green ring with a skull on his finger. Danny took it off and put it in her hand.
"This ring is connected to me. Take it on and I would feel it" (one to rule them I want another crossover)
Sam nodded grudgingly and put the ring in her pocket as she watched Phantom go.
Danny was fuming, his now white hair were flowing, ready to set on fire every second. His ghost sense tried to detect any sign of the maniac, but it was to no avail for more than an hour. Suddenly, a light blue mist came out of his mouth, meaning that the ghost was half mile away from the angered king. Phantom looked around, until he noticed a weak glow on the distance. He went there.
Sam was bored out of her mind. She just lied on the ground, with only Bucefal to keep her company. But he was too busy feasting on the grass surface. The teen was angry that Danny left her behind. She hated being left behind. It was always like that: 'Ladies are not supposed to hold a sword', 'Ladies don't fight' and even more. But she did want to fight the battles, not to wear fancy dresses and wait for the prince on the white horse. Well, the last thing sounded ironical, she got a king on the black horse.
Sam shook her head with the blush. Sure, he was handsome, funny and smart...actually, scratch that, he was the most handsome guy she had ever met. But, who is he and who is she. Sam wondered what will be after he will take her to her grandmother. Most probably Danny will just leave, which saddened the girl. She didn't have any friends before him. Any REAL friends. This two faced bastards never really were her friends. They hanged around her just because she was from the rich family. Danny saved and helped her, not asking for anything in response. When the ruler of Hell is more humane than you, then you have a lot to think about.
Phantom's hearing caught some movement in the bushes. Then a low hissing sound, too loud to be a simple snake.
"S-s-so who do we have here?" The voice asked, circling around Danny, who kept a neutral expression on his face.
"Just a fellow ghost passing through," he said calmly.
"Well, I don't have vis-s-sitors often"
"I prefer not to talk with empty air," Phantom commented, earning a chuckle.
The ghost appeared on the nearby stump. He was covered in small green scales, with slit red eyes. There was a tail, sticking out of the black clothing. The ghost was eyeing the teen curiously.
"For how long?" He asked. Danny knew what he meant.
"Born that way"
"Ooh, we have a noble one here," the ghost said with mocking respect, "Who are you?"
"I can ask the same question"
"I'm Apollo. Now, lad, would you kindly to tell me yours-s?"
"Daniel Dark," Apollo burst out laughing, almost falling down from the stump.
"Hahaha! Nic-c-ce joke! Do you s-s-seriously think..." he didn't finish the phrase because of the ectoblast hitting his face. He hit the tree behind, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS-S-S, BRAT!"
"Cash or card?"
The ghost lunged at Phantom, but he ducked out of the way.
"You done?" He teased before it became deathly cold around. The water in the puddle was covered in the layer of ice, and Apollo could see his breath and started to shiver, causing his opponent to smirk, "What's wrong, lizard can't stand the cold?"
Finding strength in himself, Apollo shot with the blast of his own, but it was blocked by the green shield. Phantom raised his hand and lifted his opponent in the air. With a wave he threw Apollo in the nearest tree, then to another. The last hit caused the plant to crack. Great, now Sam is going to kill him. Phantom didn't care for the ghost's health, he will heal anyway, if he wouldn't end him, that is.
"Now I want you to think about every human you caused harm to," he growled, grabbing his opponent by the neck.
"I...don't know what you are...talking about," Apollo choked.
It was becoming cold outside. Sam rubbed her hands to get warm, when a candle was lightened in the window of the tavern. She decided to ask Mr. Jones for at least flint and steel to make fire. Sam walked to the door and knocked. Then something hit her on the head, knocking her out.
"You think I'm a fool?" Phantom squeezed tighter.
"N-no...I haven't...met any humans-s-s for centuries...I live deep in the fores-s-st"
"Then what..." his head shot up, "Flames"
He let go of his opponent's neck and dissapeared in the cloud of smoke. It started to rain.
Jones was searching in the pockets of the unconscious girl's clothes. To his disappointment and confusion, there wasn't anything, not a single coin. Her family is one of the richest in the country, for heaven's sake! Tavern owner then noticed that Sam wore simple clothes, not the dresses this nobles preferred. He really needs to check what happened in this months he was in his tavern. Suddenly, Jones dug something out of the pocket. It was a ring, looking like it was made from emeralds. His eyes lit up and he decided to put it on his finger. Jones then heard an inhuman growl behind him. He turned around, before jumping in fright.
"W-who are you?" Jones asked, terrified.
"The owner of this ring," white haired teen said, the ring disappearing from Jones' finger, "and may I ask what you are doing?"
"I...I found her like that!" Phantom glared at the man, gears spinning inside his head.
"Really, Mr. Jones? I expected more thought lie. And I don't like being lied to"
"Yes! Yes, I lied! I needed money, I thought Manson will have enough!" Jones cried. He couldn't explain a sudden fear, which swept over him.
"Why do you need money?"
"Nobody visits here. Nobody! Ever since my daughter died!"
"And why she is dead?" Tears appeared on the man's face as he fell on his knees.
"I pray daily, hoping that the God will forgive me for what I have done! The wine is guilty, not me!"
"You got drunk," it wasn't a question. Jones nodded rapidly.
"Yes," he sobbed, "I...I...with this hands," he looked at them, "I was afraid that I will be executed! I remembered an old legends about man eating demon. I told everyone that it was it...But then everyone started to fear staying here and I was left all alone!"
"And you hope that you will be forgiven?" Phantom asked, disgusted.
" don't deserve it!" Jones sobbed at ghost teen's feet. Phantom kneeled so they would be the same height. His glowing eyes bored into the man's gray ones.
"Then make yourself worth the forgiveness"
Phantom went over to unconscious Sam and checked for any ingures. Thankfully nothing serious. Danny gently picked her up bridal style.
"But how?" Jones asked, feeling of fear leaving him.
"I served the Devil once. I have done many horrible things in my sixteen years. Firstly you need to forgive yourself and move on. Then, after learning from the mistakes you made, do everything in your strength to avoid repeating them. I forgave myself, I learned and I'm doing everything to prove both myself and the people around me that I'm nothing like what I used to be. Do you understand?"
"I...I'll do it. For Jenny. I swear I'd change"
Phantom nodded and carried an unconscious girl to Bucefal. He carefully situated her on the saddle in front of him, changing in his human form along the way. Together they continued their journey, full of more unusual situations ahead.
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