Chapter 4: Past
Jackson insisted that Danny and Sam should stay for night, and despite the fact that it was noon, they agreed. Phantom was wary, though. Even if the leader wasn't planning anything, there was still a possibility, that his subordinates would try to do something stupid. It was dinner now, and all the gang sat at the table, shouting songs after too much beer and wine.
"Is it always like that?" Danny asked Jackson, ducking under the chair, sent flying at him.
"Always, but that's the most interesting part of our job," he answered, making a giant gulp from his mug.
"Hey, kid," some stupid looking drunkard asked, "where did you learn how to fight?" At that people became quiet for the most part. They were highly interested in that as well. Sam was curious as well.
"I fought a lot," Danny said, "I served my ruler, my birth father for sometime. I hate that times, thanks the Ancients, they are over"
" are a prince?!"
"In a way, yes. I'm just traveling around the world, to rest for a while.
"You said, 'that times are over', why?"
"Everyone hated Pariah, so, rebellion was formed," Danny made a gulp from his mug and chuckled, "I will never forget their faces, when I alone found their hideout. But I didn't tell him, I joined the rebellion."
"Yep, not without problems and untrust, of course," Phantom waved his hand, "can we change the topic please?"
"What is this thing for?" Jackson pointed at the thermos. Danny chuckled.
"Two purposes. First one is trapping demons inside. Second, it keeps your soup warm," they stared at him, "you better check out before putting the soup inside," he then grinned evilly, "there is actually one inside. Wanna see him?"
"Too late," Danny uncapped the thermos.
Skulker shot out of it, knocking the dishes and landing in the middle of the table. He got up groggily, people around jumped in fright, but then realized that it was just little green glob. Skulker glared at Danny.
"Finally, whelp! Do you know how uncomfortable is inside?!" He started to shout. Some people snickered at the sight. Danny rolled his eyes.
"Yep, I know"
"THIS is the demon?!" Jackson roared with laughter, just like the rest of the gang.
"HEY! I'm Skulker, the greatest hunter in the both worlds!" He exclaimed, which only increased the laughter.
"Seriously, guys, he may be wimpy," Danny said, making Skulker to shout again, "but this guy can make himself a huge armor. I still have a few scars"
"Scars, eh? Mind showing?" Danny shook his head.
"Yes, I do mind," he said.
"Kid, there is nothing to be ashamed about. All of us have some," Jackson gestured to the others. A few of them pointed at their 'reminders'. Phantom sighed.
"Fine," he took his tunic off.
Even hardened robbers could hold back a gasp. Danny's whole body was covered in white lines of scars. Long and short, deep and not. There were marks left from animal claws, wounds inflicted by sharp blade. People noticed red high decree burns and frostbites.
"Now you see why I didn't want to show anything"
Looks like bandits had a sense of humor. They gave Sam and Danny the same room. It had double bed, covered in furs and wooden chest. That's all. They thought about everything, Danny didn't have any other place to 'sleep'. He took bear's fur and put it on the floor.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked him.
"Well, I want to sit comfortably," he answered, sitting on it and leaning his head on the wall.
"You...can lie near...if you want," she said, blushing. Danny blinked.
"I don't need to sleep..."
"I know...I just don't want you to lie on the floor," Sam added. He smiled.
It was more embarrassing than Danny supposed it will be. Sam had exactly the same thoughts.
"Hey Danny," Phantom turned to her curiously.
"Can you tell me something about your world?" Danny blinked in surprise, then smiled softly.
"Alright, but let's make a deal," Sam raised an eyebrow.
"Go on..."
"I tell you about my world. You tell me about human world, or at least how it's like here"
"You never was in...human world?" Danny shook his head.
"I was, but only for a short amounts of time. I know only what I read in books and what Jazz told me. She is from human family, Fentons. Pariah would usually waste her or use for his plans, since Fentons were a big pain in his...back. But, she was very smart, so he ordered her to teach me some sciences. 'The more you know about that worms the better,' he said. She is eight years older than me, I was ten at that moment. But Jazz became to me more than just a mere teacher. I already told you about her being like big sister for me. When I seized the rule, she was able to return to her family. It was interesting. I still visit her, but I have a lot to deal with for now. I need to rebuild my kingdom, make it better for people."
"You don't like it much, do you?"
"I dealt with it long ago, but...yeah. It's nice to have a rest from time to time. Plus, I like being here, with you..."
They turned their red faces from each other. Danny will pay back to the bandits for giving them single sheet.
After some time he could hear her quiet snoring and only then he could breath calmly. Phantom looked out of the window, which was merely a hole in the wall. The rain has started out there, steadily drumming on the roof. He wasn't worried about all the time spent here. Clockwork told him that after time travels you return just a bit later after your department. Danny wouldn't be surprised if he did it for this exact moment.
He wanted to breathe fresh air, so he quietly fazed out of the sheets, floating. Danny became intangible again and went through the wall. With hands behind his back, Phantom started to walk under rain. His steps didn't make a sound, such an ability can be useful sometimes. Suddenly, his hearing caught pieces of conversation.
" morning..."
Danny stepped closer, becoming invisible on the way.
"What 'bout kids?" Asked huge gruffy man.
"What about them? Nothing, you idiot. Just add the poison into his food and that's enough! It's even better. Let everyone think that it's kids' fault.
Danny walked away and shrugged invisibly. It's not like poison can do anything to him. Accelerated healing rocks. He smirked, it's going to be funny.
Danny found some books in the treasury. He was reading for the rest of night. It was surely enlightening, because you don't read medieval books everyday. Phantom was lying on his half of bed, turning the page of Drinkers' Mass. It's funny book. Sam started to steer and rubbing her eyes.
"Morning," Danny smiled.
"Good morning," she said, "what are you doing?" Sam asked curiously.
"Reading," he showed her the book. She looked on it.
"On Latin?"
"Yep, that's one of our abilities, I can speak and read on every language without even noticing," Danny smiled as she got up, "By the way, do you think they have a bathroom?"
"A what?" Phantom stared at her, then shook his head, muttering 'I hate Medieval age'.
They were on the way to have some food. There was a lot of people already, level of loudness was the same as yesterday. Danny caught the mug flying into his face. Phantom wondered what was so interesting so they talked about it so excitedly. He asked Jackson about it.
"Well, little birdie told us that Cardinal Cadagan himself will be traveling on our road"
"Isn't it that fat guy?" Danny asked Sam, receiving slow nod.
"I wonder why is he here," she murmured.
"Hm, are you by any chance involved in that?" Jackson asked suspiciously.
"If we were, then they wouldn't send CARDINAL, would they?" Danny made a gulp from the mug.
"You got the point, lad"
Danny noticed the guy from the last night.
"Hey, Butch! Bring us more booze!" Jackson shouted. It just so happened to be the same guy. Butch put two bottles near them. Jackson wasn't looking, but Danny saw that he took the bottle from another place, not from the common pile. But Butch took another as well, obviously harmless, besides amount of alcohol. Jackson almost took the poisoned one, but Danny took it first. He hided his laugh at the horror on Butch's face. Phantom started to look around, trying to find another man. It should be There was a lot of drunkards, but nobody payed attention to him.
Danny decided to provoke them. He opened the bottle, and his nose immediately caught maybe a bit weak, but still present smell of arsenic. Phantom started to drink the wine. Butch paled as Danny drank everything. To his further shock, he wasn't showing any sign of discomfort. Then Phantom looked at him with narrowed eyes. Butch almost jumped when he appeared right in front of him in a blink of an eye.
"May we talk in private?" He asked, grinning innocently.
"Now!" Danny snapped and dragged Butch behind him like a ragdoll. He carried him to the place without anyone present.
"You know," Phantom pinned the giant to the wall, "I felt a strong taste of arsenic. You ruined my wine. And I don't like it"
" are you alive?!" Danny chuckled.
"Your stinking poisons can't do anything to me, human," he growled, his eyes flashing red and green. Butch started to shake.
"Wh-what are..."
"Listen up closely, you don't want to anger The Devil, do you?" Phantom gave a fanged smirk. The shaking only increased, "Now you will tell me about the one who ordered you to put the poison"
"I-It was James Faloy...he said that he will p-pay me for it"
"Tell me more"
"He is from nearest cit-ty! Just go the road you went!" Phantom let him go. Butch dropped on the floor, still shaking. Danny kneeled near him.
"I think there is no need to order you to keep quiet, is it?" Butch nodded rapidly, "Good. You better not to tell anything. Tata"
Phantom walked back to the hall, where everyone was staring at him. Danny sat on his place again.
"Wow, I have never seen Butch pee his pants so much before, what have you done to him, lad?" Jackson asked. Danny looked thoughtful.
"What do you know about James Faloy?" Bandits' leader's look became hard.
"What I know? Faloy is the dirtiest rat you can find in this thrice damned country! Tried to steal my family's greatest treasure for a very long time. My father stole it from some shady merchant, who, by his words, found it in some Roman dungeons"
"And what is it?" Sam asked. Jackson took out the necklace from under his clothes. It was golden, with some writings on it. There was a big circular ruby. Danny's eyes widened in shock.
"It...cannot be," he muttered, "may I look closer?" Phantom took the necklace and inspect it.
"I have asked many people about what language it is, but they couldn't translate it"
"Bah, 'course they wouldn't. It says 'Find four and you are Master', hm...fits"
"What does this phrase mean?"
"I've heard the legends about it but I would never think that I will be able to see one of them. Well, my friend, your necklace is a powerful tool. This 'ruby' is one of the Reality Gems. Each of them has a unique power, besides one. This one here is a Gem of Life, it can give a life to everything you want"
"Then why it never did it?"
"To use it's power, you need to put the gem inside Reality Gauntlet. No one knows who created such a powerful thing, but I know for certain, if it gets in some bad hands, then we will have a problem. If you collect all the gems and press the needed combination, then you will unlock the true power of the gauntlet. If anyone would do that, then she or he would become as powerful as god. You better protect the gem as much as you can"
"Shit," Jackson muttered, "Just great, why my life can't be normal?!" Danny patted him on a shoulder.
"I ask this question daily, my friend"
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