Chapter 12: Uncle Belzie
"Are you sure we went the right way?" Danny asked, raising his eyebrow.
"I don't know, we should be there by now," Sam answered thoughtfully. She looked around again but still saw nothing. Only trees, more trees and dusty road. Sam sighed, they were on the road for so long without a single break. It was getting dark, damn it.
"Aren't you hungry?" She asked.
Danny looked back at her with a smirk.
"Nah, that's fine. I am used to long travels. Sometimes I spent several days on a ride to some distant place. Other unlucky ones had to go on their feet, though. Pitiful view."
"But don't you have anything to travel faster in the future?"
"Humans have, but we don't. We are a little old fashioned, I must admit, everything made by your kind is thought to be a pathetic attempt to defend themselves. I find humans quite creative, you indeed compensate your lack of power with your resourcefulness. That's why I studied all that stuff."
" don't have anything against humans."
Danny hummed. "Well, how to put it...I never was assigned on missions against your kin. Father told me that it was because he wanted me to be a surprise shall the need arise, but I think he just kept all the fun to himself," he noticed Sam's wide eyes. "I'm not saying that I find slaughtering of humans funny," Danny added seriously, "I'm saying that he found it entertaining. My point is that the only humans I met before coming here were Jazz and her family. So, I guess I can say that my experience with them is pleasant enough. Why do you ask, though?"
"Just curious," Sam's stomach rumbled. "And to distract myself," she deadpanned.
Danny chuckled at the remark. He came to like her sarcastical sense of humor. To say honestly, Danny was hungry as well, but he was very good at hiding his discomfort. The only thing he dreamed about at the moment was a tavern with warm food and sweet wine. Wine...he really missed its taste. All he drank here was some vital product humans call beer. Maybe those weren't the best examples of that drink, but Danny didn't like it nevertheless.
"Look!" Sam suddenly said.
Danny looked where she was pointing and his eyes widened as well. He saw a line of smoke coming from behind the trees.
"How is this possible?" He mumbled. "There aren't any cities close, right?"
"No, there aren't," Sam responded. "Probably a campfire."
Danny grinned. "Let's say hello, then."
"But what if this is Inquisition?" She asked worriedly, but Phantom only snorted.
"What are they going to do? Give me a shower of holy water? They may be following us, but I have a new appearance and you should just hide your face."
Sam nodded and pulled the hood over her head.
Danny turned the colt towards the line between the trees instead of searching for the road towards the source of the smoke. After ducking after a few branches and receiving a small scratch, Phantom growled from exasperation. He started to hate the nature already. Why not, the hate was obviously mutual. Then he stopped abruptly, before a small wisp of air escaped his mouth and his eyes widened. He knew who he sensed just now. Sam noticed his discomfort.
"Danny, you alright?" She asked, shaking his shoulder slightly.
"How is that possible?" Danny murmured, before looking up at her, "Yes, I'm fine, Sam. Just...we are about to have real company."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, look, you don't want to provoke that guy. Try to be polite and let me talk, alright?"
Then they got to the opening and saw a comfortable looking inn with red brick walls and a small garden in front of it. That was weird, since none of the roads seemed to lead directly here.
"Why should every tavern we meet be some kind of trap?" Danny deadpanned.
Before Sam could ask what he meant by that, Phantom jumped down from the horse. Sam narrowed her eyes at him. He was leaving her in shadows for god knows what time. She got down, but not so graciously as her companion, damn that dress, and went after him. Danny didn't seem to like it, but said nothing. Instead he just opened the door and glanced at Sam, reminding her about his instructions.
On the inside the tavern was even more suspicious. Why? Because in the location like that there shouldn't be so many customers. At least it was a nice change from the last out of city tavern. Warm, inviting atmosphere was ruling the ball. People around seemed to have fun, dancing in tact with music of a small band in the corner, but there was something unsettling about them. They felt...hollow, maybe? Sam shivered at the thought. That was a very creepy definition of the situation.
'Wait a second, there wasn't a single horse outside. How did they get here?'
She looked at Danny, who put a hand on his chin and hummed in thought. Well, if she felt that something was wrong, then he most certainly knew what exactly. He looked towards one corner in particular. Sam looked there as well. In the corner was sitting a group of people. One man in particular got her attention. He was huge, but not tall. She had never seen such a fat person before. He had gray hair and brown reddish eyes. He kept eating a chicken leg and choking down wine. Other people were holding food for him. The person didn't seem to notice the pair's arrival, he was too busy with eating.
Danny took a breath and approached him.
"Hold the plate, damn it!" The fat guy shouted at his servant. "How am I supposed to eat if you shake like a leaf?"
"Ah, Belzebub. You haven't changed a bit."
Every head in the inn snapped towards him at the same time and the music stopped. Alright, that was beyond creepy. Sam even shifted nervously.
'Wait a second, what did he just say?' She thought as her eyes widened in shock.
Danny, however, kept smiling, not paying a slightest attention to the numerous eyes turned to them.
"I beg your pardon?" Fat guy asked angrily.
Judging from his clumsy movements, he was supposed to get up from his seat, but he only shifted higher on his seat.
Danny smiled even brighter. "Don't tell me you don't recognize your favorite nephew."
The obvious owner of this place scrutinized his eyes and sized him up and down. Yes, there was something familiar about that kid, but how could...Suddenly, a huge grin appeared on the man's face and his eyes gleamed in delight.
"Danny-boy! Haha, what are you doing here?" He exclaimed joyfully.
The atmosphere stopped being so tense as everything returned to normal, or as normal as it could be. Sam just stared, and stared more, not being able to process what was happening. She had to admit, though, everything during the last few weeks seemed surreal. Danny meanwhile kept smiling, but it was somewhat forced. Thankfully Belzebub didn't seem to notice that. Phantom took a seat and Sam stayed close to him. She wanted to remain close to her friend in such a questionable company.
"Well, uncle..." Danny said longingly, tapping on the table with his fingers.
"Wait, not right now," Belzebub interrupted, "Hey, servant, bring more food!" He shouted, before turning to Danny. "You seem as scrawny as ever, my boy. You need some mass."
"You say this every time we meet," Phantom rolled his eyes. "You know that i can lift a few tons, Belzie."
"Doesn't change the fact that you look scrawny," his uncle argued. "You may have killed your father, Daniel, but not many were there to witness it. You must be more presentable if you want your opponents to fear you. So, go on, how did you end up here of all places?" He asked as the food was finally brought.
It looked very delicious. Danny put a steak on his plate and started to eat, as the shaking servant poured wine into his goblet. He obviously knew who was sitting near his master. Sam didn't eat, there wasn't anything she wanted to eat. There was only meat. And honestly, she wasn't sure if she could. Danny may be nice, but there was a real demon sitting in front of her.
"I can ask you the same question," Phantom asked back.
"Ah, avoiding questioning, you haven't changed, too," Belzebub grumbled. "You see, I love Medieval age. So much two-faced sinners, who think that a chit-chat with some priest will make everyone forgive what they did and what they will do. This is more amusing to watch than all the political games back home."
"But why this year? If anything, you could pick the Dark ages."
"Well, for the reasons only Clockwork knows, this year and this region has the thinnest barrier between two worlds. Even in present time the barrier is stronger. The portals often lead here. How do you think I travel back and forward so easily?"
"So that's why I landed here of all places," Danny muttered.
"I believe there is a story behind that."
"Yes, there is. I have to admit, Skulker is getting better, first times he wasn't even able to scratch me. He set up a trap in order to get my pelt. I know that someone else was helping him, since some assassins attacked me beforehand. I kicked those idiots' asses in no time, but I didn't have time to remove that stupid masks of theirs, Skulker attacked from behind and almost got me. I fought him, but then the natural portal opened and boom! I'm here. That's basically a short version of what happened."
Belzie wasn't the only one to be interested. Sam looked at him with curiosity in her eyes.
"Heh, yeah, the natural portals are rare bitches," Belzebub made a gulp of his drink. "How long are you here?"
"A few weeks."
"And you are still here?"
Danny shrugged. "I deserve a vacation, don't you think so? Travel in time is just a perfect opportunity."
Belzebub snorted. "Couldn't agree more. And who is the girl?"
Sam flinched as the attention was turned to her. She calmed down a bit when Danny briefly winked at her.
"I...I am..."
"Got sick of that redhead, huh, Danny?" The ghost interrupted her.
Danny chuckled. "Jasmine was boring. And rather unskilled, if you get what I mean."
Belzebub roared with laughter, throwing his head back. His stomach hit the table and it started to shake.
"Oh, that's why you are my favorite," he wiped a tear from his eye. "You have a sense of humor. Wonder where you got it from, Pariah didn't have any."
"Well, I don't know, but this one seems pretty good, doesn't she?" Danny gestured to Sam, before sensing a wave of anger from her. Belzebub sensed it, too.
"Hm, beauty is a rather subjective matter, but she obviously needs to be taught place."
Sam was about to yell at the fat asshole in front of her, but noticed Phantom's look, which begged for her to play along and keep her temper down. She followed his request and simply looked away.
"Yes, maybe she does. On the other hand, I don't want to bother with it. I only need a guide and someone to entertain me while I'm here. I'll dump her when I'm tired of my vacation," Danny crossed his hands, leaning against the table.
"My slaves are with me for millennias, Danny-boy. Don't just throw them away, especially when they are useful ones."
"That's yet to be decided if she belongs to this category," Phantom deadpanned.
For some strange reason, Sam felt a pang in her chest, and with each word this pain intensified. Danny was pretending, he didn't really feel this way, did he? Why else would he say that with her present? But...he sounded so honest, so much that it was painful.
"Eh," Belzebub sighed loudly, lying more comfortably on his seat. "All this talks make me exhausted."
"Look, uncle, it was nice to meet you and all, but I need to get going. By the way, can you lend some food on the road?"
"Hm, on one condition, kiddo. It's boring here, plus I'm curious about how our new Lord is doing with our lovely state. Stay overnight, there is a nice room upstairs."
Danny groaned, "Belzie, I planned on getting to the nearest city by night."
"One night. Either that or go on empty stomach."
"You already fed me," Phantom smirked.
"Then why did you ask for food?" Belzie grinned, looking at his disgruntled nephew. He shook his head in amusement. "Daniel, Daniel, Daniel, you ARE powerful and cunning, but don't try to fool someone who is more than two thousand years old. Pariah was an arrogant idiot, don't repeat your father's mistakes. Or your offspring will kill you one day, just like Darks' family always did. I like you, kid, it will be a shame if you will be ended too soon."
Danny sighed. "Thanks uncle. I don't seem to have any choice, do I?"
"Indeed. Let me show you the way."
It was very weird when Belzie's enormous figure floated off the ground and through the ceiling like a balloon. Danny looked at his companion.
"Come on now, let's not keep him waiting."
Sam didn't say anything and followed him upstairs. Belzie showed them the way towards the room and flew through the wall. Phantom preferred to open the door. It felt strange when you open some rusty tavern door and enter the room from five star modern hotel. It was very spacey, generally white and brown. White carpets on black wooden floor, a few tables and chandelier on the ceiling, and a fully equipped modern bathroom. Phantom blinked in surprise as Sam watched with marvel.
"Well, I'll leave you alone for now," Belzie said, before giving a fake yawn. "Have fun kids, and Daniel, don't forget to take out before it's too late."
He laughed again at the teens' red and green faces and flew out of the room. Danny sighed, running a hand through his hair. He looked back at Sam, who sat on the bed.
"Our plans never go as needed, huh?" Phantom asked with a smile.
"Yes, they aren't," she mumbled quietly.
Danny sensed a wave of sadness in her, before a literal lighting bulb appeared above his head. Phantom gave her a soft look and sat nearby.
"Sammy, you know I didn't mean what I said down there, right?"
"I know," she sighed, rubbing her hands. "It sounded too truthful for my liking."
Danny smiled gently, cupping Sam's chin and looking into her beautiful lilac eyes. "I told you I lied all my life, Sam. One can't help but become skillful in that after years of practice. I couldn't just tell uncle that you are my friend. Human and ghost together?" He let out a sad breath. "It is something not many will be satisfied with. But even if I can't tell, it doesn't stop me from liking you."
Sam's eyes widened. "What?" She whispered.
Phantom rubbed her cheek with a smile. "You are funny, kind and interesting in general. So yes, I do like you. I can't wish for a better companion."
As their faces were so close together, so they could feel each other's breath, Sam suddenly put a hand on his mouth and moved him back slightly, earning a sad expression from the ghost teen. She was touched by his words, but first she wanted one thing - to know him.
"Thank you, Danny," she mumbled. "But...can you tell me something?"
"What exactly?" Phantom asked.
"Well, I saw how your family is like, I don't mean to offend..."
"That's alright," Danny shrugged.
"And you said there were bad things you did in the past, what exactly did you do?"
Danny's expression was unreadable. He tapped on his lap with his fingers and sighed.
"Where shall I start...I started to serve in the army at the age of fourteen. Quick advancement in ranks was in order, being the prince and all. Back then, despite not fully agreeing with father, I believed that he was bringing order into our chaotic world. I admired him and was honored to be his son. And I served faithfully, because I was eager to take part in cleaning my homeland from all the local warlords, who were free to do whatever they wanted. Jazz constantly said that it was wrong, but I preferred not to talk with her about politics. We argued a few times, thank the Ancients none of them turned physical."
"The reconquest went smoothly. I commanded the forces on one of the fronts. Aragon, Far Frozen, Acropolis, they all became parts of the kingdom. The country was once again united, but it was a long way to peace. As I told before, the rebellion appeared. I indeed saw them as terrorists who are trying to undermine this said order. And I treated them as such. Most of the times quite cruelly. Partly because I kept the appearance, partly because...I wanted to. I guess you can't run away from what you are."
"And what exactly did you do?" Sam asked slowly, having a feeling that she the answer.
Danny looked up at her with a curious expression on his face. "Why do want to know it so much? Does it give you something?" He asked in annoyance.
Sam narrowed her eyes. "I just asked."
Phantom looked away again. "Sorry. I just don't like to talk about it," he mumbled. "There were different things. Tortures of the captives were often used. Some were made by me personally. I don't want to share the details, I'd like to forget that hellic machines. At least I destroyed them after coming to power. They were used mostly during the war. Interrogations and all that. Not many were strong enough to resist. Those who were...they were killed because they were useless to us."
"After the rebels appeared, we started to use another methods. This war was civil, so father ordered to burn down everything on our way, and slaughter everyone who dared to resist. They are HIS subjects now. That was when I started to question Pariah. I fought for my kingdom and my king, but I never agreed on pointless massacres. Of course, to any other person it would seem like I was getting some perverted pleasure in their suffering. Because yes, I slaughtered everyone!" He exclaimed and shot up on his legs. "Kids, women, all! Not simply giving orders but doing that myself as well."
"For the note, I was FIFTEEN, for heaven's sake! Can you imagine how it felt?! One thing is being tortured in such an age, and another one is doing that yourself. All that ectoplasm, scorched bodies, scares me. And what I fear even more is that there always is some little part of me, which enjoys it and wants more."
Danny stopped pacing around and turned to his stunned companion. "Is that what you wanted to hear, Sam?" He whispered. "That I'm truly a son of the Devil? That I ascended to the throne by killing and betraying? That all this time a true demon was accompanying you? If not that, then what?"
Sam felt a lump in her throat, the one so big that she couldn't say anything at first. The look in his eyes was so pained and scared. She never thought that that expression ever was on his face.
Phantom misinterpreted her silence, and avoided her gaze, "I'll go get some fresh air."
"Danny, wait!" Sam snapped back to reality and called for him.
Danny's face showed real surprise, but he stopped nevertheless.
"I'm sorry," Sam said, which caused Danny's eyes to widen.
"W-what for?"
"I shouldn't have brought this up. I'm sorry for that."
"And what I said..."
"Danny," she interrupted softly, getting up and coming closer to him. "You yourself said that you USED to be like that. In front of me I see only someone who saved me from being reduced to ash on that square. You can't change what happened, and everything I saw you doing is helping people, not killing them, despite your stupid jokes."
"Hey!" Phantom chuckled. "Thank you, Sammy."
"I don't like being called like that."
"And you didn't comment earlier?" He smirked cockily.
"Aaand he is back to his usual self," Sam deadpanned, rolling her eyes, before they both laughed.
It was dark already, which meant that the raven haired girl went to sleep. As usual, Danny was simply sitting near her on a bed, reading a book and watching over her. When Belzebub thought that she was his slave, he actually gave a wonderful opportunity. Danny didn't need to explain why he was in the same room with her and will have a chance to guard her in case his uncle tries anything funny.
From time to time he glanced to his right, and couldn't help but smile each time. Sam looked beautiful in her sleep.
When the book was finished, Danny lied down on a pillow. He wondered what he is going to do until sunrise. He remembered that Belzebub liked playing cards between food rounds, plus didn't need sleep. Danny didn't want to leave Sam alone, but he could watch over his uncle and every servant passing nearby. And if gets a chance to earn some money for the future, it will be rather useful. Plus Belzebub wanted to talk with him, and simply let him play with his 'slave' first.
Danny gave Sam a final glance, before his mind or maybe something else pushed him towards one sudden step. Quietly and slowly he leaned forward and planted one light kiss on the girl's forehead.
"Goodnight, Sammy," he whispered, before walking out of the room.
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