We see Izuku a little bit older Izuku sitting with Izuku sitting with Scott, Markiplier, Inko, and Matthew
Scott: you are doing well with your power Izuku, I'm glad we got you homeschooling to help you more
Izuku: I am too..... so far I can't choose which one is my favorite
Markiplier: as long as it's not Balloon boy or Mr. Hippo I'm fine
Izuku: Mr. Hippo?
Mr. Hipo appeared sitting next to then Izuku
Mr. Hippo: my dear friend. You are here to hear one of my stories
Mat: oh god damnit. Thanks Mark
Scott smirked
Mr. Hippo: Ah, it seems that you have met yor worst, worst fear. You know I, I don't feel too bad about it though, after all if it weren't me, it would've just been one of the others I guess... I'm honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts. You know it's... it's not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there... and... not easy to get down either. I'm not as young as I used to be as you can see, I used to be able to do all sorts of things, you're young, you're vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step.
Markiplier is seen falling asleep, Mat is looking miserablebut keeps listening incase he says something else that would help his finding of the fnaf lore
While Izuku and Scott were watching Mr. Hippolike they were at the candy store
Scott: i loved making all of my animatronics and you were one of the best
Inko looked quite interested in the Hippo and thought he would be a great person to talk to
Mr. Hippo: it reminds me of a conversation I was having with one of my good friends Orville. We were having a nice picnic one day. I believe it was summer? Oh, perhaps it was... was it the fall? Yes, yes, it was the fall because the leaves had turned already. But I said to Orville, I- I says, "Orville, I have a story to tell you." And Orville looked at me, you know, kind of odd and- and said, "Well what's it about?" I- I said to him, "Not every story has to be about something Orville. Sometimes a person just wants to talk, why does it have to be a story?" I said to him. He just looked at me and he said, "Well y-y-you said you had a story." You know, he was quite right, I did in fact. I told him I had a story. I suppose if a person just wants to talk, it's best to not announce that you're tellin' a story. Tellin' a story does come with its own pressures and expectations I- I suppose. After all, if you're just talking to a friend then, there's no more expectations then if you were talking into the wind. Words... by themselves are not expected to carry... aren't expected to stick. But if, you know if you announce that you're tellin' a story well then... there better be a point to it all. No one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight. So, you know, it's- it's good to be mindful that when you tell someone that you're about to tell a story, that you have something to say. Tellin' someone that you're gonna tell a story is tantamount to asking them to stop what they're doing, and pay attention. You're basically saying "hey, hey, hey buddy, stop everything, stop what you're thinking, I have a solution to everything." And well, I didn't really have any story to tell. In- in hindsight I probably just misspoke when I said that I had a story. I think it would've just been better to tell Orville that I had something to tell him rather than tell him that I had a story, but you know e- even then it might've put too much importance on the whole thing. Either way it was quite a nice day. I remember, I remember that we were drinking tea.
Scott and Izku clapped at Mr. Hippo's speech
Mat Pat: i swear if nothing lore wise comes of this I'm not going to pay attention to him anymore
Scott: but your still gonna do it even after to see if they do eventually say something different
Mat: yeah..... wait...... Izuku?
Izuku turned to look at Mat
Izuku: yeah?
Mat: do you think you can summon the animatronics from the books?
Izuku tilted his head while Scott went pale
Scott: i-if he can, we must prepare ourselves cause these guys are mostly rogue and dangerous
Mat: here Izuku. Can you have Mr. Hippo go back?
Mr. Hippo: well~ I don't know, I mean I could go back. But what if you need me, or or you need a good story to tell and
Izuku: can you please go back?
Izuku had puppy dog eyes
Mr. Hippo: very well, but do call me often
Mr. Hippo disappeared
Mat: now, try this one first since he shouldn't be much of a threat. Say Lonely Freddy
Izuku: why is it called Lonely Freddy?
They all paused
And waited
Scott: huh, guess he isn't able to summon the book animatronics *phew*
Meanwhile Somewhere else
Dawko: ehehehe
Count the ways Freddy: I can tell you all the things that I, caaaaaaaan do~
Dawko: great job there Freddy
????: ruff
Dawko: aaaaawwwwww, thanks
Dawko picked up a arm that a dog looking robot seemed to bring him
Dawko ruffled the dog's head: thanks bud, now fetch
The dog animatronic ran off to look for its next victim
Spring Bonnie: now remember, we can't bring out the Stichwraith or those other ones, they could bring a stop to our plans
Dawko: don't worry
????: we got this
A blonde haired girl is seen standing next to a group of bodies
Vanessa: are we having fun yet?
998 words
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