"You couldn't have picked Gary or Phil, or, or even Nicky? What about Paul? David? I know you used to fancy David."
I rolled my eyes at my brother, bored of his attempts at trying to get me to change my mind.
"Used to, Ryan. I used to. What's the big deal about it anyway? He's a great guy."
Ryan just laughed sarcastically, slamming his hand down on the table in the café. The others in the room turned their heads and began to stare, but Ryan and I just ignored them.
"Brit, I caught him smoking pot behind Carrington when he was waiting for you the other week. His brother, too."
Sighing, I glared at Ryan before walking over to his friends, who were all sat staring at us as we argued in the middle of the canteen inside the Manchester United training complex.
"You lot like Liam, don't you?" I asked out of desperation, hoping that they'd help me talk some sense into my brother.
I watched as they exchanged glances with one another, wide eyed and silent, they all looked like they'd been caught like a deer in the headlights.
"Yeah?" Gary spoke, his words sounding more like he was questioning his own answer than portraying certainty to me and Ryan.
"Bullshit, Nev, you were slating him the other week!" Ryan said as he came up beside me.
I just glared at Gary, who looked away from me and continued to eat his lunch whilst the rest of the table flickered their glances between Ryan and I.
It pained me that my brother didn't like Liam. Heck, he didn't even like Liam's brother. It was hard for him to justify and sometimes, I understood how protective he was, but other times, it simply infuriated me more.
I had met Liam at a charity event in Manchester a few months ago. Attending with my brother, I had been seated at a table with Liam and his band mates on one side, Ryan and his friends on the other.
The closer I got to Liam, the further away I was pushing Ryan.
"He's alright," David spoke, gazing up at me, "But you can do so much better."
Checking my watch, I saw that time time was just after one o'clock. I pulled on my jacket and picked my handbag up off the floor.
"Where are you going now?" Ryan said, stalling his argument with David for even trying to go against him.
"Liam's here."
I watched as Ryan sunk down into a seat beside Paul, throwing his head into his hands as his friends waved me goodbye, only to piss my brother off even more than he already was.
I left the building and walked to the car park, sure enough, Liam was there. Although, he wasn't quite in the car park, where I expected him to be.
Instead, he was parked up at the barrier by the entrance, arguing with the security guards with a cigarette between his fingertips and sunglasses covering his eyes.
Walking over to them, I laughed to myself at the rate in which Liam hurled abuse at the security guard without giving it a second thought.
"I tell you what mate, you should fuckin' let me in before - here she is!"
Liam's face turned from a menacing glare to a sweet smile, the hot flush of anger draining from his cheeks as I reached him.
"He'll know for next time, Liam."
Rolling his eyes, Liam got back into his car and I slid into the passenger seat, dumping my bag in the backseat. Still muttering words under his breath, Liam began to reverse he car, only to stop and throw his cigarette out the window of the car, landing on the side of the security guard's face.
"Dickhead." Liam shouted, before pulling out of the entrance lane and speeding back down towards the motorway.
We sat in silence for a while, I could tell that Liam was still very much het up about his confrontation with security that he needed some time to calm down.
"Your brother still taking a disliking to me?" He asked, turning his head to glance at me for a moment before looking straight back at the road ahead of him.
"Could say that. Good news is that David thinks you're alright."
Liam just laughed loudly, making me smile, "He can fuck off, posh southern prick."
The way Liam spoke about people would put the majority off, however I admired him. He was one of the very few people that I knew that actually spoke their mind, and to me, that was exactly what I liked, since I rarely ever voiced my thoughts.
He placed his free hand on my thigh, smiling at me for a fraction of a moment, gazing at me beside him for as long as he could without getting us both killed as we drove down the M6.
I enjoyed Liam when we were alone. He was very different around his friends and I hated that. But there were other times when he would make me feel like I was the only girl in the whole world, and the words he whispered in my ear as he held me close to him under the sheets in the middle of the night made me slowly, but surely, fall in love with him.
"Got a gig tonight, did I tell you?"
"Yeah, think so anyway. Just down town?"
"Yeah, yeah." He paused for a moment and grinned, "Might invite your brother and his mates, y'know, since they're massive fans and all that."
first chapter! i know not many people that read my other stories would be interested in this one, but any feedback at all would be massively helpful to me.
thank you!
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