A week or so after, I travelled down to London with Ryan and his team for their match against Chelsea.
I'd been wanting to get out of Manchester for a while now, I spent all my time there and I felt like I could no longer turn a corner on the street without seeing Liam's face plastered on a wall or the word 'Oasis' spray painted onto a brick wall in the Northern Quarter.
Liam and I were...fine. We hadn't spoke anymore about how I felt and as far as I knew, which now that I think about it, wasn't very much, he hadn't been seen with another girl for a while. But inside, I still felt a worry and a sense of neglect.
But still, Ryan knew none of this. I simply asked him if there was any chance to watch him play again soon, and he mentioned the next game which just so happened to be down in London. I jumped at the chance.
I travelled down on the train a few hours after Ryan and the team left Manchester. Liam knew where I was going, having spoken to him on the phone that morning.
I hadn't seen him in a couple of days, but I had seen Noel when I was having a coffee one afternoon. We spoke briefly, and when he asked how things were going with Liam and I, for no reason at all, I told him a small fragment of how I was feeling inside.
Noel had noticed Liam's actions. He knew what his brother was doing and he knew that his brother was well aware of it too, just not that it was upsetting me as well.
Although I didn't say much, I made Noel swear not to say anything to Liam. If anything, he needed to hear it from me, not his brother.
Once I arrived in London, I took the tube to Stamford Bridge and followed the directions from the stewards that were stood outside the ground.
I had only been to watch Ryan play at Old Trafford a few times, as he didn't get into the starting team very much, but the atmosphere coming from the away fans down in London made it feel like home.
Flashing a pass to a security guard, I made my way up a flight of stairs and out into the stands to find my seat.
Approaching the row, I followed the numbers on the seats until I came to mine, which was for some reason, occupied.
"Excuse me?" I said, gaining the attention of the dark haired gentleman, "Sorry, I think you're in my seat?"
I showed him my ticket, only for him to then check his own and immediately stand up.
"Sorry darling, my fault."
He smile at me apologetically and moved along one. I placed by bag under the seat, pulling my coat over my shoulders tighter as the wind blew harder, the temperature dropping on the Sunday afternoon.
"No problem, thank you."
"I'm Damon." He said with strong London accent and a wide grin. He had electric blue eyes that reminded me of Liam's, only this man's face held much more youth and, to me, innocence.
"Brit, it's nice to meet you."
* * *
"So you just punched the lad?"
"Yeah right in the nose! Deserved it as well!"
Damon and I laughed after the full time whistle blew. The match had ended 2-2 and Ryan had played the last half an hour of the game, but to be honest, I was far more engaged talking to Damon than I was watching the football.
Together we walked back inside and over to the bar, which was slowly getting busier by, who I assumed were friends and family of the players for both clubs.
After getting ourselves a drink, we took a seat at a table by the window, watching all the fans exit the stadium as the sun set over the top of the stand, the orange fading into ebony as the moon lit the sky.
I had learned that Damon was in a band, Blur. I was almost certain that Liam had mentioned them before, but when he went off in a huff to rant about things, I couldn't hold the attention long enough to listen properly.
I didn't mention Liam or Oasis, and I didn't feel the least bit guilty about it. After a few minutes of sitting with Damon at the start of the game, I could tell he was starting to flirt with me. He dropped small complements, tried to use some extremely cheesey pick up lines, and then straight up asked me for a drink at half time.
He had a gorgeous smile with perfect white teeth and dazzling blue eyes that could hold your gaze for as long as he wanted. He was captivating, and he wanted to be.
He reminded me a lot of Liam in the way he was so self assured, only Damon was perhaps a little more polite. But Liam was Liam, and I fell in love with every little thing about him, but when I spoke to Damon, it was refreshing to not have a constant wrath of insults coming out of his mouth directed at people that he had never seen before in his life.
"How long are you in London for?" Damon asked.
"Just for the day," I replied.
"That's a shame, we're playing a gig tonight, I'd have loved for you to come along, be a critic."
Damon looked down at his beer, swirling the last drops round in the glass before throwing it down his neck.
"I have no plans back home, I'd be happy to come, if that was an offer you made?" I laughed as Damon looked up at me, a smile on his lips as his hair fell over his forehead.
He rustled around in his back pocket before pulling out a folded up scrap of paper. Inside, he quickly scribbled something down before handing it to me with a grin.
"That's the address, doors are at 8 but feel free to come earlier, ask security for me, I'll come and get you, can have a couple beers in the back if you fancy it?"
I was tempted, so tempted by Damon's boyish good looks and cheeky smile. He was a charmer, I couldn't deny that and he never once glanced at another woman in the room as we sat together. I, for once, felt appreciated.
I thought of Liam, and how he would feel if he found out I'd been invited to another gig by a member of the band, how angry and irritated he'd get. That alone was almost enough to make me say no to Damon, but then I thought about all the times that Liam didn't give me a second thought as he did god knows what, with god knows who.
And so, I said yes.
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