Chapter Seventeen: Tea Time and Enrique's Case
Two days before Homecoming night...
"Skylar, you know that the clocks are ticking down to the last wire," Principal Lewis said, a cup of tea in hand as he, his wife, my parents, and I were in his office for afternoon tea the following day. "And as you know, all eyes will be on you. You have one hell of a night ahead of you. I assume that you know what you need to do?"
I nodded, sipping on my cup of green tea. "I've been taking great thought of what's been said," I replied. "My date with Jorge last night had me thinking about everything: my life before being a superhero's sidekick with powers of my own, my life so far with being the hottest topic, and my future- both with me not accepting the proposals and what can happen if I did."
Not to mention what I already know about how everyone has planned for this from the start, I thought to myself.
Mom hummed in approval. "You mustn't think that we're being too demanding, Skylar," she said. biting into a cucumber sandwich. "Well, I will admit that we've been too hard on you, but it's to help you come out of your shell. You have a lot to offer to the world, but you still hold back. If you want to have something of your own or want to make yourself known, you shouldn't be afraid to do it or claim it. If you don't try, you just exist in an ever-changing world."
"Not to mention that you're on the edge of turning seventeen," Dad pointed out. "And speaking of which, your birthday happens to fall on the same day as the Homecoming game and the upcoming dance."
VP Lewis' eyes sparkled at that. "I almost forgot about that. Skylar, you haven't mentioned anything about it to either of us."
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't like to think about my birthday much. Even more so, given the responsibilities of being a superhero now."
"That will have to change," Principal Lewis remarked. "I think that a birthday celebration is in order. With you being part of the Youth Hero Alliance, it'll be good for your image to have your big day shared with the city and all around the world."
I bit back a groan, knowing that it wasn't meant to be argued. I kept my face blank. "Then I trust in your decisions," I said, keeping my voice even.
"That's a boy," Dad praised, nodding and smiling. "See, you're already starting to see that this is going to benefit you. With a little more work, you're going to have all the benefits when you make the right choice."
"I just hope it'll be the right one, for his sake," came the familiar voice of one Enrique Pinero as he sauntered into the office, him dressing in all Black as his sister (in a simple charcoal-gray dress with her hair in a braid) following suit. He turned to me with a smirk. "Ah, Skylar 'Ebony Artic' O'Hara. We meet at last."
I gulped, my parents glaring at him while the Lewis Duo looked as if they swallowed two bags of lemons and prunes. "Hello," I said, feeling intimidated under his domineering gaze. "W-what are you doing here? What do you want?"
"Straight to the point, aren't we? All right, carino, I'll bite. What if I told you that you can have it all with me by your side instead of those two pretty boys called Green Wave and Blue Crush? Or should I say, Jorge Fernandez and Drake Andrews?"
My eyes went wide. "How did you know about-"
"We have our ways, Senor O'Hara," Catalina interrupted, giving me a cool stare. "We know enough that you were roped into this as well as your family planning this for years."
I was grateful that she didn't mention about me knowing already. "And how does this have anything to do with me or anything else?" I wanted to know.
Enrique grinned, snapping his fingers twice before his all-black ensemble turned into a black bodysuit with a silver lightning bolt on his chest. He soon aged into an equally handsome older man that could give Jorge a run for his money. "Let's just say that I've known the Alliance longer," he replied, his adult voice more smoother than his teenage version. "Call me Obsidian."
I nodded, instantly turning into my Ebony Artic persona. "Now, what is it that you really want from me?" I asked.
"Like I said, Ebony Artic, I want you with me. I've been keeping my tabs on you for the longest now and I think that you need a firmer yet positive hand to guide you into the right direction. Not only that, my family and I- not to mention my all-male brotherhood back in South America- could provide you all the essentials to give my homeland something to talk about. But most of all, I would love it if you can be my husband instead. Those two chumps can't even think about what I can truly give you."
"You are clearly joking if you think that Skylar wants anything to do with you," Mom spat angrily, eyes narrowed in silts. "He's too much of a good egg to be seen with your ilk."
"But he also knows that Greenlee Sammons belongs with those two gentlemen, Mrs. O'Hara," Catalina intoned. "And of course, Miss Sammons is not going to let things go, especially with her plans to end him just like you will if he spurns you all."
"That's because Skylar knows the consequence if he does," Dad pointed out. "He needs Drake and Jorge more than you can ever realize. Not only that, my son lost his virginity to them not long ago."
Don't remind me, Dad.
"Ah, but it can be forgiveable if he says yes to me, Mr. O'Hara," Obsidian remarked. "But what won't be forgiveable is if he rejects me. I can end him and all of you without warning. He'll become the world's pariah in less than a second. His dreams of being a fashion writer? Dead. His college hopes? Dead. His future anywhere? Dead. His chances for love and stability? Dead. And before he even could blink, he'll be dead as well. It doesn't have to be like that, you know? All he needs to do is say yes to me and I can give him all that he wants and needs. I can give him the whole world as his playground. And just because I can, I want to share with him a sample of what can be his if he lets me."
"And just what is that?" I couldn't help but ask.
No one was prepared enough to stop Obsidian's lips branding mine in a passionate kiss that was full of unfiltered hunger and blended with a hint of desire. And holy shit on shingles, he could kiss like it was his last day on Earth. I groaned, wanting to break it off but it only encouraged him to deepen the kiss as he goosed my ass cheeks.
If I wasn't distressed now, I would be when it was all over.
And all too soon, it was. "Remember that when you go to bed at night," the black-suited hero replied, chuckling as he turned back into his teenaged form. "You have until Homecoming night to choose which one will be your future, Corazon. You can tie yourself to a shooting star that can take you higher and higher... or a rock that will sink you down to chaos. I know you'll make the right choice."
With that, I watched Enrique "Obsidian" Pinero and his older sister walk out of the room.
The last thing I remembered saying was "I need to lie down" before the ground soon met my face as the darkness swallowed me whole. And just like that, folks, I knew that things were going to get fucked up more than ever.
Cumulative word-count: 21,973 words.
DAMN! Enrique "Obsidian" Pinero has entered the chatroom of "Ultimatums for Skylar O'Hara!" And our boy's going to be in the middle of one firestorm that will have him at the end of his rope! Don't even think about getting cozy just yet as the next chapter is coming up featuring superheroes ready to trade blows with Obsidian while Skylar has his say with his friends! Folks, you already know that things are going to be scandalous! Stay tuned!
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