Chapter One: The Start of the End of the World as I Know It
"Because you're you and I'm me, and we just don't fit."
That's a quote from one of my favorite books of all time when it comes to two very different people when one of them believes that he or she and their friend/love interest can be good together while the other person believes otherwise.
And I intend to agree with the statement completely. Call me old-fashioned, but I strongly stand on the fact that some cliques can never, EVER be friends with each other when it comes to high school. And when it comes to the popular crowd and the nerds, the theory is doubled down with a vengeance.
But you can never tell my family, almost all of the teachers, or even the principal and my designated therapist that- especially when I happen to be the godbrother of two of the biggest thorns in my side: Drake Andrews and Jorge Fernandez, the captains of the aquatics team at Centennial Grove High School (home of the Grizzlies).
Oops, I forgot to introduce myself. Bad manners. The name's Skylar Va'Shawn O'Hara, certified atypical nerd with a love for all things fashion, a mouth of a sailor's that can make any nun turn pink, the street smarts of every gangster living in the slums of Dallas, and the son of car-dealership owner and a school teacher. And for me, Jorge and Drake are known to be the reason why I will never see myself with them because they represent everything that I hate about them: athletic bodies that can make any woman and gay man blush, the charisma to charm everyone- students and teachers alike, and the way that they and their friends hold court over the whole school yet can be friends with just about everyone.
Everyone wants to be their friends.
Every teacher and parent admired them.
But I was the only one immune to their charms, alongside my two best friends Rhea McNeil (a Goth-loving Aussie transplant with a love for rock and ska music) and Shandra Finessey (my main best friend since preschool and one of the cheerleaders who also never fell for Drake and Jorge's charms either, ironically). And the more I kept hearing that I should be more like them and be their friend, the more I wanted to plan for their deaths by any means possible. My plan was simple: stay away from the two of them at all costs, finish high school and graduate with high honors (meaning less time watching RuPaul's Drag Race and more time studying), and head to my dream college with plans to be the next Miranda Priestly or Anna Wintour while leaving Dallas, Texas behind.
Funny how things can go to shit one week before senior year even began.
"Y'all, I still can't believe that we're going to be seniors in one week," Shandra said as she, Rhea, and I met up at my house, chilling in my room as we were finishing up with a study session. "And while everyone else is going to be attending the barbeques and parties this weekend, the three of us are sitting around with our class schedules in hand while looking over old textbooks."
"Definitely," Rhea agreed, nodding as she sat an old Physics book that belonged to my older sister Kelsey to the side. "It's a Friday afternoon, and yet we're sitting in here like hermits."
I gave them a pointed look. "Y'all, the three of us are vying to be part of the academic hall of fame," I reminded them. "We can't be slacking around for any reason. You already know this."
"Yeah, but we need to take a break. I mean, we're teenagers and should be having a bit of fun," Rhea commented, brushing back a strand of her black hair from her face. "I mean, we need to go somewhere. Do something fun."
"Yeah, like any of us can afford to call any of our 'lovers' and demand for them to pick up some pizza, have them drive up in their fancy cars and bring them over with royal flourishes."
Shandra's eyes lit up. "Yeah! We need some pizza!"
I hummed. "I guess that can work," I relented. "I could study a bit more, but I'm low on fuel. Haven't eaten much today since breakfast."
Rhea frowned, tutting as she stared at my lanky frame. "Mate, you don't eat enough to keep a bird alive," she said. "You need a bit of fat on you bad."
I bit back a smile, knowing that I could eat anything and everything yet could remain skinny. "Well, I have a fast metabolism," I said before groaning at the sound of familiar laughter. "Oh, no. It's the two drips!"
"What are they doing here?" Shandra asked. "I thought that they'd be with Coach Burke and the other Budgy Smugglers for the day."
"Must have gotten the green light to go home earlier than we hoped," Rhea said as we cleared everything away. To me, "How can you stand it, Sky?"
"Damned if I know, but I bet that I'm going to be pressured by Mom and Dad as well as everyone else to be more like them," I remarked, placing my newly-bought backpack that held all my school supplies to the side. "Dad still hopes that I join the swim team. That'll happen when hell and half of Hawaii is caught in a blizzard."
"You would look ridiculous in those triangular swimsuits," Shandra agreed, nodding her head. "No offense, but you're a bit too wiry to wear them. There's not enough padding that can make you more appealing in those speedos."
"None taken. Still, I think that popular kids and nerds like myself and you guys will never mix. That's why we gotta stay away from the dynamic drips at all costs and-"
"Hey, Sky!"
I bit back a scream as my bedroom door swung open to reveal the two thorns in question. Drake was like a high-school version of Austin Butler with a baritone voice that can make anyone swoon while Jorge was a stocky yet masculine caramel-skinned god with a musical voice that was more melodic and hypnotizing. Dressed in their typical athletic gear, they smiled as if they hadn't a care in the world. "What are you two doing here?" I asked hotly.
"Your parents invited us up to come spend time with you, Chico," Jorge answered. "And they assigned Drake and me to keep you busy for the rest of the day."
"You can't be serious," Shandra moaned as she stood up and placed her hands on her hips. "Skylar doesn't like either of you."
"That can change," Drake said, shooting me a teasing smirk. "Everyone's been asking if he's going to join the swim team."
I glared at the sandy-blonde jock, channeling my inner Bianca Del Rio. "Really, bitch? I rather walk naked through downtown Dallas."
"Skylar, be nice," Mom's voice said in a warning tone as she and Dad came into my room, both of them fresh from grocery runs. "Drake and Jorge just want to be friends with you. You need to branch out and make better connections."
"Mom, I have enough connections with Rhea and Shandra. And besides, you know that jocks and nerds don't mix."
"I was a nerd in high school while your mother was a cheerleader," Dad pointed out, reminding me of his crush on Mom back when he was my age. They were high school sweethearts, the epic love story ever told.
"That was for you and Mom, Dad," I said. "This is now. And I prefer to-"
"Enough, Skylar. Your father and I just want you to be more accommodating to Jorge and Drake," Mom cut me off. "And it might do you some good to shadow them for the school year. Principal Lewis talked with us while you and the girls were doing your dry runs and he suggested that you stick with the boys."
"You heard her," Dad commented. "That means that starting today, you'll be spending more time with the guys and join some clubs and sports to get some blood flowing in you. If you don't want to be spending your senior year in lockdown, you'll be with Jorge and Drake when they want you to."
And that's how I ended up being in between Drake and Jorge as the three of us sat in the living room with the two lunks joshing around as we watched some tasteless Adam Sandler movie. "Trust us, bro, you're going to be thriving by graduation," Jorge assured me. "Rhea and Shandra may be cool and all, but you need to have a bit of fun."
"You're a bit of a stiff," Drake commented. "When was the last time you even went to a house party?"
I scoffed. "Me? At a house party?" I drawled. "You wouldn't pay me to go to those reputation killers for no amount of money."
"That'll change," Dad said as he came from downstairs. "I know that you want to be valedictorian and all, Skylar, but even the biggest nerds need to have a bit of fun nowadays. So when there's a party on a Saturday, you'll be expected to attend with the boys in tow."
I bit back a groan, knowing that it wasn't for debate. "I need to freshen up," was all I can say before I made a beeline for the restroom.
After handling my business, I started heading downstairs to rejoin the drips when what I saw next...left me speechless.
Drake and Jorge were now dressed in form-fitting spandex- Drake in a dark-blue bodysuit with black trunks and matching boots while Jorge was a god incarnate in his lime-green bodysuit with white trunks and matching boots. And the most disturbing part? They were now fully-grown adults.
"No way," I breathed, still couldn't believe that the two superheroes of Dallas that I was a fan of since freshman year...were the same ones that I hated all my life. "No fucking way."
Drake smirked at me. "Surprise," he said in a deeper voice. "Guess you know the truth, Skylar. I'm Blue Crush."
"And I'm Green Wave," Jorge said as my parents came upstairs with matching sheepish looks on their faces. "And you, Skylar O'Hara, are destined to join us."
And that's how senior year began to go downhill before it even began. Buckle up for safety, mothafuckas, because you and I are going to be in for one chaotic and wild ride!
I bet it will, folks! Anyway, this novella is going to be a bit messy, but in a good way. I'm a bit lost of what might happen since this is a bit impromptu, but I am going to keep at it until I reach the end. Anyway, senior year will be in full swing as Skylar's going to be thrust in the spotlight after his accidental discovery. And his two friends will be wanting answers! That's coming up next, so don't miss a beat!
Dedicating this out to BreanneLHeureux and matthewchimneysweeps, fellow competitors for the OpenNovellaContest. Song: "Holiday" by Green Day.
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