Chapter Fourteen: Tired
"You did good today, Sky," Memphis hummed as he and the others huddled around me after three hours of endless combat training (mostly me being punched and kicked on while I tried to fight back). "But this morning was a bit of a downer on your end, letting Greenlee attack you like that."
"Ah, Memphis, you forget that Skylar has to remember to be nice and cordial to everyone, even to the ones who attack us," Gold Titan pointed out. "And he was attacked by her while making those empty threats to ruin him."
"While our threat is very much real," Velocity added, giving me a snide glance. To me, "Skylar, are you even being committed to this team anymore?"
"I am, but-"
"Then you need to act like you are and show everyone that you can belong," Mariah Candler, one of the allies who specialized in PR campaigns, interrupted rudely. "It's easy to say the right things and give the citizens of Texas and the world what they want, but you have to truly be dedicated right down to your bloodstream."
"Word," Thorn remarked. "I don't get it, amigo. Maybe I do given that Greenlee's still on your neck for having Drake and Jorge being after your heart. But still, you need to tell us why you seem so distant towards everyone. Don't you know most kids would kill to be in your shoes right about now?"
I took a deep breath. "What do you want me to say?" I asked. "I mean, I could give you all what you want, but you accuse me of not being good enough or not being committed enough. Hell, I could do all that you demand and then some, and you still complain and get on me because I yearn for my old life back. And maybe wanting to go back to normal isn't such a bad idea, but y'all won't go for that since that could mean me being ousted and ruined to the point of no return."
"Then you understand that you have to be committed to this even after you graduate high school and head to college," Dad pointed out as he and Mom joined the fray, the Lewis couple following suit. "The more you give, the more that's required. Even when you have nothing left, you give and give and give us all of you. You need to understand, Skylar, that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that you need to fully enjoy. Those two girls you spent your time with in the past can't give you the things that Jorge and Drake as well as their friends can: access to quality education, endless parties hosted by your friends and many celebrities, your name in all the media- the whole nine yards and then some."
"And unless you want the opposite of that and be left in an unmarked grave without a proper burial while your name is tarnished after leaving us behind, you need to get on the ball," Principal Lewis said, giving me a copy of the contract that I had signed. "The only way out of this is by being an enemy."
I was tired.
I was so tired of all the games and demands. "You know what?" I said, handing the man back the contract before changing back into my civilian gear and reaching for the USB drive that was in my jeans pocket. "This was given to me by some chick who introduced herself as Catalina Pinero-Suarez. She warned me to stay away from her brother as well as you guys, warning me that nothing is what it seems. I don't know what's on here, but I'm halfway tempted to find out."
"Well, you won't," Jorge said, snatching the drive out of my hand. "That bitch and her brother are already on you with trying to spin some sort of web of lies." He cursed in Spanish as Thorn came to my side.
"And when was this?" Drake asked me tersely.
"Earlier today before coming over here. I was just leaving and then she arrived."
Mom and Dad shook their heads. "Right," the latter said formally. "In view of all circumstances, it's time for drastic action."
I didn't know what that meant, folks, but I had a slight feeling that it wasn't going to be good.
Seven days until Homecoming...
I put down my pen. Finished. A small smile filled my face after hours of no sleep and little preparation after the distress from the previous days. Midterms were now over and I was ready to finally get some sleep. Handing in my exam papers to the teacher, I waved a silent goodbye before ducking back into the hallways where most students were getting ready to leave for the day. Of course, I still knew that I not only had to be the designated helper as well as my other duties (there were posters to help out up, cakes to make for the dance team's bake sale, and even help with arranging endless floats for local businesses) as well as fulfilling my heroic duties. But I just wanted a moment's worth of peace.
And there went any chance of that as I saw the Lewis duo arrive with matching smiles on their faces- smiles that hint of good news for them...and bad news for me. "Yes?" I said, keeping my voice even.
"Given the circumstances from the days before, your parents, the other heroes, my husband, and I have made a decision," VP Lewis said. "And by the end of the Homecoming festivities, you're to make the biggest decision of your life- one that can either make you a legendary celebrity in Dallas or ruin you completely."
"What's that?" I asked just as Rhea and Shandra arrived at my side while my godbrothers and parents joined the couple.
Jorge pulled out a familiar robin's-egg-blue ring box. "Will you marry one or both of us?" he and Drake asked in unison.
What. The. Fuck?!
Cumulative word-count: 18,373 words.
OOH! Bet you guys didn't expect that to happen, did you?! Well, Skylar has to give the proper answer by Homecoming, but he and his female friends need to regroup while the girls have news to share regarding what they learned about Enrique Pinero before yet another new face joins the fray! It's coming up next, so stay tuned!
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