Chapter Fifteen: Revelations and Resolutions
Jorge and Drake proposed to me.
Jorge and Drake proposed to me.
Jorge and Drake proposed to me.
That's the one thing that's been on repeat in my head as Rhea, Shandra, and I met up at my house (to my parents' chagrin) as I knew that this called for a mandatory BFF-only kiki session to discuss everything. "My life never fails to be more dramatic," I lamented. "First, I learned that my godbrothers are the same superheroes that the three of us have been following since ninth grade. Second, I'm now a superhero who's the sidekick for my godbrothers. Third, I got a vindictive cheerleader on my back who won't let me be until I renounce everyone. Four, the whole school as well as my parents are on my jock to be more like the Youth Hero Alliance and won't let me get a moment's peace. And now? I'm being proposed to my mentors to take one or both of them as my future husbands."
"Sounds like something out of a bad soap opera," Shandra remarked as we sat down with snacks and bottles of Brisk lemonade in hand. "Or a story on Wattpad."
"Guys, we need to focus," Rhea said. To me, "You're not actually considering marrying one or both of your godbrothers, are you?"
"I really don't wanna think about that, given how Greenlee's ultimatum is still in play as everyone else gave me a different ultimatum," I replied.
"What ultimatum?" Shandra asked as she bit into a honeybun.
I gave them a quick recap of what transpired since we last chatted. "In short, I'm really caught between a rock and a hard place- damned if I do and damned if I don't," I said. "I either risk being put down like a rabid dog if I break things off or risk the wrath of one raging ex-cheerleader who thinks that she's the next Bella Swan."
"Damn," Rhea said, shaking her head. "You know that you have to choose whether you want to or not, Skylar. As much as I hate to say it, you really have no other choices left."
"Can't argue with that," Shandra agreed. "But we also have to think about Pinero and his sister."
That caught my attention. "Did you get anything on him?"
Rhea nodded. "They're pretty legit and all, but it turns out that they've been scoping out Andrews and Fernandez for quite a while," she replied. "Not only that, it turns out that your parents as well as the Alliance and the Lewis Duo were also scoping them out as well. Kind of something like a rivalry or something. But there's something about all of this and how it ties to you, Sky. I can't put my finger on it, but I bet that there's a whole dark web of some shit that's been planned for quite a while."
Shandra gasped. "You don't think," she began.
"I have to agree," I said, my eyes narrowing at the same thought. "This was planned from the start. But the only thing that we don't know is how it all pertains to me."
"Shandi and I will cast more nets on our end," Rhea promised. "Right now, you have to play the role of the loyal sidekick and stay far away from Pinero at all costs like they said. But most of all, you gotta make the difficult choice that could make or break you. No matter what happens, Skylar, just know that Shandi and I got your back. BFFL, mate. BFFL."
"BFFL," Shandra repeated, knowing the same acronym that we promised each other no matter the cost or situation.
I nodded. "BFFL," I said, my voice firm. "BFFL, until the end of the road."
At least I could trust my two friends to stay true to me. Everyone else was playing their own game with me in the middle of it all.
Four days until Homecoming night...
The weekend came and went with more combat training, fulfilling my duties as the sidekick of Blue Crush and Green Wave, and all the social events that I had to participate as I continued to ponder over everything. If only I had that USB drive that had the information needed so I could make my decision. And now, it was Monday morning with me being led by Kendall and Dominic to class while the other heroes were out with some mission. "Four days until Homecoming," the latter said as we headed to our lockers. "Friday is going to be a night to remember."
"Even more so for our Skylar since he'll have to make his decision," Kendall commented, her voice cheerful yet her eyes foreboding and full of threats aimed at me. "He knows what's at stake and how his future will be like."
I nodded as I collected my books. "I promise you that I'll have my answer by then," I replied. "Last week's been a bit rough on me, but I need to keep my head on straight and dedicate myself to the team."
"And I'm sure you will, but we're keeping our eyes on you," came the voice of a male Alliance ally as he joined us with a cup of coffee for me. "Keep sharp, O'Hara. It's all you."
It was rare that I got a break to myself with no crime to fight or appearances to make. So it was a surprise when I was given a break period thanks to the Lewis duo to "reflect on my future and give some thought to the proposal (as stated by VP Lewis)." So, I was grateful to enjoy some quiet time in the library doing just that when...
"Skylar O'Hara?"
I looked up to see a plump, dark-skinned young woman with coily hair approach me a computer bag in hand. "Who wants to know?" I asked.
"La'Shae Sammons, and I have a hunch that you never got the chance to view that USB drive."
My eyes went wide, immediately knowing what she was saying. "How did you know?"
"I have my ways, Skylar. Anyway, you never got the chance to view the files, did you? A yes or a no will be suffice."
I shook my hand. "They snatched it from me, saying that it was trying to scare me off," I replied.
"Figures. Anyway, we don't have enough time as all eyes will be on you in the days to come." La'Shae came over to my side and took out a sleek-looking laptop computer, booting it up. "What you're about to see is to be kept under strict confidence. All I will tell you is that you are in the eye of a giant storm that will put you, your two friends, and anyone else who is viewed as your ally in danger- even me."
"Wait, what are you saying?" I asked, eyes lit in disbelief and confusion. "What the hell is going on around here?"
La'Shae turned the laptop screen to me. "Read everything, and then you'll know," she instructed. "You being part of the Hero Alliance is only the beginning. But by Homecoming night, there will be no going back."
I started to read the PDF documents, taking in the notes. And in a matter of moments, everything began to make perfect sense.
Rhea was right. This was all arranged since I began high school.
Cumulative word-count so far: 19,545 words.
Don't even think about getting comfortable just yet.
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