Reader x Sam
You had just got over a very serious illness and you, Sam, and Dean went on a hunt but in the middle of the hunt you collapse from shortness of breath... You find out that you have asthma.
You just got over having pneumonia, a serious case at that, and were out from hunting for almost two weeks. You just got let back on the hunting team again, just in time for a nest of vampires. Sam and Dean have already researched the place and have what they need to know.
"You sure you wanna come (y/n)?" Sam asks you. You haven't left the motel yet to slay the vamps.
"Yeah I feel fine." You say shrugging on your canvas jacket.
"You could just skip this one out just to be sure." Sam counters you.
"Leave the girl alone Sammy, if she says she's good, she's good. Besides we need the extra help on this one." Dean says grabbing his small duffle bag and heading out the door.
"Alright, but you have to tell me if you start feeling bad again (y/n)." Sam says, talk about overprotective an boyfriend.
When you arrive at the nest it's nearly dark out. Dean passes out machetes and takes the lead inside, Sam taking the rear.
Getting into the abandoned building is a breeze, it's whats inside that isn't. When you first walk in and smell the dust and mold through the air, your chest starts feeling tight, but you ignore it thinking you're just anxious.
You walk down a hallway in the old house and find the first cluster of vampires. With swift, powerful slashes, the monsters fall headless. Now your breathing has whistling sounds to it, but again you ignore it thinking nothing of it. Exercise makes it harder to breathe and you just killed five vampires so it makes sense, you tell yourself.
You come across Sam fighting several other vampires and you jump in to help him right as one tries to jump on his back. With brute force you slice down one before you start coughing and your throat feels like its closing. This is when you realize that somethings wrong, and you start to panic.
You keep chopping down the vamps that are flooding out of almost everywhere, your back against Sams. It doesn't take much longer before you collapse on the ground, you couldn't breathe.
"(y/n)!" Sam shouts, continuing to slice heads off, there must have been dozens of vampires in the nest. Sam takes position over your body and holds off the enemies as well as he can while protecting you.
"Sam! (y/n)!" Dean yells, his voice ricocheting off the thin walls like thunder.
"We're in here Dean." Sam yells taking down another one, the flow has stopped and there's only a few handfuls left of them. Dean comes in and glances at you before slicing down most of them, making his way to Sam before chopping down the rest of them with ruthless abandon. You barely see it all, your vision went blury a while ago and now you're just unconscious.
"What happened to (y/n)?" Dean asks, reaching down and rolling you over on your back, your head slacks to one side at the sudden movement.
"We were doing fine until she just collapsed behind me." Sam says picking up your limp body in his arms.
"Well go put her in baby. I'll call down Cas." Dean says turning to all the corpses you two had slaughtered and calls Cas. "Hey Cas, (y/n) got hurt. Would ya mind helpin?" Dean says into his phone.
There's a flutter of wings and Cas is standing behind Dean. "Where is she." Cas says, making Dean jump slightly.
"Damn it Cas don't do that! She's outside." Dean says starting to take bodies out to burn them. There were 47 in total, Dean still has no clue how all of them had fit inside this house.
When Cas walks out to Sam and sees you, he sighs in relief then looks at Sam in confusion. "There appears to be nothing wrong with her." He says, on the outside you didn't hardly have a scratch on you.
"Well I don't think she would just collapse for nothing." Sam says shifting in the back seat with you.
"That is rather odd. I'll look closer." Cas says touching his two fingers to your forehead. "Was she sick here recently?" Cas asks taking his hand away and looking at Sam with his head cocked.
"Yeah, she had a nasty case of pneumonia that she just got over." Sam says looking down at you and moving a (y/h/c) out of your eyes. "Why, is that what caused this." He says, his eyebrows shooting up.
"Yes, she has asthma. It triggered it, and the hunt couldn't have helped it either." Cas says reaching down and touching your head once again, a bright light illuminates the Impala and when it goes so does your asthma. "She will be fine when she wakes up." Cas says before disappearing into the night with a flap of his wings.
Sam sighs and goes to help his brother burn bodies, leaving you in the back seat asleep. Normally he would brag about being right but this time it was you and not something trivial.
~~I had fun with this one. Be sure to suggest a story if you have an idea that needs expressed.~~
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