Worst Period Ever, Or is it?
Requested by ShawnieP00. Reader is little sister. Enjoy!
You had been driving in the car with your older brothers, for days, or at least that's how it felt, but that was the life of a hunter. It was just irritating, especially when you're a girl, and your bodily functions catch up to you, making your life hell while on the road.
You knew your period was due, as it was always on time, to a T. Like you could plan it down to the exact day it would start and end, every time, and it was very rarely painful. You got cramps, but not terrible ones, just take some advil and call it a day. Easy-peasy.
You dozed off in the car, glad you had packed pads in your bag, as you had started your period that morning, and you could feel the beginnings of the cramping in your lower abdomen. You popped two advil, and laid back in the backseat, wishing you had a heating pad since that always helped with the cramping.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to dose off, figuring you had nothing to worry about, until you were about two hours later by the sharpest pain you've ever felt in your life. You groan loudly, curling into a ball, as the pain eased slightly, leaving you confused and bewildered.
"Y/N? What just happened?" Dean demanded, instantly worried, as he looked at you in the rearview mirror.
You shrug, acting like it was no big deal. "Just a cramp, I think." you say, surprised how painful it had been. You prayed that never happened again.
Unfortunately, a minute later, it hit again, taking your breath away and causing you to gasp.
"Ahh." You groan painfully, rubbing your lower abdomen gingerly, trying to figure out what was going on.
"Y/N?" Sam asked in concern, worried that you had just yelled in pain.
"These cramps..." You admitted breathlessly, still surprised by the two that had hit you so far.
Over the next hour, you were hit by over twelve excruciating cramps leaving you breathless and in tears.
"I don't understand." You said, sniffling softly, as tears ran down your cheeks.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" Dean asked, reaching back with one hand to rub your leg lovingly.
You offer him a weak smile of thanks, before taking a deep breath. "These are the worst cramps I've had in my entire life. Why are they so bad? Ahh! Damnit!" You groan through another one, fighting not to curse.
"Language, Y/N." Sam admonished gently, understanding why you were talking the way you were. "Its your uterus contracting, I'm not sure why those contractions are so intense this time around, and I am so sorry they are." he said gently.
You wrinkled your nose at the idea that he knew so much about the female body. "Why do you know so much?" you ask curiously, rubbing circles on your lower abdomen.
"Does that help, the circles? Because I have a little sister, and I need to be able to take care of her." Sam said calmly, as if that was the most obvious answer ever.
You blush at his hint, and nod. "Yeah, the circles help, when your arm isn't tired," you admit, shaking your hand out, as your arm was starting to ache.
Sam reached back and started rubbing circles into your lower abdomen, just like you had been moments before, which really started to helped.
The cramps kept coming in waves, making you sick to your stomach. Another symptom you weren't used to when it came to your period, but you definitely understood thanks to all the pain.
"Hey Dean, are we close to a gas station?" you asked, thinking a bubbly soda might help your stomach relax, and it might be a good idea to buy a bucket in case this period escalates any further.
"No... We're miles from anywhere, why?" Dean asked curiously, wondering what was going on.
"I'm nauseous..." You admit, swallowing hard, as another cramp made your stomach jump into your throat. "You may want to pull over." you warn, realizing you're not going to make it miles.
Sam looked up at you in surprise, seeing that you had gotten really pale out of nowhere, and he could feel your stomach churning under his hand. "Dean, might want to hurry, I can feel how upset her stomach is." he said urgently.
Dean pulled over, as quickly and safely as possible, before climbing out of the car and helping you out.
You were doubled over, as the cramps were coming harder and faster now that your were upright and moving, and you hobbled over towards some bushes before starting to dry-heave.
"Do you want some help?" Sam asked, not wanting to force anything on you.
Dean rolled his eyes, and walked over to you to pull your hair back away from your face. "Better?" he asked, earning a nod from you.
You continued dry-heaving, making Dean wonder if you had eaten anything at all, but he waited to ask until you stopped to ask.
"I'm done." you said, pulling away from Dean and hobbling back to the car.
"Y/N, have you eaten?" Dean asked, worried since you didn't actually throw up.
"Yeah, I ate a bunch before we left the motel." You said, wrinkling your nose.
"Then what was that about?" Dean asked, referring to the dry-heaving.
"I have an aversion to vomiting, so I very rarely can actually throw up. My body won't let me, cuz of my fear of it." You admit gently, shrugging as if it was no big deal.
Sam looked at you curiously, before mouthing to Dean 'Did you know?' Dean shook his head.
"You've been in our care for years, and gotten the flu repeatedly, but never told us this. How come?" Dean asked curiously, helping you into the car, before digging in his bag and pulling out a brand new can of sprite, which he handed to you.
"I didn't want sympathy, just because I was afraid." You said calmly. You opened the can and took a sip, sighing in relief as it relieved the nausea.
Sam got in backseat, moving back to rubbing circles on your lower abdomen gently. "Is this still helping?" he asked, as you nod tiredly.
"Thanks, Sammy. It is. Thanks Dean, for the soda, its helping my stomach a lot." you say, yawning tiredly.
Dean sighed softly. "I wish I knew you were afraid, so we could have helped. But I am glad to know now. Pass your soda up here, and take a nap, Y/N." he said with a kind smile.
You happily did as you were told, curling up against Sam, and falling asleep almost instantly, cuddled up with your big brother.
Thankfully the cramping was back to normal when you woke up, making it so that you could relax and enjoy the rest of the ride with your brothers. Of course, Dean and Sam didn't forget about your aversion to vomiting and worked hard every time you were sick to help you feel better even if you ended up throwing up.
I hope you enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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