Vomiting Doesn't Work With Hunting
Requested by DWfangirl16 . Teenchesters: Dean 17, Sam 13.
Sam groaned loudly, dropping the weapon bag loudly onto the floor. He didn't see Dean flinch at the loud clang, or that his big brother's face paled slightly, before returning to normal.
"What's your issue, Sammy?" Dean asked gently, but with a hint of firmness. He was grateful that Sam wasn't paying close attention to him, as he didn't need to have his little brother mother henning him.
"Do we really have to go hunt that ghost tonight?" Sam asked, a hint of whining in his voice.
"Yes, Sam. We have to go hunt the ghost. Its killing people, innocent people, visiting their loved ones that have passed away." Dean explained heavily, swiping at the sweat that was dripping down the side of his face out of nowhere.
"Yeah, yeah. I know, gotta save the innocent people." Sam said in exasperation. "I just wanted to stay home and read, to be honest." he admitted softly.
"I know, you can read, when we get home. Sound fair?" Dean asked gently, he shuddered randomly, feeling goosebumps pop up all over his skin.
"Yeah, that's fair. Thanks, Dean." Sam said, grabbing his book and curling up on the couch, and immediately started reading.
Dean nodded briefly, before slipping into the bathroom quickly. "M gonna shower." he called out, hoping Sam heard him. He locked the bathroom door, turned on the sink and the shower to muffle noises, and doubled over the toilet. He gagged repeatedly, before vomiting aggressively.
He flinched, hearing the liquid food splatter loudly. When Sam didn't come to investigate, he sighed in relief. He gagged painfully, vomiting twice back to back, before collapsing against the wall quietly.
He rested against the wall for a couple minutes, until he was certain he wouldn't throw up again. He got up slowly, flushed the toilet, stripped slowly, and got into the shower. He forced himself to relax, allowing the cascading water to wash away the sickness and weakness.
He had woken up early that morning, sicker than a dog, and had barely managed to stop vomiting before Sam got up for the day. He had managed not to throw up again, for several hours, until an hour before they were supposed to leave for the hunt. He could feel his stomach churning unhappily, and the warm water was causing him to shiver, telling him he had a fever too.
He turned the water off, willing his stomach to calm down, as he got out and got dressed again. He looked at his face in the mirror, noting how pale he looked now. He shivered weakly, knowing that this hunt was going to be brutal. He just needed to keep it together, until they could get home. He rubbed his upset stomach, biting back a whimper as he gagged hard, but thankfully nothing came up.
He walked back out into the room, grabbing the weapon bag and headed outside.
Sam got up silently, following his big brother outside. He could see that Dean was pale, making him wonder what was going on. He kept his opinion to himself, climbing into the car their dad had rented for them to use while their dad was gone.
Dean slid into his seat, sitting extremely still for a moment, before pulling out of the parking lot. He didn't turn any music on, as he was developing a headache too. He was really starting to wish they had stayed home, just so he could sleep off this nausea and headache.
"No music?" Sam asked in surprise, looking at his brother thoughtfully.
"Oh... uh... yeah, no music right now." Dean stammered distractedly, as his hand went to his stomach. He groaned softy, seriously tempted to pull over, as he felt like he was gonna puke.
"Dean? What's wrong? You okay?" Sam asked immediately after hearing his brother groan in discomfort.
"No, I'm not. I have been sick since about 4 this morning." Dean admitted, spitting some of the pooling saliva from his mouth onto the floor by his feet.
"Pull over, Dean. I'll call Dad and tell him we can't do the hunt. He won't make us, if I tell him you're puking." Sam said gently, reaching over and pulling the steering wheel gingerly towards the side of the road.
Dean nodded slowly, allowing Sam to steer them towards the side of the road, even as a few gags escaped his lips. "I can't...." He mumbled, clapping his hand over his mouth. Even as his stomach forced a bunch of acid into his hand.
Sam bolted out of the car, flew over the hood of the car, opened Dean's door, and started to guide him towards the outside, as the acid dribbled all over the poor 17 year old's shirt. "You're okay, don't worry about." he said gently.
Dean looked at Sam with mild amusement, before moving his hand and vomiting violently all over the pavement between him and Sam. "sorry," he whispered, seeing that some of the vomit had splattered Sam's pant legs and shoes.
"No problem. I've done worse to you." Sam said with a shrug, not even looking the least bit grossed out. "How you feeling?" he asked, even as Dean doubled over again with projectile vomit that made it onto the road that was about 4 feet away.
"Um... Wow. Nice distance." Sam commented, with a soft whistle.
"Ow..." Dean grumbled weakly, clasping at the sides of his head, before projectile vomiting again. "This sucks." he ground out, spitting a few times to try to get rid of the horrible taste in his mouth.
"I know, sorry for hurting your head. You good to head home?" Sam asked, texting his dad as he spoke.
We aren't going to make it on that hunt. He sent his dad.
Why not?! Those people need to be saved, Samuel! John text back, making it clear he was pissed by their disobedience.
Dean is projectile vomiting on the side of the road. Sam text back, even as he grit his teeth in anger.
"Is he mad?" Dean asked weakly, resting against his head sideways against the headrest of his seat.
"He was, I'm not 100% sure yet." Sam said calmly, even as his eyes flashed angrily.
When did he get sick the first time? John text back moments later.
4 am ish. Sam text back, feeling annoyed with his dad.
Okay, I have someone else covering the hunt. Take care of your brother. John text back, making it clear he was done talking to his son.
Will do. Sam text back, before chucking his phone into the backseat angrily.
"Sammy?" Dean asked, blinking his eyes tiredly, looking half asleep.
"Its okay, Dean. Rest for a bit, then we will drive back to the motel." Sam said gently, grabbing his sweatshirt to cover Dean up with, after rotating his big brother back against his seat properly.
Dean nodded weakly, allowing his eyes to close in exhaustion.
Sam closed Dean's door, but rolled down the window in case he was going to throw up again. He slid into his own seat, pulled out his book, and quietly read it as he listened to his brother's even breathing.
Dean slept for about an hour, before waking up shaking hard from a nightmare.
"Easy, Dean, you're okay. It was only a nightmare." Sam said, rubbing Dean's arm lightly. He could feel his big brother shaking, but as he rubbed his arm, he could feel Dean's shaking slow to a stop.
"Sorry, Sammy." Dean mumbled weakly, blinking his eyes repeatedly to try to wake up.
"No problem, need more sleep before we head home?" Sam asked gently, seeing that Dean could barely keep his eyes open. He had a feeling he may have to drive them home, even though he was only 13, he did know how to drive in the case of emergency.
"I think you need to drive us..." Dean mumbled, before falling asleep.
Sam sighed softly, pulling Dean across the front seat to his side of the car. "Just sleep, I'll let you know when we are home." he said softly, knowing he had to be really careful not to get caught driving at such a young age.
He walked over to the driver's side, slid into the seat, buckled up, and carefully drove them home. He almost panicked when he saw a cop driving down the road opposite of him, but when nothing happened, he was just relieved to pull up and park back at the motel.
"Dean, we're home." he said gently, reaching over and shaking Dean's shoulder lightly.
Dean stirred weakly, looking around in confusion. "I don't feel so good," he said, panic in his voice and eyes.
"Open your door." Sam instructed, as Dean did as he was told. He grabbed Dean's arm, as the older boy leaned over and vomited onto the parking lot. "Easy, easy. You good?" he asked, once Dean stopped vomiting.
"Yeah, I just want to curl up and sleep." Dean admitted, wiping his mouth with a flinch. "I think I bit my lip." he mumbled, turning to look at Sam.
Sam looked at Dean's lips, noticing a bloody mark on the bottom lip. "Yeah, I think you did too. Let's get you inside to bed, with a trash can." he said, as Dean climbed out of the car slowly and gingerly.
Dean nodded tiredly, looking like he was about to pass out. He walked inside with Sam's help, before curling up in his bed and falling asleep almost right away. "Thanks Sammy." he mumbled before he started snoring softly.
"Anytime, Dean." Sam said, putting a trash can beside Dean's bed. He climbed into his own bed, curling up and reading his book contentedly until the early hours of the morning.
Sam and Dean slept soundly, late into the afternoon. They took it easy for a few days, before they took on another hunt. Of course, Sam had to get sick this time.
I hope you enjoyed this little story. And I know, surprise, I am a day early. Lol. Do any of you happen to know, when I posted the first chapter ever? I updated it, so the update date is what I see.
As always: vote, comment, and request away!! Love you all! <3
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