The Flu Spreads Like Wildfire
This was requested by Ram_3500. Enjoy!
Sam groaned softly, followed by a louder groan from from Dean. It was almost, as if it were a competition of who was more miserable.
"Adam, can you bring me some more tums?" Sam pleaded for the third time in five minutes.
"Adam, I need more blankets." Dean whined for the fifth time, through chattering teeth.
Adam hid in the bathroom, shaking his head, as he waited for the Nyquil he'd given them both to kick in and knock them both out. A few minutes later, he heard loud snoring coming from both his brothers, and he emerged from the bathroom.
Both Sam and Dean were in a deep sleep, much to the teen's relief, as his brothers had been SO needy. He was so glad for the break, finally.
Hours went by, and Adam started to notice he was either too warm or too cold, there was no middle ground. He wasn't used to his temperature fluctuating like that, to the point where it made his stomach feel wishy-washy.
"Adam? What time is it?" Dean groaned, waking up from his nap, to see the teen pulling on a hoodie in a warm room.
"6pm-ish. You hungry?" Adam asked, as the very idea of making food turned his stomach painfully. He turned away, but not fast enough to hide his grimace from his eldest big brother.
"You okay. kid?" Dean asked, seeing the grimace and automatically stepped into big brother mode.
"I'm fine, Dean, just not hungry." Adam said quickly. He thought he had moved fast enough to hide his discomfort, he guessed wrong.
"It's entirely possible you caught this bug"Dean said, as he assessed his own condition to find he felt fine. He had a sneaking suspicion that Sam would feel fine too.
"I'm not sick, Dean; I'm just not hungry." Adam reiterated, not realizing his mistake.
"You're a teenager; teenagers are always hungry, unless they are sick." Dean countered calmly, getting up slowly and stretching gingerly.
Adam shivered hard, cursing softly under his breath for showing such weakness to his big brother. Dad had always taught him not to show weakness of any kind, and here he was doing exactly that.
"Language, Adam." Sam grumbled, having just woken up to the tail-end of the conversation.
"Sorry, Sam," Adam mumbled softly, blushing at being caught by the more sensible of his brothers. Dean could care less if he cursed, but Sam believed that it was an adult thing to do, but he also nagged on Dean too.
"Why are you in a hoodie? It's too warm for one." Sam said, looking at Dean in concern, who rolled his eyes in Adam's direction.
"I'm cold, so what?! Can we stop discussing my dressing attire already?!" the teen demanded in exasperation.
"Are you feeling sick? You're awfully moody." Sam observed, earning a nod from Dean.
"Ohmygosh! I'm fine!" Adam snapped, as his stomach pitched and rolled aggressively, making him instantly regret his anger.
"Okay okay, if you say so." Sam said, backing down, before getting up and stretching. He walked into the kitchen nook, looked around, and walked into the bathroom shutting the door.
It took everything in Adam, not to run to the bathroom, pound on the door, and demand to be let in to puke his guts up, but he wasn't about to prove them right. So instead he stood there, shivering miserably, drenched in sweat from the fever running rampant under his skin.
Dean walked over and grabbed his keys, ready to make a food run. "You comin?" he asked Adam, not liking how pale, sweaty, and shivery the kid looked, before heading heading out to the car.
Adam nodded, figuring if he acted normal, then maybe his body would catch on and stop acting like it was sick. He walked slowly out to the car, knowing Dean was waiting on him. He could feel his stomach churning, making him wish he had thought to grab some tums before walking out to the car.
Dean honked the horn, right as Adam walked out in front of the impala. "Come on, slow poke." He teased, earning a tired glare from the teen in question.
Adam jumped, glaring at Dean even if the glare was only half-hearted. He got in his seat, wrapping his arm around his stomach, and laid his head back against the headrest. He closed his eyes, allowing the hum of the engine to lull him to sleep, not caring if he was proving Dean right by falling asleep in the car... Which he never did.
Dean looked over at his youngest little brother, noting immediately that the teen was in fact sick, based on his behavior. He turned up the ac a bit, not wanting Adam to overheat in the hoodie he was in, especially in the warm car. He pulled into the parking lot of the diner, left the car running, got out of the car, and walked in for food.
Adam sat bolt upright, looking around in shock, surprised that he was still in the car and that he was alone. He didn't have much time to contemplate this fact, as his stomach's roiling had him doubled over. He forced his car door open, hanging his head out over the pavement, waiting for his stomach to stop pitching and give up the fight.
Dean walked out, arms laden with food to find Adam missing and his door hanging open. He moved to put the food in the car, looking around frantically for the teen, as he heard the sound of liquid splattering on the pavement. He put the food down, before walking around to the other side of the car, and stopping when he saw the teen trying not to puke his guts up.
"Adam? You okay, kiddo?" He asked, putting a gentle hand on the teen's back. He felt the teen's back buck, barely in time to jump out of the way, as the teen vomited all over the pavement beside the car.
"No, I'm sick. Can we go home?" Adam asked, once he stopped vomiting.
Dean nodded, "Of course, let's get you home and to bed. But I don't remember Sammy or I puking... so why did you?" He asked thoughtfully, looking down at Adam who had moved back inside the car.
"You both took tums or pepto, I didn't take anything." Adam admitted softly, watching as Dean walked around, grabbed the food, and got in the car. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of food, but his stomach didn't complain so he was happy.
"Oh, you need to take some tums when we get home then." Dean said firmly, earning a nod of agreement from Adam. "And you in bed, to sleep this off. I'd give you NyQuil, but i don't want you throwing up in your sleep." He said.
Adam shook his head, as his stomach pitched at the idea. "No nyquil, just sleep. I'll sleep fine without it, you and Sam wore me out." He teased in an exhausted voice.
Dean chuckled as he pulled into the motel, parked the car by their room, grabbed the food, and walked inside, watching Adam closely out of the corner of his eye.
"Hey, everything okay?" Sam asked, noticing Dean was distracted.
Dean looked up and shrugged. "Kid's sick, he ended up puking in the parking lot of the diner." He said calmly, as the teen finally trudged into the motel room and collapsed on his bed. "Get pukey a bucket, just in case." He added, as Adam jumped up and ran into the bathroom.
Adam dropped to his knees in the bathroom in front of the toilet, heaving his guts up, until he was finally empty, and collapsed against the wall in exhaustion. "That sucked." He mumbled when Sam walked up to him a moment later.
"Come on, let's get you in bed and sleeping this off. You'll feel better." Sam said, offering a hand to help him up, which the teen accepted.
Adam rinsed his mouth out, after flushing the evidence, and walked to his bed, collapsing gingerly this time, and fell asleep almost immediately.
"He's out, how bad was it?" Sam asked, worried about the two puking sessions in less than an hour's time.
"Not as bad as that exorcist routine." Dean mumbled through a full mouth, as he had just taken a huge bite of his burger.
Sam rolled his eyes, and dug into his salad, happy to be eating normal food again.
They finished eating and watched Adam sleep, until it was bedtime for them, the teen not waking until the following morning.
When Adam woke up he felt better, the fever was still there, but the nausea was gone, much to his relief. By the afternoon, his fever had broken, and the chills were gone, leaving the teen to torture his brothers once again as only a rambunctious teenager can.
I hope you all enjoyed this little fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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