The Flu Likes Families
Requested by Ram_3500. AU theme. Reader is the boys younger sister. I hope you all enjoy!
You sit on the edge of the hood of the impala's hood, thinking about the upcoming hunt. Just like your oldest brother, you and Dean loved the impala. It was your safe haven, when you needed to think.
You two were very similar, especially in food likes and mannerisms. However, you were like Sam in your love of researching. From the day you could read, you were learning about monsters and all the bump in the night things.
You jumped off the hood, doubling over in surprise, as a painful cramp coiled in your stomach and intestines.
"You okay, kiddo?" Dean asked, mentally calculating when your monthly was do to hit again. He thought you had just finished your period.
"What? Oh yeah, fine." You say, straightening back up quickly, only to groan and double back over.
"Need advil? Chocolate?" Dean asked, jogging to your side quickly.
"No, its not my period. That just ended." You gasp, rubbing your now roiling stomach. You weren't about to tell your big brother that you felt sick. Neither of your brothers were anything like your dad, but hunts were important to Dean. So you weren't about to say anything, or slow down anything.
"You sure? You're pale. Y/N, what's wrong?" Dean asked in concern, noticing as you broke out into a cold sweat and started shivering.
"I'm fine, Dean." You ground out, forcing yourself upright, ignoring the extra saliva pooling in your mouth.
You walk stiffly past Dean, gulping the extra saliva down, even as your stomach churned angrily. You run inside, past Dean, at a break neck pace, anything to get you out of Dean's worried eyesight. You slip into the motel room, almost running Sam over in your haste.
"Sorry, Sammy." you say quickly, skirting around him, and quickly bolted to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind you.
Dean walked in the room in time to hear the door slam.
"What did you do?" Sam demanded, looking at Dean in irritation.
Dean went to open his mouth, as they both heard you whimper from the bathroom.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Sam yelled, causing Dean to jump slightly, and smile sheepishly.
"I need Dean..." You plead, knowing Sam wasn't good with vomit or diarrhea, so it always fell on Dean's shoulders.
"I'm right here, Y/N. Can i come in?" Dean asked, stepping closer to the bathroom door.
Sam got started prepping everything in the bedrooms, making sure the beds were together to make a bigger bed, grabbed a couple of bins, and other odds and ends.
"Please..." You plead, telling Dean all he needed to know.
Dean opened the door, slipped inside, and immediately noticed you were curled up on the floor in the fetal position. "Ah man, what's going on, Sis?" he asked gently. He put a gentle hand on your forehead, whistling softly at how warm you were.
"I don't feel good at all." You admit, sniffling softly, too afraid to look up and see the disappointment on Dean's face.
"Let's get you up here, so we don't have to clean up any awkward messes, yeah?" Dean asked kindly, scooping you up gently and lifted you up gently.
You groan at the movement, gagging hard under your breath, as he helped get you over the toilet bowl just in time. You vomited viciously, bringing up everything you had eaten in the last 24 hours in a few rounds of vomit.
Dean rubbed your back, concern all over his face. "You gotta breathe, Y/N." he said gently, worried as you hadn't really breathed since you started vomiting.
You gasp, pushing Dean out of the way, grabbed the trash bin, whipped your pants down, and sat on the toilet. As you gagged over the bin, you erupted in wave after wave after wave of diarrhea.
"Sam, I need pepto and pedialyte last week." Dean yelled over your body's noises.
"Already got them waiting on the nightstand." Sam called through the door.
As suddenly as the diarrhea started, it stopped and so did the vomiting. You waved Dean out of the room, before cleaning yourself up, and cleaning up the bathroom and walking out of the bathroom gingerly.
Sam was waiting for you, with a cup of pepto and a bottle of pedailyte. "Here, these will help." he said gently, slightly pale from hearing you get sick repeatedly.
You accept both, swallow the pepto and sipped on your pedialyte. "Thanks, Sam, I feel better. Don't we have a ghost to hunt?" you ask, no longer pale. You pull your hair back off your neck, tying it up so its not in the way.
"Y/N, you were just puking all over and having horrible diarrhea. We are not hunting." Sam argued firmly.
"Sam, its a ghost, all we are doing is burning bones, I am fine now. No nausea, no cramping, no fever, no nothing." you list off, knowing you had broken your fever in the bathroom.
"Dean..." Sam snapped, looking at the older hunter who shrugged nonchalantly.
"If she wants to go, it's not our fault if she gets sick again on the road." Dean explained, much to Sam's annoyance.
"Fine, let's go." Sam said, a clear bitch face on his face. He grabbed what he needed for the hunt and stomped out to the car.
You and Dean followed quickly, neither wanting to say a word. You didn't want to incur Sam's wrath, Dean wanted to hide that he was starting to feel off.
It took little to no time to get to cemetery, about 2 hours to find the grave, and about 4 hours to dig it up.
You swayed dizzily on your feet, sinking down onto the grass, too disoriented to register Sam was yelling at you in warning. Seconds later, it felt like a two by four hit your shoulder, sending you flying 30 feet away. You hit a tree, collapsing to the ground and heaving violently.
After vomiting and dry heaving for ages, you finally stopped, but could still hear someone vomiting. You look around, noticing Dean was doubled over by Sam who was refilling the grave.
You walk over to your brothers, worried about Sam: who was bleeding from a head wound, and Dean: who was vomiting and appeared to be hurt too.
"Are you okay?" you ask hoarsely, realizing as you spoke that you were shivering, signifying that your fever was back once again.
"Dean started vomiting right after you started..." Sam said heavily, as he wiped the extra blood from his forehead.
"You need stitches... And pukey there can't help with that." You point out, as Dean vomited yet again. You swallowed hard, turning on your hill and walked towards the car quickly, an arm around your stomach and ribs.
"Hey, I can too." Dean objected, before dry heaving repeatedly. He spit in the grass, relieved when his stomach stopped churning.
He and Sam followed you to the car, to find you curled up in the backseat sound asleep and shivering. They climb into their seats, and turn the heat on, not wanting you to be cold on the way home.
Sam woke you up at the motel, after Dean stitched him up and retreated to the bathroom.
You climb out of the car, doubling over as cramps roll through you again. "Dagnabit!" you gripe, running inside to find the door shut.
"You can go in." Sam said, walking up behind you.
You walk in, to find Dean asleep against the tub, snoring softly. You barely have time to get over the sink, before you gag and retch, until you finally bring up stringy bile. Afterward, you walked to the bedroom area, and curled up in bed beside Sam, falling asleep almost instantly.
Dean wondered in an hour or so later, falling back to sleep beside you and Sam.
Sam helped take care of you and Dean, nursing you both back to health over the following two days, before catching the bug himself. He was not a happy camper...
If you want a sequel, let me know. I hope you enjoyed this fic. As always: vote, comment, and request away. Love you all! <3
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