Stubborn old man!
A little Jody/Bobby sickfic. Requested by mahfandomswaggah. Spoilers: Season 7, takes place around the time that Bobby is trying to find the leviathans weakness. Warning: mild language.
Bobby sank down onto a chair upstairs, relieved that the bastard leviathan downstairs was quiet. He rubbed his temples, feeling the agonizing sensation of a migraine brewing inside his head. The more pressure he applied, the worse the pain became.
He pulled his hat down over his eyes, sighing briefly as the piercing light was blocked shortly. He closed his eyes, figuring that he could doze for a few minutes, and he would be fine.
He was startled awake by a knock on the door, causing him to groan painfully. He lifted his hat, cursing loudly as the mid-afternoon's sunlight penetrated his sore eyes. He got up slowly, shielding his eyes as he opened the door, to see that Sioux Falls' Sheriff Jody Mills.
"How did you find me?" He asked tiredly, looking mildly surprised to see her.
"I'm the sheriff, Bobby. You feeling okay?" Jody asked, not liking how ragged the older man looked.
"I'm fine, Sheriff." Bobby grumbled, wincing sharply, as the sunlight glinted into his eyes.
"Jody... And you're not fine... What hurts?" Jody asked firmly, hinting with her mom voice.
Bobby sighed, stepping back to let her into the cabin. "Just a headache." he mumbled, staggering slightly before regaining his balance.
"Uh huh... When is the last time you ate?" She asked, holding up a bag of take out.
Bobby struggled to hide the nausea, that swept through him at the idea of food. Unbeknownst to him, his face paled immensely at the thought.
"When did you sleep last? More then a couple hours." Jody clarified, taking in the hunter's paling face. She put the food and beer, she had brought, down on the table. She pulled out a variety of Chinese food, including some plain, steamed, white rice.
"A few nights ago." Bobby said, with a shrug. His brow furrowed, showing that the movement had sent serious pain through his head.
"Alright, well, here." Jody said, handing him a box of white rice and a fork. "Eat up." she said calmly, watching his face carefully.
Bobby swallowed convulsively, accepting the food with a slightly shaky hand. He looked at the rice for a moment, before putting them back down on the table. "N...n...o... thanks....s...." he stammered quickly, coughing softly under his breath.
"Bobby Singer, you need to eat." Jody protested loudly, mentally kicking herself for being too loud. Especially since, she knew he at least had a migraine... maybe more.
"Jody," he groaned, clutching the sides of his head. He staggered again, grabbing at the table, fruitlessly, as his hand slipped off the table, and he collapsed to his knees, narrowly missing hitting his head on the table.
Jody moved to catch him, but not fast enough. "Hey, hey, you okay?" she asked him softly, putting her hand in the way, so that he wouldn't hit his head.
"I'm okay." he mumbled, blinking slowly and straightened up. He moved to stand up, ignoring the spinning sensation threatening to overwhelm him.
"You stubborn old man, let me help you!" Jody snapped, standing up and walked over to the kitchen window, looking out it and trying to remember to calm down. She cared for the grumpy old hunter, but she was fairly certain that he was clueless.
"Jody... I'm sorry... I can't think..." Bobby mumbled, fighting to stay conscious, as the room's spinning picked up insanely.
Jody turned around to look at him, frowning as she took in how shaky and extra pale he had just become. "Let's get you to bed, medicate and re-hydrate you, and possibly have you sleep this off." She suggested, opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water, before closing the fridge door.
She moved to the man's side, helping him to his feet with no warning. She shushed him softly, when he groaned in response to the sudden movement.
Halfway to the bedroom, Bobby stiffened and coughed harshly under his breath repeatedly.
"Bobby?" she asked him uncertainly, wondering what was going on in the man's body.
He shook his head, back and forth, trying to brace himself, as he started swaying.
She took that as a sign, and urged him to walk slowly to the bedroom. Once inside the room, she helped him get settled on the bed, before covering him with a light blanket.
"I am going to get you some Excedrin," she said, leaving the room briefly, in search of her purse. She returned moments later, with a few bottles and a wet washcloth.
"Jody?" he slurred, trying to sit up, in case it wasn't her.
"Easy, easy, it's just me. Here, take some meds." She said quickly, handing him some meds and a bottle of water.
Bobby nodded slowly, putting the pills in his mouth and swallowing them with a few sips off the water bottle. He choked softly on the water, barely getting the pills down.
Once he stopped choking, she helped him lay back and covered his eyes with the cool washcloth.
He sighed softly in response, almost instantly falling asleep.
Jody stayed in the living room, listening for Bobby. She slept lightly, after a while, in case he woke and needed help.
Around 3 am, Bobby jerked upright, panting hard and confused. He looked around frantically, as his head pounded and his stomach churned angrily.
"Jody?" He called softly, struggling to untangle his nightmare-tangled legs from the blanket. He gagged softly, giving up and leaning over the bed, before starting to retch harshly.
Jody jerked awake, ran into the bedroom, and stopped too surprised to react right away. "Hey, you okay there?" she asked, after he stopped retching. Deep down, she was relieved he hadn't been able to bring anything up.
Bobby nodded tiredly, looking exhausted and overwhelmed. "Can I get more meds?" he asked softly, finally resigning himself to asking for help.
"Here you go; would you like another cold washcloth?" Jody asked gently, smiling kindly at him. It was about time, the stubborn, old man asked for help. She handed him more meds and the water bottle, hoping they didn't come back up.
Bobby swallowed the meds and sipped on the water slowly. He nodded silently, looking embarrassed that she was having to take care of him.
She grabbed the old washcloth, disappeared into the bathroom, and returned to put it over his eyes. "Rest, and call me, if you need help." she said gently, leaving the room quietly.
Bobby fell back to sleep, waking up in the morning, like nothing had even happened. He got up quietly, cleaned up the bedroom, showered, and walked into the living room. He was more than a bit surprised, to see Jody still asleep on the couch.
He smirked, quietly setting about to make breakfast for her. It wasn't until he brought the plate over for her, that she woke up.
"Bobby? You okay?" Jody asked sleepily, looking at the plate in confusion.
"I'm honestly fine, almost perfectly actually. I made you some breakfast, as a thank you." he admitted gruffly.
"Oh, well thank you. And it's good to see you are okay again." she admitted aloud.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They ate in silence, enjoying each other's company before Jody had to leave.
As a person, who experiences chronic migraines, I can feel for Bobby. Anyways, I hope you liked this little story.
Please vote, comment, and request away. I'd love to write some new requests. <3
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